Matthew Botelho

As the title implies, doubt can be like a raging sea.

Thoughts can suddenly blow through our minds; waves of fear can crash and swell within them. And like all storms, our thoughts can be dark and foreboding, but God! Oh, hallelujah! Only God can calm those thoughts, those sudden, stormy waves, and winds. Only God can make the sea of our minds like glass, perfectly still. With just a Word from His mouth: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” – John 14:27

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen”. -Ephesians 3:20-21. 

That, my dear friends, what our God can do and does, it’s straight from the Word.

No man can make up the workings of God. The Spirit testifies in each of us that God is who He says He is. Jesus came to give life and make it more abundant. Jesus came to give us peace, His peace. We need to cling to and pray for His peace daily—this “peace that surpasses all understanding.” The world does not understand this peace because it cannot. The kind of peace the world offers is a failed promise of peace, inconsistent, temporary. Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

In order to be conformed to something, you must be connected to, faithful, to whatever or whomever you are placing your faith in. If we put our faith in the world, we will reap what the world offers, the fruits of the flesh. You’ll draw your nourishment from the world if it is your source, your vine. And you’ll get its byproduct, an exact replica of what you’ve been drawing from. The world can only produce its own kind.

Instead of what this world has to offer, Jesus wants to be the Vine you draw from daily. He wants to be your Source.

His gift of salvation, His Spirit, will produce lasting fruit that will sustain you in times of trouble. When those waves of doubt crash into you, you can find the strength in Jesus, you never thought you had. The Helper, God’s Holy Spirit, can and desires to dwell within you. My pastor always says, “Transformation starts from the inside, then makes its way outward.” A person our Lord saves will be transformed from the inside, and all the world will see the fruit of their salvation. 

Do you believe that today?                                                                       

Do you believe that God can bring peace to your mind, healing to your body, and above all, salvation to those who cry out for the forgiveness of their sins?

Jesus can, and He will! He is coming back, friends, brothers, and sisters! It’s only a matter of time—I cling to this truth by faith, believing. Now there are moments, my dear friends, that I will have doubt wash over me. Does it make me a non-believer? Of course not! I am human, and there will be those moments when I fall short in faith. But God will prove Himself faithful when I am lacking. So, if my lack of faith is my thorn in the flesh, I will remember and cling to these words spoken to the apostle Paul:

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” –2 Corinthians 12:9.

A thorn in our flesh could be several things, whether it be fear, doubt, anxiety, depression, an actual sickness, as Scholars suggest it was with the Apostle Paul or a divorce; whatever it may be, a thorn in your side will make you feel weak, causing you to lose focus and fall. But in those moments especially, remember, hold tight to what Jesus said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for May strength is made perfect in weakness.”

 When you posture yourself in surrender to God, He will take over in whatever situation you may be going through. Submission is about our heart of worship and willingness to lay it all down at His feet; when you are tired, worship. When you cannot take another step, worship; when you have lost your job, worship, whatever the enemy is throwing at you, cast your ALL cares and worries on Jesus, and just worship the Lord!

Praise is one of the greatest weapons we have when we are facing trouble. God’s unmerited favor will get you through life’s storms and trials—God’s favor found in knowing His Son, Jesus, will see you through!

Child of God, you have the favor of the Father living inside you! What can this world do to you? Lift your eyes to heaven and know that God is for you.

He has not left you. The apostle Paul writes, “What shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” -Romans 8:31 

I genuinely feel that someone reading this is about to receive their breakthrough.

Doubt is not your portion, dear friend. The keys have been handed to you. Jesus has taken them back from the enemy and now holds all the authority. Move, in the authority you’ve been given, in Jesus’ name!

Friend, if you don’t know Him as Lord, Jesus is waiting for you to take that step and reach out by faith, grab hold of His gift of salvation by repenting your sins and asking Jesus to be Lord of your life. I pray that the Holy Spirit has spoken to you through His inspired teaching and that you will walk out what He’s asking you to do, my friend. Amen