Kendra Santilli

Entering a new year always comes with “the thrill of hope!” Yes! Just like in the Christmas carol.

It is only fitting as we just came out of the season of rejoicing in the advent of Jesus Christ and all that comes with it: joy, peace, love, and hope. The spirit of the season leaves us ripe with the hope of a fresh start. I mean, the natural succession of the Christmas season is the anticipation of new beginnings. They’re what Jesus came to do, after all. He came to give us a new name, a new start. He came to rewrite humanity’s story so that we could, once again, have a relationship with our Creator God, finally free from the spiritual bondage of sin.

At the beginning of every year, our church prepares for corporate fasting and prayer like many other churches worldwide. I felt at a standstill this time as I approached the fast, praying and searching for direction on what to pray. I felt the Spirit of God whisper to my heart, “get to know me.” It was a call to focus, once again, on Jesus. It was the gentle hand of the Father turning my head back toward Himself, knowing that I have all that I could ever need with Him.

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. – Colossians 3:1-4

Following Jesus is the furthest thing from a passive lifestyle. It is an active choice to live by faith in Jesus. Not only for our spiritual freedom but also for the freedom of others.

Yet somehow, it is easy to get comfortable with our freedom. We slip into autopilot when we realize that what we have feels good. The result is a slow leak of faith. We move from seeking God’s heart to fitting His heart into our agendas. We become so consumed with the cares of this life- work, school, home life, family, volunteer work- that we forget to leave space for the One who is the very source of that life. Even when we are doing things for Him, our God-given purpose can turn our worship and affection toward our “calling” or “purpose” rather than God Himself.

As a believer, do you worship, worship, or worship the One you should be worshipping? For the one who is searching. Do you worship your accomplishments, or have you encountered the One who gifted you with those things?

 Throughout the Bible, a consistent re-invitation is offered to find fulfillment by following the Lord. Still, as human nature has it, we revert to our comfortable rhythms and patterns. Yet one of the very defining characteristics of a believer is the death to self. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come! — 2 Corinthians 5:17

 But instead of living with eyes of faith that come with new life in Christ, we keep wearing blinders of complacency—doing what makes sense to our minds without ever considering His plan.

 Keeping our minds consumed with the things on earth shifts our hearts from heaven-focused to self-focused. Set your minds on things that are above. This is a daily discipline. How often do you think about the things of Heaven? Does God enter your thoughts regularly, or is He only considered after everything has taken place in your day, week, or month? Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. —Romans 12:2.

We renew our minds by meditating on the Word of God and by checking our thoughts regularly. Yet reading and remembering are two different things. We must read and digest, digest and remember, remember and meditate. That is the practice of mindfulness. It is living on purpose, not passively. This year, would you join me in resetting your focus on Jesus? Let us turn our gaze from trivial things that rob us of our affection for Jesus and shift our focus back to Him! As we do, He refines us, making us new over and over again. This year, I invite you to find your renewed identity and purpose as you seek the Lord.

If you don’t know Jesus, ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He will renew your innermost being as you surrender your life to Him.