"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Month: August 2021

Living Prepared.

MaryEllen Montville

“The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut” –Matthew 25:4-5;10.

Preparedness: the state of having been made ready or prepared for use or action; the quality or state of being prepared.

Staring out my window that morning, this is what I heard in my spirit: In the days to come, there will be no time to get ready; you must “be ready. On the tail of those two words came Matthew 25 and 2 Timothy 4. “Show me, Lord.” I opened my Bible and began reading. Now to say that no two words had ever reached their hand that far inside of me would be a lie; God had certainly done this before. Reached within me, pulling me out of myself somehow and to Him. But one never quite gets used to God “suddenly” speaking with us, do we? At least, I pray we shouldn’t. It has been my experience that when God speaks in this “suddenly” way, I need to give His Words my full attention. Firstly, because God is talking to me; secondly, experience reminds me something is about to happen/shift/manifest or change entirely. And that is what I shared with the church last Sunday.

A week has passed since that “be ready” Word was given to me, and this I know, I need to sit with His Word awhile longer as He continues to unfold its layers for me. Also, that a Word given in season is seldom for my ears only; sure, it first pours through me. Cleansing, realigning, correcting, convicting me, as only God’s Word can. Yet its other purpose, another reason it’s been entrusted to me, is to share it with you and you and that group of people gathered over there, like some warm, delectable tear-away loaf. Offering “whosoever will ” the opportunity to reach out and break off a piece for themselves. Allowing all of God’s goodness to do within them what only His Words can.

My foundation laid then; we’ll delve in today by looking into the first Scripture that dropped in my spirit, Matthew Chapter 25. Into our need as believers and those yet to believe for self-examination. And we’ll conclude next week by unpacking 2 Timothy 4 and our responsibility as believers towards those who have yet to receive God’s Word. I say “yet believer/s” because Scripture assures us that no one has drifted so far from God that He cannot draw them back to Himself. No one is too sin-full for God. “He did this so that they would look for him, and perhaps find him as they felt around for him. Yet God is actually not far from any one of us” –Acts 17:27.

As I read Matthew 25, the parable of the wise and foolish virgins caught my attention. Reading through these thirteen verses, I knew I was precisely where the Holy Spirit wanted me to be. “The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut” –Matthew 25:4-5;10. I understood these verses were speaking to the state of our relationship—or lack thereof, with Jesus. As I read, I immediately grasped Holy Spirit’s Words “Be Ready” to mean the one thing that separated these wise and foolish virgins had been their state of readiness. Sure, all ten had closed their eyes in the natural. Weariness had set in. The lateness of the hour had caught up with them all. I can relate, can’t you? Yet the five wise virgins had come prepared. Having with them everything they’d need to keep their lamps lit in the event the bridegroom was somehow delayed.

And so, the moment the Shofar blew, announcing the bridegroom’s arrival, the extra jar of oil they’d carried along with them was at the ready. Trimming their lamp’s wick, these five wise virgins were up on their feet, lamps ablaze, and following close behind the bridegroom the moment he appeared. These wise virgins represent those who sit daily at the feet of Jesus, drinking in His Word, His presence—filling up their lamps and their jars both. They always want more and more of Him. Offering up their bodies, living sacrifices, pouring out their very lives to Him again and again, their honor. Hearts postured before their Bridegroom as John the Baptist’s once was, in humility and deference, in love. “He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less” –John 3:30. And yet, like John, while these wise ones wait and keep watch, they are not idle; they continue to work while it is still day, putting hands and feet to their faith if you will, “He will place the sheep on His right and the goats on His left. Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was stranger and you took Me in” –Matthew 25:34.

These five wise ones represent those who know, in the very marrow of their bones, in their heart of hearts, as Peter did, as John did, only Jesus matters in this life. His will and plan—no distractions. In this world, there’s only Jesus and service to Him. Pointing everyone they know to Him. Living flat out, sold out, forsaking all else for Him—”no turning back” as the song so aptly directs us. “Simon Peter answered, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You [alone] have the words of eternal life [you are our only hope]” –John 6:68.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you” –Matthew 28:19-20.

Sadly, the five foolish virgins in our parable knew only enough of Jesus, gave only enough of themselves to Jesus and to those around them to keep the meager, barely alive flame on their wick, burning. Maybe it was distractions that overtook them? Selfishness, laziness, the cares of this world, or pride, perhaps? It could be they were so chuck full of religion—of knowing their Bible inside and out, there was no room left within to nurture a passionate and lasting relationship with its Author? They had no reserve from which to pour, no Resource to store from no ember to fan into flame. They had nothing available to them to burn when what little fire they did possess was dying out. These foolish virgins are much like that soil described by Jesus in Mark, Chapter 4. “But they don’t develop any roots. They last for a short time. When suffering or persecution comes along because of the Word, they immediately fall [from faith]” –Mark 4:17.

One commentator expresses it this way: Jesus explains that the ground represents a shallow person who quickly accepts the gospel and seems to grow in faith very quickly. But their character is weak. They can’t absorb the spiritual truths they need to grow in faith. And so they “fall away.” To “fall away” doesn’t just mean to reject the gospel; it means to return to a life of sin. The parable of the bridesmaids serves as a call to self-examination. Are our priorities aligned with God’s priorities, or are we so distracted with secondary concerns that we risk missing what is most important — Jesus. And our living for Him?

And to these foolish ones who have neither time nor inclination to prepare for or pursue Jesus now, He speaks in such a way that makes the very blood of the wise run cold: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. On that day, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord …’ Then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers” –Matthew 7: 21-23.

I thank God for His unfathomable mercy. Knowing, trusting, that while there is still breath in our lungs, there is hope. Why am I thankful? Because of family members and some friends who have yet to accept Jesus as Lord—because of you too, friend, if you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus. Please, if this is you, don’t allow another moment to pass before asking Jesus to come into your heart. Repent of your sins, we all have them, and let Jesus do what only He can. Wash you completely clean of everything you’ve ever done, filling your lamp and jar to overflowing by placing His Holy Spirit within you, your assurance that you’ll not run out of oil. “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour” –Matthew 25:13.

Do Everything In Love, Part 2.

Stephanie Montilla

“Let everything you do be done in love (motivated and inspired by God’s love for us)” – 1 Corinthians 16:14.

A few weeks ago, while asking for guidance on what to teach, the Holy Spirit directed me to the refreshingly simple and profound message of doing everything in love. Immediately, I was filled with the Lord’s peace and joy, and I smiled at God’s gentle reminder and His answer to my prayer. Not long before having sought the Lord’s guidance, I’d been doing a bit of mental juggling. I was trying to determine the most effective way to share the knowledge of Jesus Christ with someone I know. God’s reminder to do “everything in love” reminded me that sometimes I might overcomplicate things in my head regarding the “how” I’ll share the reality of Jesus Christ with others. Forgetting at times the Word of God makes clear “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord’ –Isaiah 55:8.

I was focused on capturing this person’s attention while in His infinite mercy and grace; God wants to transform their heart and life, bringing them from death into life, knowing full well their mind will surely follow.

By this, I was reminded of Paul’s encouragement to the Corinthian church. He had reminded them to focus on their love for God, for from that love, that starting place, they would then flow in genuine love, affection, and honor towards each other. The Bible says, “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves” (Romans 12:10). Paul’s heart, purpose, and his calling were, in part, to point both the Church in Corinth and us towards the love of God—just as Jesus did. The Bible is replete with examples of Jesus directing both His disciples and those He taught in the Synagogues towards the love of the Father. Christ came, gave His life, that we might be restored into right relationship with God. Scripture makes clear that Jesus’ love was sacrificial, compassionate, truthful, servant-hearted, counter-cultural, selfless, and that it remains revolutionary and life-changing even unto today. The power that enabled Jesus to “do everything in love” is the very same power that indwells every born-again believer allowing us to do the same miracles Jesus did. “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father” –John 14:12.

So in an everyday practical sense, what does it look like to do “everything in love”?

Above all else, it is spending one-on-one time with God. “Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love” –1 John 4:8. Our time spent drinking in God’s Word allows it to take deep root; marinate within us, if you will, whether through praying, confessing, listening, dancing, or singing praises unto Him. Our time spent with God will fill our minds with the knowledge of Him and fill our hearts with a deeper understanding of His enhancing Love. The more we dwell in God’s presence, the more we learn the nature of our God, the more too, we ought to be reflecting that same heart towards others through our deeds, actions, and attitudes—a living proof to the world around us of the Light that lives within us.

With the above as our starting point, next, we do “everything in love” by meeting people right where they are. Right at their “well.” Exactly as Jesus did when He met the Samaritan woman where she was—standing in her sin and shame beside Jacob’s well. Yet God did not leave her there, and neither should we. Just as Jesus did, we too must share Living water with all those we meet, giving them God’s Word—His eternal Truth—because only Jesus can satisfy the deepest longings of their soul. So following Jesus’ lead, we too must meet people right where they are. Regardless of their lifestyle, circumstance, or societal status. Our job is to love people and to speak the Truth of God’s Word in love, with compassion and kindness, pointing everyone we meet towards their Savior. “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” –Matthew 9:36.

We do “everything in love” by being patient, kind, honorable, and truthful to others. The Bible states that “Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the Truth. It does not envy; it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres” Corinthians 13:4-8.

So sometimes, doing “everything in love” means encouraging one another, speaking life into those who are battle-weary. Or it can also mean speaking that hard Truth to someone because we love them, “Better is open rebuke than hidden love” Proverbs 27:5. To “Do everything in love” means that to the best of our ability, we must love as God loves. Our hearts ought to be compelled to love this way because God first loved us in this way. He loved/loves us unconditionally, graciously, mercifully, patiently, with tender, loving-kindness, and He demonstrates each of these to us still, “Let everything you do be done in love (motivated and inspired by God’s love for us).” – 1 Corinthians 16:14 [AMP]

Why Love? Because love draws us close, makes us come alive, extinguishes fear, guides us, frees us, and compels us. And so, I pray that every chance you get, every window of opportunity opened to you, whether in speech or deed, you demonstrate, cultivate, point, or redirect others to the love of Jesus Christ.

And I pray that when you do, the glory of God shines even more brightly from you, being magnified all the more because of Him who dwells within you, “No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us” 1 John 4:12. I could talk forever about love because it is a beautiful emotion and is made all the more powerful when it’s put into action to accomplish God’s will. God, the maker of heaven and earth, knitted that element of His divine nature into humanity’s DNA, and it’s that force, that spark of the Divine, Him with us all, that stirs us from within and is used to birth within us the desire to pursue Him—to answer His Call.

It can be challenging to demonstrate God’s love to those we feel are undeserving of it in our flesh.

Thankfully, as Christians, we live by faith and Truth and not according to our carnal feelings—at least we ought to be living that way. And because of this, we choose to live differently than those in the world around us, not being guided by how we feel; instead, we rely upon the Holy Spirit to empowers us to “do everything in love” despite ourselves. Not because we are superior in any way, no. It is because we live with the undeniable knowledge that one second before Jesus revealed His Love for us, to us, we too lived the way those in the world do. And as undeserving as we are, God still continues to demonstrate His love to us daily. If only we exercised more love, perhaps our homes would flourish, and our world would be a more loving place.

So, it’s because of Jesus, because He first loved us, loves us still, that we choose to live in such a way as pleases God. So be reminded, fellow believers, that we are ambassadors of Jesus Christ. As such, everything we do, from our thinking to our words, ought to be rooted and motivated by Godly Love. I know of no other love like this. There is no other love like the love of Jesus. And so I pray that if you haven’t accepted Jesus into your heart, you’ll do it today! That today is your day to receive and experience God’s unconditional love for you. “Those I love, I rebuke and discipline. Therefore be earnest and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me. To the one who overcomes, I will grant the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne” –Revelation 3:19-21.

Face it, Afraid.

Kendra Santilli

I found myself on the shoreline of the most beautiful beach I’d ever seen; one might call it by happy accident. With only one way in and one way out, you’d never know this beautiful beach was even there except fate lead you, as it did me, and, once discovered, it was truly a sight to behold. Encircling the steep shoreline were cliffs that hold back an ocean that seemed to come alive as the wonder of what lies beneath its surface beckons onlookers. Copper sand sifted between my toes while my curiosity led me down the steep coastline that continued to descend rapidly into the water, a swimmer’s dream. With its splintered walls and four decaying posts, a hut stood not too far in front of me. It served as a resting spot for tired surfers and swimmers. “There is no way that thing is safe,” I thought as I observed the veteran swimmers hop up onto its deck. I could sense the power of the ocean as its banks tried their best to hold all that power back just long enough for me to be able to absorb the beauty before me. But the feeble ability of the shoreline proved no match for the powerful might of the ocean. So, its efforts at holding back the more sea didn’t last awfully long.

The receding water was the ocean’s way of communicating that trouble was on the way, or so I thought. I sensed impending doom. A tsunami-type wave was approaching. Panicking, I RAN to try and get everyone to safety. To hurry them out towards the only tiny opening available for everyone to escape through. This once beautiful oasis quickly became my nightmare. And yet, no one else seemed phased by this enormous wave that was mounting up higher now than my eyes could see over. Then, just as that terrifying wave crashed, I woke up, heart pounding, gasping for air!

In my dreams, I found myself on this beach several more times. Each time I wondered what my being there meant. On one such night, I pushed the limits of my fear and feelings of doom and just stood on the shoreline. And this time, like everyone else in the dream, I didn’t move when the wave finally came. Yet the anxiety that stood with me in my dream felt as powerful as that tsunami-wave had looked, and it told me it had come to take me away. And just as I braced for its crash, nothing. Nothing happened to me. The wave crashed, and it didn’t take me out. It didn’t destroy the hut, and everyone else just continued with their day.

The once anxiety-inducing tsunami, which had become a regular occurrence in my dreams, lost its power once I faced it afraid.

I’ve shared this dream in-depth with you because it marked me. Since I was a child, I have found comfort in the Bible stories of Joseph of Samuel. If you read their stories, the former proves that God can speak to us in dreams, and the latter proves that His voice is not partial to adults. Yes, even children can hear His voice, just as young Samuel did in the Old Testament. Like Joseph, I believe God was teaching me something about bravery in my dream.

Anxiety can often feel as real, terrifying, and overwhelming, inescapable, and larger than life, as that wave in my dream felt to me. But alas, God is not surprised by our anxiety or stress. He is aware of this very human condition and gives us guidance on how to handle it—with Him. In Joshua, we find a young man who has suddenly been raised to power in the wake of his predecessor, Moses, death. God is about to lead His people (the Israelites) into the land He promised to them. But before Joshua can get his men ready for battle, the Lord God gives him explicit instructions and a directive: Be “strong and courageous.” In fact, God gives Joshua this same directive three times within Joshua, Chapter One. God knew that this would be a high anxiety situation for him. Any human heading into battle, weighing victory or defeat, would be anxious imagining what lies ahead.

I imagine God knew Joshua’s mental state of mind required one of the greatest pep talks we see in the Old Testament. “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” -Joshua 1:7-9.

Culture tells us that we can’t help feeling anxious. We can’t do anything to help with our anxious thoughts. It tells us that we can’t control what we think or feel. But this verse says otherwise. Within it, God instructs Joshua to go against his anxious thoughts and feelings and choose strength and courage instead!

Now, I’m not saying we’ll never have moments of fear or anxiety, but I am saying this: God will always give us the power not to have live-in, stay stuck in our anxiety. Through His Word, He gives us the tools not to allow our emotions to cripple us. Instead, He empowers us to face our fears with courage and strength. It’s as if this passage is our “how-to” on living courageously.

Obedience is at the helm of God’s instruction.

After telling Joshua to be strong and courageous, the next thing God tells Joshua is to “obey all the law Moses gave” (v. 7). Remember, before his death, Moses, one of the most important prophets of all time, was Joshua’s mentor. The laws that Moses passed on were given to him directly from God himself. So when God tells Joshua to obey Moses’ law, God is, in fact, telling Joshua to obey His law. There is order. God didn’t give Joshua a new set of laws; He told him to honor what had already been set before him. Furthermore, God tells Joshua not to “turn to the left or the right” (v. 7), speaking of having a singular focus. If Joshua had allowed the many voices that I’m sure were clamoring for his attention to distract him, he wouldn’t have been able to fix his focus on God and was He was speaking to him. So what is the takeaway? First, we must obey the Word of the Lord. Not looking to the right or left, we must focus solely on Him, honoring His commands.

The next thing outlined in this passage; we find in verse 8. God reiterates His first point: “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” In this world riddled with distraction, it is easy to forget what the Truth is. We hear numerous self-affirmations, motivational speakers’ thoughts and ideas, and good vibes sayings, and we almost believe those things to be the truth. Yet so much of what the world says is true does not align with God’s perfect Truth. To give one example, how many times do we hear, “do what makes you feel good?” But the Bible says this regarding the world’s truth: “the heart is deceitful above all things” -Jeremiah 17:9. This Truth is just one of the many such examples found in Scripture concerning our feelings. Yet, in this one verse, we learn that although something may “feel good,” that doesn’t always mean it’s the right thing to do. Truth is found only in God’s Word. So if you are searching for The Truth, not others’ opinions or some feel-good message, spend time learning the Truth found in the Word of God. Listen to Godly podcasts and read books that will help you to grow in your faith.

Spend time in prayer. It is there, and only there, where God promises you will be prosperous and successful.

Finally, God seals this segment by promising Joshua His presence. He’s not giving Joshua an ultimatum in it by saying, “only if you’re not afraid, will I be with you,” or “don’t be afraid, or else I won’t be with you.” I understand this instead to be a comforting saying, “I’m with you; therefore, you have nothing to be afraid of.”

When I was younger, the house I lived in with my parents was located within the woods. I was so afraid of the dark. I would not go outside by myself under any circumstance. Yet, whenever my dad was with me, my story changed. I had nothing to be afraid of if dad were with me because I knew he would take care of anything that might attack or harm me. I think this is the same sense of security that God was trying to instill in Joshua. God gives Joshua his instructions, and then God rewards Joshua’s obedience with His presence. A presence that did not and does not fail—any of us.

Maybe you’re in a place where you feel you can’t face the waves of anxiety that are coming at you in life. Yet if you’d dare to stand on the shore and allow yourself the experience that the wave won’t kill you, after all, you’d find that fear truly doesn’t have to own you. Maybe you’re like Joshua, and you need to be reminded several times over to be strong and courageous in your present circumstance? Whatever it is, the apostle Paul reminds you to “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” -Philippians 4:6.

So if you’re anxious or fearful today, I encourage you to respond to your fear with prayer. Respond by reading and meditating on the Word of God. Start by surrendering your heart, whether for the first or the hundredth time and humble yourself before God. Repent of your sins. Ask God for His forgiveness and that He leads you in His ways. Pray these verses to God. And as you dedicate time to learn His Word and commands, He will bless and prosper your faith. I pray your heart’s desire is for God to be with you all the days of your life. I pray that you find the courage to face your wave and fulfill the God-given purpose you were created to, even if it means you do it afraid.

And, if you have not yet asked Jesus into your heart and life as Lord and Savior, please “be strong and courageous ” and do it now. The same promises God made Joshua can be yours today. Why wait another day?

Because You Believe In Jesus, That’s Why.

MaryEllen Montville

“And the dragon was angry at the woman and declared war against the rest of her children—all who keep God’s commandments and maintain their testimony for Jesus.” –Revelation 12:17.

Why is this happening to me? What am I going to do now? How am I supposed to deal with this? Where is God in all of this? This ____ is all too much!

Sound familiar?

Today, so many said believers are peppered with fear—others are just plain paralyzed by it. Their lives suspended somehow for years or moments, mere microcosms, some shell of what they were only a brief time ago. They are, undoubtedly, a far cry off now from what they were created to be—fear-less. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” –Joshua 1:9.

There are approximately 365 “fear-not” statements found in the Bible. It would be an understatement then to say that the “cares of this world” have seemingly seized so many believers in its Boa-like vice, despite these many commands. Methodically, persistently, thoroughly squeezing hope and life out of them instead, one precious breath at a time. “Say to those who have an anxious heart, “Be strong; fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you” –Isaiah 35:4.

And yet, is it possible that this season of storms, “this current darkness,” is purposefully blowing open the proverbial curtains of our professed faith? Revealing to us, and, by default, those around us, the true resoluteness of said faith? The condition of our foundations, if you will? What our spiritual houses are actually built upon? Because storms will do that to us, you know. Reveal what is or, conversely, is not in us. Scripture backs up my personal, “yes, I absolutely believe this to be Truth!” Why? “…There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.” –1 Peter 1:6-7.

So what sustains us then, upholds us—Who and what anchors us during the storms?

Jesus makes plain that to have victory over the storm, to be left standing and thriving in its aftermath, we must be found standing on a firm foundation before the storm hits; listen: “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash” –Matthew 7:24-27.

Notice, friends, that both houses stood akin in appearance—until the storm hit, that is.

As I stated earlier: storms will do that to us. Reveal what is or, conversely, is not in us. Now I assure you I’m not saying this to condemn anyone; instead, to strongly encourage each of us to check our basements for leaks! And know, I’m starting with my own! And, also, to thank God for the time, mercy, and mortar, He’s given us to get any cracks we may find sealed up. Anything out of balance, wobbly or wonky, made straight with God while it is still today. “Therefore, among God’s churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring. All this is evidence that God’s judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering” 2 Thessalonians 1:4-5.

At times, friends, the enemy of our soul, strikes with his persistent Boa-like constriction. I say at times because there are also instances where his attack is lion-like. Brutal, bloody, and sudden. Darting, swift, and deadly, his victim thoroughly stunned and left for dead before they quite literally know or have had time to process what just hit them. I know many of you can relate to what I’m saying. Perhaps, like me, like many of us, you’ve also been walking through just such a season? One in which our enemy is attacking you or someone you love in his lion-like way? Maybe he is attacking both of you simultaneously? Perhaps his attack was aimed at a dear friend, a brother or sister in Christ, your child, or a family member? Or maybe his attack has been more subtle in your season? Less lion-like and more boa-esque? Methodical, persistent, vice-like.

Either way, today’s Scripture, and many others like it testify to this one Truth: our enemy’s hatred for God and all those who are called by His name.

It should never come as a surprise to those who believe in Jesus Christ when His enemy, our enemy, does what his very nature demands he do: kill, steal, and destroy. That would be akin to being taken by surprise when Jesus answers your prayers! Each of them, Jesus, or Satan, can only do what their very natures compels and demand them to do. Jesus made this painstakingly clear concerning both Himself and our adversary in John, Chapter 10. I encourage you to read this entire chapter for yourself because, in John 10 verse 10, Jesus lays plain our enemy’s character for us; listen: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” Within this chapter, Jesus goes on to make His own character plain as well. Also, Jesus leaves no doubt as to Satan’s singular, fixed mission. He wants you dead!

The Apostle Peter reminds us too of Satan’s hate-full, singular purpose: “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are” –1 Peter 5:8.

This ongoing onslaught from our enemy is, currently, has been, throughout its history, and will always be, Israel’s plight—until that is, that instant Messiah Jesus returns and saves His first-born son. Take to heart Peter’s words then and, “Stay alert!” Because it only follows, fellow believers, since you and I have been grafted into this Olive tree, we’ll also experience persecution, hatred, and attacks of various types. Until that is, we’re either raptured to meet Him in the clouds (my heart’s desire and great hope) or until our mortal tent is folded and our then eyes open in eternity to see Jesus face-to-face. “If the dough offered as firstfruits is holy, so is the whole lump, and if the root is holy, so are the branches. But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches. If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you” –Romans 11:16-18.

So then, in answer to the “why is this happening” question posed by so many believers today, said plainly, all that’s happening right now must happen. It’s been foretold. It must come to pass. Everything and more that you see playing out on the evening news, every news report you hear from around the globe, all of it must happen. Yet nothing, not one thing, is going on in this world that is catching God by surprise. Some of us, yes. God, never. It all ties in, somehow, to His ultimate plan for humankind. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” –Isaiah 55:8-9.

Yet as Christians, we are only walking through this current darkness, this valley of death—our final purging perhaps, while it all plays itself out. God has spoken, and His Word cannot return to Him void. Remember, child of God, that so long as you are still in this world, the prince of this world can do nothing other than what his character demands of him to do: kill, steal, and destroy. But God!

If you are sealed in Christ Jesus, however, have been purchased by His Blood, are His child, “fear not,” Be strong and courageous. Remembering not only who you are but to Whom you belong!

Take to heart, drink deeply, the Words of Life and hope and strength Jesus whispers into the very marrow of your bones—His Life-giving promise to you. Fortifying you, making sure your every step as pass-through this valley of purging, of purifying. Your Good Shephard leading and guiding your way. Hear and wrap your every momentary trembling in these Words of comfort and assurance, straightening your spine then, start thanking your Lord in advance. Proclaiming your victory even now! “For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you” –Isaiah 41:13.

And dear friend, if you have yet to ask Jesus, whose promise is to never leave you nor forsake you, into your heart as Lord of all, do I right now, please. I know you can see how dark this world is becoming. So please, don’t wait. Jesus is calling you to Himself. “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne” –Revelation 3:20-21.

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