Kendra Santilli

I love the beginning of the New Year. It’s right on the heels of Christmas; people are still filled with joy and cheer. The New Year brings hope for dreams deferred and vision for the endless possibilities that lie ahead. If you’re like me, you typically start the New Year with unwavering confidence to achieve your goals; that confidence slowly waning, however, as the business of life catches up to you and procrastination sets in and begins to whisper,  “do it tomorrow.” This year is different, however! I have purposed to read the Bible cover to cover in one year. I am doing it with all the gusto in the world, and so far, so good!

As in the past, I was encouraged right from the get-go as I read through the creation story. As Genesis has it, God created the whole earth in 7 days. On day 1, God introduced light to the earth and separated the light from the darkness. On Day 2, He separated the ocean and the clouds and called it the sky. Then, on Day 3, God separated the waters, creating dry land and sea. He also created all plant life on this same day! Then, on day 4, God made the galaxies. He put the stars and the moon above to reflect their light. And on Day 5, God created birds and sea creatures. Day Six sees God creating all the animals that would populate the land and mankind, the crown jewel of God’s creation. And, then, finally, on day 7, God rested and called that day Holy.

One may ask, why am I so encouraged by this oh so familiar story? My answer, in rereading Genesis 1, I was filled with fresh hope and expectation for what lies ahead of me! In the beginning, we see that God had to create the perfect environment for us before placing us in it. Without God having created the proper environment, we would not have survived. We would have lacked the necessary plants, fruit, oxygen from the trees, water to drink, and a place to lay our heads. God knew what we needed to survive and thrive here. For the first time rereading through Genesis, I realized that this account of creation gives us so much insight into the heart of God’s desire to restore us to Himself. Is it any wonder then that God chose to place it right at the beginning of His Word!

Not long after creation, we witness man’s fall; that instant, we became separated from God because of sin. We were created to walk with God here on earth and live as His sons and daughters always, but sin separated us from remaining in God’s presence. Remember, God is perfect and sinless. He can not coexist with sin and the darkness that comes with it. That same darkness that gained entrance to our hearts through our sin. “This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all” –1 John 1:5. So, because of man’s sin, God was no longer able to walk with man in the garden. Yet, right away, soon after man sinned, God sought to restore our relationship with Him. Starting with Genesis 3:15 and running throughout the rest of the Bible, we read the chronicles of the beautiful story of God setting out to restore His relationship with mankind through His Son, Jesus. “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He explained to them what was written in all the Scriptures about Himself” –Luke 24:27. And, as we read the New Testament, we see that Jesus indeed came to restore our sonship to the Father by covering us with His perfect Righteousness—reconciling us once again to the Father.

The Bible assures us in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”

For the believer, creation didn’t end when time began. Instead, re-creation happens within us every day. Coming to know God is so much more than just a declaration we make with our mouths; it is a covenant, an agreement we make with God by which, because of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, God adopts us back into His family. We quite literally become a new creation! To understand what this means, we have to appreciate the beauty of the creation story. I see the events of creation mirrored in our souls. Just as the Holy Spirit hovered over the dark void, He also hovers over the waters of our hearts, searching for what is needed, or needing to be removed, that we might more fully become this new creation. Firstly, He starts by introducing the light of salvation, His light, into the darkest places of our being. He then separates our darkness, our sin, from the light that He birthed in us, illuminating our potential, our purpose. He then begins to create a receptive environment conducive to growth within us. This “receptiveness” within us happens, is made as we read our Word and spend time with Him in prayer. God creates an environment within us that is worthy of His dwelling within. And as we journey through our walk with Him, we begin to eat of the fruit of His Spirit. We love others like we never knew we could, outside of Him. We begin to see an increase of joy and peace in our lives as He makes our hearts His home. We grow in patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law” –Galatians 5:22.

And all of this starts with our salvation! That’s amazing to me. More, that we continue to grow in Him, in the knowledge of Him, in relationship with Him, throughout our lives. You see, with God, we’re ALWAYS becoming something new! And, if we open our ears to Him, He is eternally faithful to show us those things in us that must be renewed or removed: roots of jealousy, bitterness, unforgiveness, anger. We are never perfect, but with God, we can rest assured that He has begun a good work in us that only He can bring to completion. “…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” –Philippians 1:6.

If you don’t know God in this personal way, I want to encourage you that God still sees you and knows you by name. “She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me” –Genesis 16:13. Equally, He knows you in ways you don’t even know yourself!

As I read through Genesis, I see how Abram was of a pagan upbringing, but God called him out from the life he had always know and gave him a new beginning, a new name. He went from Abram to Abraham, which means in Hebrew, “father of a multitude.” Abraham became mighty a man of God. And we see Jacob, who was deceptive, his very name meaning “trickster” Yet after an encounter with the Living God, he received a new name, forever know now as Israel instead. Moses also grew up in Egypt’s pagan culture, never having known God personally, until that is, God introduced Himself to Moses at the burning bush. Moses would forever know Him as the Great “I Am.” He, too, was changed by God. A former prince of Egypt turned Midian shepherd and then to a man God used to free the Israelites from their Egyptian captors. These are but a few examples of God calling what many may call “unlikely people,” those we’d never expect God would use, those who didn’t know Him, yet God made Himself available to them nonetheless, just like He can with you and me.

And, child of God, know this, God’s not finished with you yet! He continues to make you new as you continue to walk ever-closely with Him. Wherever you are in life, I invite you to ask God to make you new, again. He is faithful to forgive you and make you whole.

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God… I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation” –2 Corinthians 5:21; 6:2b.