Kendra Santilli

“But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you” –John 14:26.

When I was growing up it seemed as if I was always striving, looking forward to the next milestone. When I was a child, I dreamed of turning 16. Getting the job. The license. The sweet sixteen party. What was there not to love?! Then I turned 16 and all those things were great, but then what? If only I was 18! Then I could vote. I could get my own place. Make my own decisions. I would be an adult! Then 18 came and signing medical papers at the doctor’s office wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. I realized 18 is just a pseudo-adult. So, I thought- I just need to make it to 21. Then I’ll be a REAL adult. 21 came, not much changed, and then I thought- I still can’t rent a car. Then I turned 25 and could rent a car (which I have yet to do!), but now what?? What had I been striving for? I mean, of course in between I had many accomplishments, good friends and coworkers, good grades… life was good!

But at times I would think to myself, am I living on purpose?

Routines have a subtle, natural way of paving patterns in our behaviors that we do not necessarily always control. We begin to affix ourselves to these cycles- wake up, get ready, go to work, come home, get ready for bed, do it all over again. Day after day after day. If we are not careful, the business of life gets the best of us and by the end of the day, we have nothing left to give to the adventure of life. I would like to propose to you that routines in and of themselves are not the issue- losing sight of God amid the routine is the issue. Did you know that Jesus did not leave us helpless? He left the Holy Spirit as our helper! “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you” –John 14:26. For the believer, those reminders that come, or those inklings we get in the depths of our souls are, oftentimes the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. Jesus came to restore us to the Father, in turn giving us purpose. Without the Holy Spirit, chasing after purpose is a dead-end street; with Him, there is clarity of vision and purpose.

In this passage, Jesus also defines the Holy Spirit as a teacher. “[The Holy Spirit] will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.” Do you remember taking a test in school and saying a quick prayer to remember what you studied/learned? (I, for one, went to a Christian school so desperately praying for my tests was definitely part of my test-taking strategy!) Life throws us ALL KINDS of tests. We just need to be reminded to apply the principles we already know. I can just hear Jesus cheering me on saying I taught you those things! You KNOW this! This is where the Holy Spirit comes in. On our own, we can respond impulsively and irrationally. But inviting the Holy Spirit to be a part of our thought processes 1) teaches us to live rightly and 2) reminds us of those things that we were taught. Everything comes full circle.

Not too long ago I began this habit of inviting the Holy Spirit to help me to live in awareness of Him every day. It’s as simple as asking Him to open my eyes to opportunities for ministry that the day brings or inviting Him into my thoughts to help me redirect them when they become destructive. When we invite Him to occupy those spaces of our hearts, we begin to see transformation; we begin to see our purpose unfold right before our eyes.

There was a time when I was highly aggravated with someone because I felt as though she always blew me off. I would say hi but without paying any mind to anything around her, she would just keep on walking. Around that time, I had begun inviting the Holy Spirit to help me to love people with His love and see people with His eyes. I remember my FIRST thought when I saw this person one day after thinking about saying hello was, I do NOT want to say hi. She’ll just blow me off again and I will just end up upset. So, to try and prove myself right, I did say hi. To my not-so surprise, I got no response. NOTHING. Not even a look in my direction. But before I could even gloat in how right I was, the Holy Spirit stopped me. I heard, loud and clear in my mind’s ear, she cannot hear you. I remembered at that moment that she had a hearing problem in one of her ears. So, I instantly repented to the Lord in my heart and redirected my hello to her other ear and she said hello. The Holy Spirit was teaching me a new depth of His love and grace now. Had I not invited Him to teach me and lead me that day, I would have missed that opportunity to love and stayed instead, trapped in self-pity and pride. You see, God loves every person around you more than you ever could. God does not gossip. He is not going to wallow with you in thinking badly about a person that He created and loves. The truth is His purpose is to transform us into loving the way He does. This is the kind of love that moves us to compassion for even the worst of people. The kind of love that causes us to want them to know the Jesus that saved our very souls. The kind of love that initiates our first response to be prayerful and understanding rather than judgmental towards our brother. Prayer is the key to unlocking our purpose…

Through prayer, the Holy Spirit will lead us into understanding. “The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out” –Prov 20:5. Your purpose is so far beyond anything you could ever imagine, yet if there’s no understanding, your purpose will remain unearthed beneath layers and layers of self. Get in the Word of God. Know it. Write it on your heart. It is by reading the word and discovering God’s intent and heart for humanity, that you will discover who you are. It is where you discover layers of identity that are so much deeper and more complex than you even realized. Through this discovery of our identity in Him, you begin to discover your purpose that is hidden in Him.

The discipline of discipleship strengthens us enough to know that, come what may, He will work everything out for our good and His purpose for those who believe (Jeremiah 29:11; Ephesians 1:11). The beauty of walking with Christ is that we have the gift of the Holy Spirit to help lead us into understanding these principles. Too often Christians forget about this power source that lives within them! The Holy Spirit is not a source of condemnation but understanding. We were not saved from sin so that our human nature would remain the same. Only by the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit are we able to change—living lives then, that are pleasing to God, and in turn, sweet for us as well. Living in awareness of His presence is where transformation takes place. Invite Him into your heart, your thoughts, and your vision. He is faithful to lead you and show you His heart. So in closing, here’s my prayer: firstly, if you don’t know Jesus, that you will come to know Him. That the reality of His presence is made known to you. And Second, that you live with the awareness that the ever-present Spirit of God is working in and through you always…