MaryEllen Montville

Greeting friends!

A quick note to both inform and encourage you. As we have officially reached the midway point of 2020, will be taking a sabbatical for July. As Overseer, I will be seeking the Lord for the direction He will have us to go in closing out this year. Please keep me in your prayers as I press in to seek God’s will for His ministry. We will return, God willing, August 1st refreshed and ready to continue to share with you all that the Lord shares with us! Kendra and I thank you for faithfully following us as we follow Jesus…

The Lord has had me parked in the Book of Exodus these days. During my time spent drinking in the comfort and reassurance found within its pages, He has revealed many hidden gems. I find myself ever peace-filled and buoyant. The Holy Spirit has infused me with a fresh assurance that, though the world may appear to be falling apart, it is instead falling into place. I encourage you to open your Bible and begin to drink deeply for yourselves. Asking the Holy Spirit for revelation as you read. Even amid plagues and chaos, God was busy blessing His children. As God was with the Israelites then, so too He is with us today. Ever faithful to deliver His children. Never forget, child of God, that you are marked with His Blood. The doorpost of your heart protected, sealed by Him—in Him. So long as it is today, no matter what comes in these last moments of the world as we have known it you will be protected, safe within the Father’s Sovereign hand—John 10:28-30. Keep your eyes fixed than on the Author and the Finisher of your faith—not on what is whirling around you—Hebrews 12:2-3. Secure in the knowledge that He alone is the One who opens, and no man can shut and who shuts, and no man can open—Revelation 3:8. The only One who is Faithful and True—Revelation 19:11.

“The people of Israel had lived in Egypt for 430 years. In fact, it was on the last day of the 430th year that all the Lord’s forces left the land. On this night the Lord kept his promise to bring his people out of the land of Egypt…” –Exodus 12:40-42.

Blessings to you. May God continue to richly bless you and keep you, friends. Know that you are being covered in our prayers. Until August then, continue to walk in faith your eyes firmly fixed on Jesus…

In His Adventure,
