"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Month: June 2020

The Secret Place.

Kendra Santilli

When I was in nursing school I spent some time in the operating room observing some brilliant surgeons and nurses. I would say it was one of my favorite rotations. I remember one instance where I was sitting in on a knee replacement surgery. The patient had expressed that they were experiencing incredible knee pain and were more than ready to receive their new and improved hardware. They started counting to ten as they were lulled to sleep by anesthesia. Moments after the anesthesia kicked in, the physician got to work. To spare the graphic details, I’ll just say this: I never really understood just how much healing was actually happening in recovering patients. I realized that with surgery, the doctor sometimes has to cause more trauma, knowing full well that the patient is better off in the end, in order to get to the real problem. You see, the patient’s nerve endings, muscles, and skin all have to mend from the trauma they’ve just experienced. That day as I was standing in the OR watching this patient get torn apart to get stitched back together, I heard the quiet voice of God say to my spirit, “This is what I do.” I realized that, in some ways, God is like that physician.

I don’t know about you, but I have come to realize that many times when I feel burdened, it’s simply a symptom of some deeper issue; something that needs replacement or repairing within my heart. In the Bible, there are several passages where God is referred to as Jehovah-Rapha – the God who heals. I’m specifically reminded of Mark 2:17, where Jesus says “… Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” I find it funny that Jesus makes this clear distinction among a self-righteous culture. A distinction that tells the well-versed religious leaders that they clearly already have it all together (and I say this facetiously). He is looking for those who are humble enough to realize that they need some help. Just as sick people need a doctor, sinners need a savior. I love that He chased “sickness” with “calling sinners”. This tells me that sin causes sickness of the heart, and that heart healing is just as important, if not more important than physical healing. These sicknesses of the soul can only be remediated by the One who made a way. Our heart issues are rooted in sin and God knows that! One thing I learned about surgery is that it takes time before one can apply weight to the area which was operated on. 

A few years back, I experienced the deepest loneliness that I could ever even imagine going through. I was surrounded by people but somehow felt completely invisible. I was in the midst of several new transitions in my life: new husband, a new state, new career, new church community. I didn’t realize it then, but it was a lot. In the midst of all of that, I struggled to make new friends. It felt like the more I tried, the lonelier I became. It was weird. I have never had a problem making friends, it’s just the charismatic extrovert in me! Through prayer, I realized that this loneliness was a result of the sin of idolatry. Let me explain. I realized that being accepted by people and loving people’s company had become of more importance to me than God’s approval and desiring His company. This loneliness was my symptom of the root issue: rejection. I wanted so badly to belong, while God was trying to teach me that, in Him, I already belonged! God knew this about me before I ever knew it about myself, and He had some work to do. Over the next couple of years, He brought me through a process of learning what it means to say, “God, you’re enough for me”. It was a good two years of just me and Him in the secret place. It’s in the secret place where He does His deepest work. The kind of work that makes its way from our hearts to our heads to our hands. This work has tangible outcomes and truly changes a person, and it’s a job only the Great Physician can do. When a person is recovering from surgery, there is a lot of pain involved with their nerves, bones, muscles, and skin. They have to go through therapies and rehab before being able to carry their full weight again. I promise you, though the surgery and healing are painful, the outcome is always worth it in the end. For me, this weight looked like having meaningful relationships. Through this season of solitude, I learned how to have relationships without rooting my identity in them. I also discovered a lot of pride and arrogance in my heart. That weight looked like not being able to be in leadership positions until I could be there without arrogance. For some people, they may have to go through the healing of rejection where the weight is that they can’t handle criticism. Over time, healing allows us to carry the weight without being so deeply impacted: we are made strong enough to overcome obstacles that may come our way.

I invite you to pray and ask God to show you what areas of your heart need healing. You may or may not even be aware of what it may be, but He is so kind as to expose the need and lead us through it. He wants to see us whole. He wants to see us thriving while we are here on earth. In moments of adversity, pray for the strength to lean into Him to carry you. To heal you. To restore you. To strengthen you. Adversity is not time to run away, it is time to press in. Will you trust God to do the work that He needs to do to bring you to your purpose? We cannot carry the weight of our purpose until He does His refining work. 

If you don’t know God as a healer, Jehovah-Rapha, the invitation is available to you. He sees your pain, He knows your symptoms, and He knows your “diagnosis”. But until you bring it to Him, you will not see the healing that He needs to do. Surrender to Jesus and invite Him into your space today and watch what He does.


MaryEllen Montville

Then he said, “Throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you’ll get some!” So they did, and they couldn’t haul in the net because there were so many fish in it”–John 21:6.

A consciousness of our powerlessness should cast us upon Him who has all power. Here then is where a vision and view of God’s sovereignty helps, for it reveals His sufficiency and shows us our insufficiency. Arthur W. Pink

This week, as with last, our focus will be on Jesus and Peter. Their relationship. Will we dig a little deeper into what has happened between them—and within Peter, since Jesus last commanded him to “Follow Me.” –Matthew 4:19.

Peter had met Jesus on the shore once before. His nets chock-full that day too, bursting at the seams. His heart had been pierced through and through—he had been driven to his knees in awe of what Jesus had done. Both divine appointments taking place within three short years. Years that felt like a lifetime ago now. Long before this fitful day filled with angst and anticipation—waiting to see if Jesus would show up. “Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing”. They said to him, “We will go with you”. They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. –John 21:3.

It was the dawn of Peter’s great fall. That night in the garden, the night of Jesus’ arrest. The night Peter, in his rash attempt at stopping the soldiers from arresting Jesus sliced off Malchus’ ear with his sword. Before Peter had ever denied the One, he loved three times, He declared during their last meal together that he would never deny Jesus. “No!” Peter insisted. “Even if I have to die with you, I will never deny you!” And all the other disciples vowed the same”–Matthew 26:35. And yet he did –deny Christ that is. As mentioned above, not just once—but three times. Yet as soon as Peter’s eyes locked onto Jesus’ in those early hours before dawn, after His mock trial before Caiaphas—in one fateful nanosecond, Peter felt the overwhelming weight of his betrayal crush him. Felt everything within him implode under its treacherous weight. “…Then Peter remembered the word that Jesus had spoken: “Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times”. And he went outside and wept bitterly. –Matthew26:75.

His heart torn asunder. His once grandiose ego, shattered. His duplicity had just crushed him. Peter knew in that instant he was not the Rock. Peter knew instead that he was a sinner who desperately needed the Savior he had just denied. Whatever he had mistakenly believed of himself, died this fateful morning. Now He was exactly where he needed to be. Moldable. Pliable. Humbled. Was it all for naught? Was it too late for Peter? Having your destiny shaped by the hand of God can be an agonizing process. Death to self and pride usually are. Self-reliance and ego struggle to surrender their grip on us all. They certainly did in Peter’s case. But in the end, God’s plan for Peter’s life was accomplished through his suffering and submission both. We serve a merciful God! There are times nevertheless, God must strip us down to our very foundation that he might sure-up the cracks that have formed within it. Cracks that will inevitably cause us to topple over under the weight of the calling He has placed on our lives. His firmly establishing us then, to withstand the weight of the calling He has on us, is paramount to our growth. Paramount to our ongoing relationship with Him and for the sake of those, He has called us to serve.

We expect our leaders to be flaw-less. Not so with Jesus. Jesus calls those He has chosen to lead exactly as they are—then, He begins their reshaping. A pulling out and a putting in. Drawing out of their brokenness—humility, and an obedience to Him, trust too. All the while removing self-reliance, pride, and ego—and all their other grainy bits…

Peter had experienced some profound, life-changing events during his three-plus-year walk with Jesus. He had a front-row seat for the Sermon on the Mount. He drank in the Beatitudes. The lesson on being Salt and Light, about the law and anger, adultery, and divorce, about vows and revenge, and loving your enemy. Peter heard about giving to the needy and he learned how to pray. He learned about money and possessions, judging others, and who Jesus considers true disciples to be. Peter was an eyewitness to a man being healed from leprosy and the faith of one Roman soldier that was so great, Christ Himself was amazed. It was his walking on water, his divine revelation of Jesus’ being the Messiah, the Son of the living God, his witnessing Jesus’ transfiguration. It was all these instances, and so much more—the private conversations and corrections we are not privy to—that had been poured into establishing Peter’s foundation. Each of these above lessons can be read in their entirety in Matthew Chapters 5-7;14-17.

Now, after the worst days of his life, John’s Gospel tells us Peter is fishing once again. Doing what is familiar, using his reasoning. That is until he hears a voice tell him to cast his nets to the other side of his boat. Did Peter wonder to himself, “Why does that sound so familiar…?”

Once again, his nets were suddenly bursting at the seams! It appears from Scripture that it was at that moment John recognized the man standing at the shore as Jesus. And as soon as he shared that news with Peter, Peter jumped off the boat and headed straight to Him. This is not the first time that Peter has seen Jesus since His resurrection. In Luke’s Gospel, we hear of Peter’s encountering Jesus soon after His resurrection. Those disciples who had encountered Jesus on the Emmaus road returned to Jerusalem—to where the disciples were staying. And after sharing their story of meeting Jesus and breaking bread with Him, the disciples confirmed for them that Jesus had indeed risen from the dead! “They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven and those with them, assembled together and saying, “It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon”. –Luke 24: 33-34.

Now, the fish cooked, the nets washed and put away, once again Jesus directs the conversation to where Jesus had intended it to go from before the foundation of the world. To Peter’s mission and calling. But first, restoration needed to happen. Jesus could have easily done this when He showed Himself to Peter that first time, and perhaps He did? Scripture is silent on this matter. Perhaps that is where Peter’s restoration started? Perhaps that is why Peter’s feelings are hurt the third time Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him? Or perhaps it is because we need to be here as a witness too. Perhaps we need to witness Godly restoration that we might one day extend it just as Jesus did? When a leader falls publicly, as Peter did, for any to follow him again—for others to be able to trust that God has chosen to use him in ministry once again, He must be publicly restored. This is in part what Jesus is doing here in John’s Gospel. Publicly reinstating Peter as the Rock on which His Church will be built—in front of the very ones who witnessed Peter’s fall. Christ is far more interested in our character being right before Him then He is with our title or position being restored to us. Remember that whole shoring-up Peter’s foundation I spoke about earlier? Jesus is doing that here. Godly correction brings about healing and restoration to our relationship with God—above all else. “Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” –Galatians 6:1-2.

In closing, listen to what one writer shares with us concerning Peter’s restoration: After they were finished eating, Jesus addressed Peter with a question he would ask him three times in a row, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” (John 21:15, 16, 17). Simon was Peter’s name by birth, Peter (which means “Rocky”) was a nickname Jesus gave him. The first time Jesus asked this question, he asked Peter if he loved him “more than these” (John 21:15). What does Jesus mean by this question? Scholars think Jesus was asking Peter if he loved Jesus more than any of the other disciples loved Jesus. Remember, this is what Peter claimed in Mark 14:29 (and in Matthew 26:33). Before the arrest of Jesus, Peter boldly claimed to love Jesus better than anyone else. Peter’s answer demonstrates that he has been chastened and humbled, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you” (John 21:15). Jesus repeats the question two more times, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” (John 21:16-17). Peter was hurt that Jesus kept asking him the same question. Peter admits that Jesus knows his heart better than he does. Peter answers, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you” (John 21:17). Peter has lost his arrogance. He knows that Jesus knows his true heart. Why did Jesus ask him this question three times? The three questions echo the three denials Peter made of knowing Jesus after his arrest (see John 18:15-18, 25-27). Jesus was reinstating Peter and restoring him to public ministry within view of the other disciples.

Friend, if you are here today and do not know this Jesus who knows you better than you know yourself, who loves you beyond what you could ever imagine possible, then I encourage you, please, ask Him to show Himself real to you now. There is nothing you have done that will prevent His coming. But you not asking Him to come may. “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” –Acts 4:12.

Radically Reoriented…

MaryEllen Montville

“Simon said, “Master, we’ve been fishing hard all night and haven’t caught even a minnow. But if you say so, I’ll let out the nets.” 

God often becomes manifest in the ordinary, even seemingly unnecessary events of a person’s life— events which nevertheless are in accord with some purpose that is or is not known. – Arland J. Hultgren

Jesus knew Peter was exhausted. Weary. Done. Knew he had spent a fruitless night pulling in empty nets. Scripture tells us that Jesus was there on that same shore standing among the great crowd that had gathered there to hear more about God—to hear Him preach. He was an eyewitness to Peter’s discouragement. “He saw two boats at the edge of the lake; the fishermen had left them and were washing their nets”—Luke 5:2. If anyone is paying attention, what Jesus is doing on this shore is a nod to the new thing He’s is about to do. A shift. Until now, Jesus had always taught in the Temple (Luke 4:15;4:31).

But I digress…

Jesus was an eyewitness to Peter’s empty nets. And even if He had not been, standing there that is—He alone is Omniscient. Before He stood over the dark void this Triune God knew Peter would be found sitting there. Sitting on the very bank of this sea—discouraged. This experienced fisherman not having caught so much as a minnow. Having nothing but a sore back and some empty, tattered nets to show for his fruitless hours of laboring through the long watches of the night. He was ready to put this night behind him now. To have a bite and hit the bed. But here comes Jesus—doing what Jesus does. Asking that we trust Him. Asking that we push off just one more time. Even though we know it makes no rational sense to do so. Even though we know we just do not have the strength for yet one more “useless” attempt at catching what has eluded us thus far. Still, He is who He is. We know this. Believe it—at least we are beginning to…

What do you do when all that you know, all you have learned and relied on—fails you? Slipping away like water through your clasping fingers. When you are left staring at the needle of your compass as it spins wildly in circles? Your due north momentarily inaccessible. What happens when the systems you have had in place stop yielding up a catch?

Jesus is about to answer that question. He will demonstrate for us—as we read through this account in Luke 5, what will happen to a man—a heart, that, contrary to all it knows, has learned, is willing to leave it all behind for a new way of doing things. He will show us in no uncertain terms that going out into ever deeper water is often what is needed to change us. To fulfill the plans He has for us—contrary to how we may feel about it. We were not created to sit idly on the shore. We are destined to be doers instead. “When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish” –Luke 5:4.

Beloved, it is time to let go…

Typically, it is in these moments of hesitancy, of discouragement—some will call them the dark night of the soul. Moments when we are wresting and weary, worn down and feeling a million miles away from God that He, in fact, is the nearest to us. It is usually when we come to the end of ourselves that we find that single thread—the slim hope needed, the crack in the door that leaves in just enough Light to pierce our inner darkness. It is there, in that place, through that sliver of Light, that we emerge—somehow. No, not somehow. Only by God’s grace. “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him” –Philippians 2:13. This has been my Truth certainly. The very Cornerstone of what sustains me. Christ alone. No-thing else. Certainly, no person. Peter is about to experience this radical reorientation more fully. This new thing that happens in a soul when Jesus passes by and takes possession of all that we know—have come to rely on.

I say more fully because this is not Peter’s first encounter with Jesus. If you will turn back and read Chapter 4:38-39 of Luke’s Gospel, you will witness the first green bud of this nascent relationship—Jesus healing Peter’s mother-in-law. “Jesus left the synagogue and went to Simon’s house. Simon’s mother-in-law was very sick. She had a high fever. They asked Jesus to do something to help her. He stood very close to her and ordered the sickness to go away. The sickness left her, and she got up and began serving them”. Knowing this—that Peter and Jesus had some modicum of a prior relationship, makes understanding why an exhausted and discouraged Peter obeyed Jesus’ request to push out into deep water at all. To throw his now clean nets back out into a sea he was certain would offer up no fish. He was, after all, the experienced fisherman in this boat. Yet in Peter’s eyes, Jesus was not only master—a term used in the Greek to describe a teacher or tutor, He was more. He was kyrosis—meaning Lord. Who but God can heal and restore? The miracle of Peter’s mother-in-law having been healed was a seed just waiting to be cracked open, taking deep root in the belly of this weary fisher-man. Not only were Peter’s nets about to burst, but His tiny mustard seed of faith was also about to miraculously be turned into a mighty faith. A faith that would be used by God to see many healed. More, this fisher of men’s faith would be used to advance the Gospel unto the ends of the earth, via his dogged witness. Luke shares this Truth with us in Acts  1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Peter was one of the “you will…”

Peter obeyed the Lord. Even though he did not feel like it. Have you ever done that? Ashamedly, I know I have. “…Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets” Luke 5:5. You can almost hear the exasperation in his voice. Yet the reward for his obedience—the fulfillment of God’s plan. Remember—it is always about Jesus first. Peter’s nets are suddenly so full of fish—fish that had completely eluded this knowledgeable fisherman just hours before, that he must call his partners over to help bring in this massive catch. “And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear! A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking” –Luke 5:6-7.

This was part of God’s plan as well. Soon all three will leave everything behind to follow Jesus. A genuine encounter with Him will do that to you. It will drive you to your knees. It will cause you to forsake all others, cleaving only unto Him. “When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, “Oh, Lord, please leave me—I’m such a sinful man”. For he was awestruck by the number of fish they had caught, as were the others with him. His partners, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were also amazed” –Luke 5:8-10. I get verse 8—I do. Many a time in my own walk with the Lord I have had this same moment. Being left dumbstruck by some awe-inspiring revelation of Christ’s Holiness. Of His being the Sovereign God of the universe! The weight of it dropping me to my knees. In an instant, literally, I knew I was standing in the presence of the King of the World. In that same instant too, I knew I was unworthy to be in the presence of Someone so Pure—filthy as I can get. I was humbled too. I had never witnessed such power before…

But now look at Jesus—God incarnate. The One who, leaving the glory and majesty of heaven behind, donned a suit made of flesh that He might be like Peter, you, me, and him, her, them too. In every way save one that is—sin. He wanted to know, firsthand, our fears, and our frailty. What drives us and frightens us, both. What our deepest need is. Just as He knew Peter’s. There is a deep mystery in this. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways”, declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” –Isaiah 55:8-9. Jesus knew fishing for creatures that lived beneath the water was just a set-up for what was to come for Peter. A mean-time thing. A placeholder for his true calling. In the matter of a few short hours perhaps, out on a boat doing something Peter did not want to be doing, God radically changed Peter. Not merely his vocation, no. God changed His life! Yet Jesus knows just how frightening it can be for us mere mortals to have our world suddenly upended. Even when it is in the best possible way! To watch the needle on our compass spin wildly. He knows how disorienting having a genuine encounter with Him can be. He knows our frame.

As we close, we will witness Jesus speak lovingly, knowingly to that place deep within us. Patiently allowing us time to gain our footing. Time for our world to stop spinning. Time to settle down that we might step sure-footedly, once again, on somewhat familiar soil. Just as He did with our brother Peter. Remember the whole His being Omniscient thing? He knows exactly what we need in the exact nanosecond we need it. “Jesus replied to Simon, “Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll be fishing for people!” And as soon as they landed, they left everything and followed Jesus” –Luke 5:10-11.

New friend, this same Jesus knew you would be here today. It is no accident that you are reading this. Won’t you ask Jesus into your heart today so that He might make you a fisher of men, too? “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord”, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved” –Romans 10:9-10.

The Kingdom Come…

Kendra Santilli…

It’s bedtime. My husband is sound asleep next to me, my dog just audibly snoring under the bed. I had coffee after 6:00 pm. I knew better, but I just couldn’t let my mom waste my portion of ‘Joe that she’d prepared for me as I was getting ready to bid my goodbyes at her house earlier that evening. I lay in bed with my eyes closed (as humans do when we need to fall asleep) but inside, my mind does not submit to the stillness that I am trying to outwardly express by closing my eyes and waiting to fall asleep. Thoughts of the past week, the day, and the coming week just race through my mind, replaying scenarios that I could have responded to better, and anticipating future scenarios where I am the better person. Though the room is dark, I can see and hear each part of this locomotive in living color, and there is no stopping this train of thought on my own. Tossing and turning I try to find a comfortable position to finally park this train, until suddenly I remember! I am not of this world. Worrying will NOT add a single day to my life. All of a sudden these doubts and worries are replaced with affirmations from the word of God and I am met with the tender peace that stops the train in its tracks and escorts me to sleep.

I am not of this world. This kind of thought disruption is not a natural response of mine, rather it is a result of cultivating my relationship with God; inviting Him to be part of my life in such a way that is as deep as my thought processes. As I have been revisiting my last blog post and studying what Jesus meant when He was talking about what the will of the Father is, I read back over the couple chapters prior to Matthew 7 where we left off. Here, Jesus gave one of the greatest sermons ever preached. Some may know it as the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus said Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. A couple verses later we see similar language used again saying, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. As I read over “these words” of Jesus, I began to see one common thread in regards to the will of the Father: the Kingdom of God is His mission for humanity.

Jesus is looking to know us more than He is looking for perfection. Getting to know Him requires spending time with Him in His word and in prayer. To know the word of God is to know Jesus. He desires for us to seek the will of His Father, God and the way to do this is to first invite His Holy Spirit to help us understand what His will is. Second, we must discipline ourselves to redirect our thoughts to be focused on His Kingdom. In Matthew 5-6, Jesus gives us the blueprint to what He intended this life to look like by the economy of the heavenly realm. He shows us what it means to navigate this world by His principles. By our standards, we know not to murder, not to steal, not to cheat on our spouses, to forgive our enemies, etc. Jesus takes it a step further and says that if anyone is angry with a brother or sister they are subject to judgment; if a man even looks at a woman lustfully he has committed adultery; let your yes be yes and your no be no, anything more is from the evil one; love your enemies [paraphrased]. It seems as though He is presenting the impossibility to live rightly. But may I propose that what He is saying is to live humbly and unassuming of others. The common thread in this reading is that we are to place others above ourselves and not just chase after our own ambitions. He is saying to counter culturally examine our hearts and motives: Why am I being generous? Why am I praying? Why do I post certain things on my social media? Is it for the approval of someone else? Or because I’m being true to what God wants me to do? Is His approval enough for me? And I mean, seriously ask yourselves these questions before God. Perhaps He is inviting us to a life of self-examination, so that we remain with a heart posture that is pure before Him. A life that He truly knows. That when we stand before Him our outward acts of kindness came from an inward posture of humility before Him while we were on earth, before we were ever able to behold His presence with our physical eyes. I believe that Jesus is calling you and me to live with an awareness of His heart for others. 

When He shows us how to pray in chapter 6, there is one small blurb of presenting our needs. That’s it. ONE LINE. The rest of this model for prayer is seeking the will of God. Is there a place to ask of the Lord? Of course there is; I would not suggest otherwise. I just find it interesting that the Lord’s prayer is laced with yearning for a Kingdom of which we cannot see. It starts with praising God and giving thanks without even saying “me” or “I”. It goes on to say Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Pause! From this I understand that we can see His Kingdom ON EARTH while we are STILL HERE. Could this mean that His Kingdom is manifested through us, His people, as we submit ourselves to Him? Could this mean that we can actually see peace where we live and work? I think Jesus, praying for the Kingdom of God to come on earth as it is in Heaven, knew that there is so much more than meets the eye, and He is welcoming us into this level of relationship with Him! He goes on to say, Give us today our daily bread… This is the one part of the prayer that focuses on our physical needs after we have praised God and asked for his Kingdom come and His will to be done on earth. The rest of the prayer reads, And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. The rest of this instruction on prayer focuses on the posture of our hearts. It is a position of repentance; turning from sinful ways. Not just once, but to remain in that place our whole lives. This prayer focuses on healing our hearts through the forgiveness of God and realigning ourselves with His will. When I read this, my heart is burdened with the desire to always want to come to the throne room of Heaven with humility and not entitlement. 

The will of God for us is simple. Seek Him. Love Him with your whole heart; the kind of love that can only come from spending time with someone. Second, love others. Put them before yourselves. As you grow in your love for the Lord, He fills you with compassion for others. He gives the ability to love the unlovable. I pray as you know God you grow in confidence that He knows you, and His Kingdom is readily available to you.

I know that for many, this type of relationship with God is beyond comprehension. I want you to know that He made this lifestyle available to ALL MEN when Jesus came to earth and died on the cross. He did it for me and He did it for you. Repent of your sins and believe in Jesus, and He is faithful to forgive you. 

Welcome to the Kingdom!

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