“Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing him.”

“We are marching towards this new thing God is about to reveal; we are marching towards the New Jerusalem.”

Gethsemane felt like a distant memory, His precious Blood long dried now; browned—at least what was left of it that is. His Cross, bare. His tomb, empty. Everything that had once filled them with such hope, painted bright with the broad brushstrokes of possibility, those areas of their lives that had been infused with faith and joy and a future in Him—because He had said it was so— as dried up and brown now as His spilled Blood. But how? How could this have happened? Why? Why didn’t He save Himself? Save us all? Why didn’t we see this coming? Distractions are designed to force you to make adjustments to your area of focus. –Pastor Mike Padgett.

They had been expecting Him—their Messiah, to come and fight. To raise up an army. To deliver them from the death-like grip of Roman oppression as David, the mighty warrior King would have…

There’s a real danger in looking backward when something new is standing right in front of you. Not only will looking back blind you from being able to recognize the new thing standing before you—but looking backward also robs the hope new-ness offers. And so it was with these two men. Heads bent, heavy from grief and disbelief. They were certain they had just lost forever the One person that meant everything to them. Grief has a way of blinding us to those who are walking right beside us.

Jesus had been with them for some three years. He had foretold of His death and resurrection on numerous instances while He was with them. “…He said to them, “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. They will kill him, and after three days he will rise.” –Mark 8:31; Luke 13:33; Matthew 16:21. He’d also told them that He had come to do the will of His Father. “For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.”—John 6:38. Not once did He ever mention fulfilling their will—nor His own. That day on the Emmaus road they hadn’t yet grasped that this Jesus, their Messiah—ours too, was their Paschal Lamb. Would quite literally throw Himself in front of the enemy of their souls—ours too—in a way no David, no mere man ever could. They had no clue the power in this Lamb’s Blood! They didn’t understand its reach extended far beyond the doorposts and lintels of their ancestors…

Christ was right there with these two. This same Christ whom they had walked with and ate with. Had slept beside and had their hearts and minds and bellies filled by His teachings was walking side-by-side with them now. And, yet, they weren’t able to recognize them. The Scriptures tell us they were kept from recognizing Him. It wasn’t until Jesus broke the bread and blessed it that their eyes were finally opened. For whatever reason, the Bible doesn’t elaborate, it wasn’t until they saw this familiar action being performed that their eyes were finally opened, recognizing Him. “When he was at table with them, he took the bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. And he vanished from their sight.” –Luke 24:30-31.

That got me to wondering: So how much of Jesus, His nearness and wisdom, His desiring for us to see beyond our natural seeing do we miss in our everyday walk with Him because we’re not able to recognize Him in anything other than what’s familiar to us? This newly resurrected Christ had been keeping stride with Cleopas and this other disciple all the while—and nothing. Not a clue. Not only did they not recognize Him by sight, but His voice was obviously foreign to them as well.

Are we being offered some glimpse into our resurrected appearances within this verse? I digress…

In allowing Christ Jesus to be sacrificed, God had just done this new thing. Actually, He had just fulfilled an old agreement. No more sprinkling the people with the blood of slaughtered animals. “Moses then took the blood, sprinkled it on the people and said, “This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you in accordance with all these words.” –Exodus 24:8. From now on, there’d be no further need for walking between slaughtered animals. His covenant with Abraham confirmed and undergirded through Moses, (Exodus, chapters 19-34) fulfilled now in His Paschal Lamb, Christ Jesus. “So the Lord said to him, “Bring me a heifer, a goat and a ram, each three years old, along with a dove and a young pigeon.” Abram brought all these to him, cut them in two and arranged the halves opposite each other; the birds, however, he did not cut in half. When the sun had set and darkness had fallen, a smoking firepot with a blazing torch appeared and passed between the pieces. On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram… –Genesis 15: 9-10;17-18.

Notice that it was only God who walked between these bloody carcasses. He was that “smoking firepot with a blazing torch.” Abram was in a deep sleep. The covenant made with Abraham and Moses has always been God’s alone to fulfill. From the very second He stood over the dark void, until the very second the feet of Jesus touch this earth for a second time, only God is, has been, or will ever be, worthy to uphold His covenant. He is the only One without sin. Only God has ever been capable of fulfilling the promises He’s made to any man. Man, on the other hand, has broken every promise we’ve ever made to God. We’ve never once managed to hold up our end of the covenant…

And as it was with those who have gone before us, those who swore to keep God’s commands, to follow His ordinances, His ways, so too is it with every one of us today. Sinners all, in need of salvation. In need of the Blood. In need of what had been offered to us way back in the garden—a relationship with God.  This broken relationship restored now, made possible once again through Jesus, our Paschal Lamb. In God’s offering of His only Son, never again would the blood of an animal be required to atone for the sins of a people—any people, us. No more animal blood need be painted on doorposts and their lintels. “And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the Lord throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever. –Exodus 12:13-14. What had been required by God’s law; a foreshadowing—has become a memorial now, a homage, an altar of remembrance, our unfathomable privilege…

“Why is tonight different from all other nights?” Because God had just sacrificed the only Lamb, the only sacrifice, that is wholly acceptable in His sight; His pure, sinless, spotless Son. The Lamb of God Himself. Because He chose to cover us, as He did Adam and Eve and Abram and Moses and Joshua and all of His children before us—as well as those yet come. This same God who had covered Adam and Eve with bloody animal skins in the garden—a foreshadowing, knew death was coming for every first-born in Egypt, a judgment, yet another foreshadowing, flung Himself in front of death and, in offering His own Blood said, “Not this one!” God, with Jesus in mind, protected His people eternally with the shed blood of a lamb or a kid so that He might deliver them—leading them out from under the grip of the one who sought to oppress them, destroy them. Leading them instead, back into right relationship with Himself…

Sound familiar? It should.

God is still delivering us out from under the death-like grip of that same one whose sole mission in this life is to steal from us, destroy us, and finally, to kill us. “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10. This part of the story has never changed. It started in the garden with the words, “Did God really say”, and it will continue until the day Jesus returns and puts an end to him.

Friend, many things in this life will not change until Christ returns. That’s just a fact. If you’re waiting to get it right or for things to be right before you come to know Christ, you, my dear friend, will miss out on all that He has for you both now, and in the world to come. More, you will have been as blind as those friends of Jesus who failed to see what was right in front of them. That same Christ that was with them is walking right beside you now. He’s just waiting for you to ask Him into your life. And I promise you, that if you do, honestly ask Him I mean, then He will open your eyes to all that God has for you, has yet to come in this world, just as He did for those two.

And to you my brothers and sisters, if you’ve become stagnant in your walk with the Lord, I pray you will begin to stir up your faith, your gift—repent, earnestly seek His face and will and direction for your life. The price Christ paid that you might be restored— have a relationship with God at all, was far too dear for you or me—for any of us to let grow cold or stale…

Again and again, God has delivered those He calls to Himself. Delivered them from every kind of sin, sickness, and dis-ease. “It is finished.” So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit. –John 19:30. We don’t serve a one time—one chance God. Thankfully, we serve a God whose mercy is new each morning. An Intercessor who sits at the right hand of the Father, praying for us day and night. A God who is ever offering us the opportunity of a new life in Himself…

Friend, if you don’t know this Jesus personally, in this holy season of hope and renewal, won’t you ask Him to break bread before you that your eyes may be opened too? He did it for them, if you truly desire it, He’ll surely do it for you …

Whether you know it, or not. Recognize it, or not. We are marching towards this “new thing” God is about to reveal; we are marching towards the New Jerusalem…”  

My highest prayer for you today is that you’ll march with us. If you have yet to ask this Jesus to come and break bread with you, make Himself real and recognizable to you, then please, don’t let this moment pass. “He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” –Revelation 21:5.