“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12:2.

We here at Sonsofthesea are praying for you and with you as we pass through this current storm. May your hearts and minds remain open to all the Lord is saying to you personally, as well as to His Body as a whole. We’re also lifting up those God has entrusted to you to Shephard or minister to; be they a congregation of people or individual family members, or neighbors. Know that we as a ministry, as well as our partner, Highland City Church, are seeking God’s will during this season of imposed social distancing. Yet though we are observing those rules and guidelines given us by our leaders, both civic and spiritual, we are more committed than ever, in these tenuous times, to draw ever closer to God. To staying linked to Him. Too fast and pray. To going deeper, that we might come out the other side of this current storm stronger, with a new fire in our belly. Moving forward then, with a clearer vision of the Lord’s instructions for any new direction in which He might have us to go—to lead, share with, encourage you; those God has entrusted to us.

Perhaps He’s calling us all into a time of renewed simplicity and power? A genuine caring for others and not simply for self, as witnessed in the Acts church?

We, as 20th century Christians, have the privilege, via God’s written Word and the paradigms it contains, to witness both the clarity and power that can happen when God’s people emerge from where God has strategically placed them—their places of refining and preparation. From Moses who emerged on the scene after 40 years in the desert to help lead God’s people out from under Egypt’s oppressive rule. To watching John the Baptist step forth onto the world stage from his place of preparation in the desert into being used to call a people to repentance; preparing the way for the Lord’s arrival. We’re able to witness Elijah too. Used by God to call His people back to Himself and away from their pagan gods and idols—from the Baals. And then there is the Apostle Paul, who, after being in the desert for some 3 ½ years, we witness emerging in power to help spread the Gospel message to the gentiles. And there are countless others that a thorough search of the Scriptures will reveal emerged to intercede for or lead God’s people during times of great testing and trials as well. Were used to help usher in a fresh wind of change, God’s plan for His Church, for the world. Biblically speaking, Esther and Mordecai jump to mind.

And then there are the likes of the more contemporary men and women of God He has, and is using still. The likes of Spurgeon, Moody, Jim Elliot, Christine Gibson, William J. Seymour, C.S. Lewis, Billy Graham, and Reinhard Bonnke. Straight onto those hundreds of thousands of missionaries, apologists, prophets, and evangelists around the world whom God uses to help edify, encourage, and correct both His people and the world.

We as Christ-followers, as His children, are being afforded these same types of gateways today that our biblical forefathers once tasted—perhaps greater still as the time for Christ’s return draws closer by the minute…

I do believe God is supernaturally opening doors that have been kept purposefully closed until now. Their sudden opening creating timely points of access into people’s lives—their very hearts, that we’ve not witnessed, most of us anyway, in our lifetime. Just as He did for Moses and John and Paul and Esther before us. I believe the true question remains: How will we use this time we’re being afforded? Are we seeking God’s face that we might somehow be used by Him to help usher in His next great move? His will? Are we asking Him to reveal to us a clear vision— not only for what our lives and ministries will look like, more, a clearer, bolder vision as to how to help guide His people, our neighbors, in times such as ours?

My brothers and sisters, as a fellow servant of Jesus Christ I urge you, I challenge myself, to intentionally set aside a designated time to come before the Lord wholeheartedly, in surrender, on our faces and knees, as I’m certain most of you have and will continue to do, crying out, seeking to clearly hear from heaven; that we might come away with a renewed boldness, a fixed determination to serve God with our whole heart. Any remnants of our half-stepping are burnt-up, left in a pile of discarded ashes. So that we, like Moses and John, Paul, and Esther, will offer God’s people His Truth, in love. Be it popular, or not. We will not back down. We will instead, boldly, faithfully, do what we have been called to do; our #1 priority. Help ready His people for Jesus Christ’s soon return…

Listen now, to Charles Spurgeon’s words delivered to his congregation on July 13th, 1879. This excerpt is taken from his sermon, a charge, to each Christian man and woman within earshot in a time when both he and they were facing a great war, a depression, and all of those spiritual and societal challenges that were associated with them. I pray we hear his words, more than they permeate us, every fiber of our being, now, today, as our communities, our world, faces these unchartered times. Remembering nevertheless, that though the world may not know what might be coming next—God most certainly does. None of what we are experiencing has caught Him off guard. He is Sovereign. His plan for this world fixed, certain, and will continue to unfold, in His divine timing. So then, my brothers and sisters, being assured of this Truth, let us join our prayers together as One Body seeking the will of God for His Church, our lives and ministries and families, and neighbors. That we might emerge a stronger, purer, more holy people who will wholeheartedly turn back to God; from the greatest to the smallest, in repentance, and with a renewed devotion to God…

You are part and parcel of the nation, for you share in its protection and privileges, and it is yours as Christian men to feel that you are bound in return to do all you can in the midst of it to promote truth and righteousness. What then? What course should we now pursue? Let us make confession of sin on behalf of the people as Moses and Jeremiah and Daniel did aforetime. You may not consider that to be sin which I judge to be so, but, my brother, you see sin enough all around you of one sort or another. Take it to yourself, and as the high priest went in to the holy place to plead for the people, so act you as a priest before God, in your quiet personal devotions. Confess the sin of this nation before God. If it will not repent, repent for it. Stand as a sort of consecrated sponsor before God, and let the sin lie on your heart till you fall on your face before the Most High. Remember, the saints are intercessors with God for the people. Ye are God’s remembrancers, and, as ye are called to make mention of his name, keep not silence day nor night, but in this hour of trouble pour out your hearts before him. Get you up to your Carmels and cry aloud, you that know how to cry unto God, that he may send deliverance, and when you have prayed for this people and asked the Lord to forgive its sin, and also to take away the chastising rod, then all of you promote by your daily lives, your precepts, and your actions, “whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report.” Be on the side of temperance and sobriety: be on the side of peace and of justice; be on the side of everything that is according to the mind of God, and according to the law of love. Love God and your fellow men, and seek to promote all interests which look that way. I believe that a country can never have a larger blessing, a truer safeguard for the present, or a firmer security for its future greatness, than a band of praying men and women who make mention of it before the throne of God –Charles Spurgeon.

Beloved, take heart. Be encouraged! You serve a loving, merciful Father. And know, we here at Sonsofthesea, and our partner at Highland City Church, are praying for you, your families, ministries, and, our neighbors. We encourage you in this time as well, to take all that you hear from the swirling masses of “spiritual authorities” before the Lord for confirmation. God will give you wisdom ad discernment if you seek after it. The same with secular authorities and news stories, be wise, check your facts!

And to you, new friend. If you haven’t asked Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior, may we encourage you to do it right now! With all that is changing in our world, what better time than today to invite Him in! Remember, no man is promised tomorrow, so please, don’t let this moment pass you by! “Seek the Lord while He may be found; Call on Him [for salvation] while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6.