
I pray this first week of the New Year has found you positioned—fixed, on following after Jesus as never before. I pray too, that it has infused you with a renewed determination to leave behind any thing that hinders your faithfully following after God, wholeheartedly seeking to draw ever closer, nearer, to the pure desires of His heart. I’m sure the Holy Spirit has allowed you glimpses of His will and calling, both for you personally, as well as for your family and ministry. My prayers go with you as you valiantly take your next step of obedience in full confidence knowing that Jesus is drawing you ever closer to Himself. Refining you. Purging you. Breaking off, along the way, those ‘things’ that no longer serve you or bring God glory. I do hope this New Year will find you, as a dear brother recently wrote, choosing to follow after the cloud and not the crowd…

“The [presence of the] Lord was going before them by day in a pillar (column) of cloud to lead them along the way, and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light, so that they could travel by day and by night. He did not withdraw the pillar of cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from going before the people” Exodus 13:21-22.

Friends, it saddens me to say that due to a very recent illness, will not post our next full teaching, “Governed by God” until next Saturday, January 18th at noon. I thank you in advance for patient understanding and continued patronage. Know that I do so miss sharing both His Word and my time, with you. I am ever grateful that you continue to follow me as I follow Christ. Until next week beloved, may God bless you and keep you…

In His Adventure,
