“As soon as the meal was finished, he insisted that the disciples get in the boat and go on ahead to the other side while he dismissed the people.”

It wasn’t Jesus’ feeding of the five thousand, nor was it Peter’s walking on water that jumped out at me as I read Chapter 14 of Matthew’s Gospel. It wasn’t even Jesus’ walking on water. Rather, it was the fact that He ‘insisted’ that His disciples get in their boat and cross the Sea of Tiberias, and head towards Gennesaret without Him—all the while knowing a storm was headed their way. But why? Why did Jesus insist that they go ahead without them? Why send Twelve of His dearest friends—His beloved disciples, into a perilous storm He knew was coming? Why would He send them off on their own to face a storm He knew was far beyond their capacity to traverse?

Would you be surprised if I said His love for them was the motivating force behind Jesus’ command that they cross the sea without Him? Be sent into a storm He knew they were ill-prepared for? Difficult as it may be to take in, God’s love will, oftentimes places us in situations or allow us to face seasons of difficulties that we simply do not understand, are in no way prepared to handle. Included within these often-stormy moments, are precious gifts given us—if we’ll but receive them. Those sweet moments of clarity that lead us into the sure knowing that He alone is God. And, in those moments, a heart-cry goes out, Abba! Father! Save me as only can! We hand ourselves over to the One who allowed the storm so that we might witness Him walking on the water right there beside us; already there with us, ready and willing to save. Just as it was with the disciples, so it is with us, too. Though skilled in their craft as fishermen, and dedicated followers of Jesus, what they were about to face is an example of one of the occasions the Lord would use adversity to build their faith in Him. To redirect their natural tendency to handle things on our own—back towards Himself.

When we become aware that life will give us more than we can handle and come to grips with this, we find a promise: God is faithful to meet us in the mess and in the pain. And when He does, we learn to recognize our constant need to depend on Him. This is why Peter instructs the Church to cast our fears, worries, suffering, and pain on God. He reasons we can do this because God cares for us. When life deals us more than we can handle, we can rest in the reality that God can handle it –MICHAEL HIDALGO.

They were following after Him, mind you, serving Him, they were not out of the will of God, had not disobeyed Him. This was no rebuke. No punishment for deliberate sin. These were not men who had decided to run off and go their own way. On the contrary, in getting into that boat, they were following Jesus’ command, just as they always had. From the time Jesus called His disciples, He began stretching their faith, preparing them for that day when He knew He would have to leave them behind and return to the Father. This command to cross over before Him was no exception. He was ever instructing them, refine them and building them up. Taking from them what did not benefit them, their calling and purpose, and depositing into them instead new-life and purpose, a new vision and wisdom; readying them for the task of spreading His Message to a world who would all-too-often reject that message—reject Him. Sound familiar?

Jesus knew His friends end from their very beginnings. Hence, He knew exactly what they’d need, both individually, and collectively to do the will of the One that had sent Him, and chosen them. As evidence of this stretching of their faith, we first witness Jesus’ disciples facing a similar storm back in Matthew Eight. Immediately following Jesus’ informing those within earshot of the cost of following after Him, He instructs His disciples to get into their boat and head off to the opposite side of the lake –Matthew 7:18-22; 8:23-27.

God is always working. Always preparing us for what is just ahead—just on the other side of any given storm or struggle.  

It is here then, in verse 24 of Matthew 8, that we first see the disciples facing a storm at sea. It is here also, where we come to understand that the disciples have yet to come into the full knowledge of just who this Jesus truly is. The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!” –verse 27. It is here too, that we witness an eternal Truth that can and will carry us through any storm. Jesus has promised to never leave His chosen alone.

He was as present in the disciple’s boat in Matthew 14 as He was in Matthew 8. The difference between the two being the lesson He was teaching in each instance—the degree of stretching that was taking place. Their learning to see beyond the limits of the natural world that they may see more clearly into the realm of the spirit. Contained within Matthew 14 is, in part, a vital nugget: to always remember the Truth of who God is, has shown Himself to be in our lives; contrary to the intensity of the storm we may be facing. For as long as we are on this earth, waves of affliction and troubles will come our way. How we perceive them, allow them to affect us, determines the shape we’ll come out in on the other side of our storm. Shipwrecked or strengthened?

Know this beloved: it is to the other side of the storm that we as His disciples, His servants, are being called; to serve, witness to, to bind up and undergird another. Why, in part, we have been chosen in Him at all. The other side of the storm is what we, as our brothers before us, are being prepared for, stretched, that we might reach the one God is sending us to; all the while becoming more like the One who sent us…

Another of the reasons the disciples were sent into the thick of a situation that was too great for them to manage on their own, was to teach them reliance—to trust in God alone. Only God can safely get us through the perilous storms that would otherwise destroy us. Contrary to our strengths and gifts, to our God-given abilities and our divine potential, we were not created to live apart from God—we are not our own. Love teaches us to rely solely on God, while the world around us screams at us to be self-reliant. To be our own god, to save ourselves. Let us each, instead, follow the lead of our brothers before us.

After being saved from a storm, once again—after allowing God to have stretched their faith one more time, it is here, for the first time that we hear these men finally proclaim that they know, (a knowing so deep and pure and true that they were willing to die for it) that this Jesus is, in fact, the Son of God. Long before Jesus ever stood over the dark void this storm—and its outcome, existed in Him; as does every storm—and its outcome, that you and I will ever face. Even that one that appears so perilous that it threatens to take us out! Fear not beloved. God is as present with you now as He was with our brothers then. And, the wind and waves still obey Him today…

But now, this is what the Lord says— he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze” –Isaiah 43:1-2.

He has called you to pass through the afflictions, the troubles, this current storm, beloved. Through the waters and rivers. Through the fire—to faith and Life in Him. Trust that you have everything within you you’ll ever need to get there; God in you and with you—always and in all ways. Waves of affliction will come—troubles too, but we, you and me and Peter and John and every believer that has ever or will ever live—are never, not for one nano-second, ever alone. He still walks on the stormy waters we are passing through them on the way to those He has sent us to reach; before He calls us back to Himself. Rely on that Truth. Place your trust in God alone…

If you have read this through this teaching, and do not have a relationship with Jesus, the One who saves all those who cry to Him from their hearts; then please, ask Him to show Himself to you know. Ask Him to be the Lord and Savior of your life. “Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved” Romans 10:9.