
She was thirsty. Truth is, she had been thirsty for quite some time. Her thirst was so voracious that not one of her 5 husbands nor her current lover was able to fully sate it. Yet thirst isn’t what sent her out to fill her water jugs on this hot afternoon; shame had caused her to steal away towards Jacobs well in search of much-needed water….
Being thirsty will do that to you…
It caused her to venture out into the high heat of the noonday sun simply to avoid the pain caused by those whose eyes were filled with loathing. To shield herself from the incessant, not-so hushed conversations that were laden thick with toxic contempt. Conversations so loud and pernicious their acrid poison pierced her own thoughts. “Five husbands, the shame! Harlot! Do you see who she is living with now? Don’t even look at her! Wicked creature! Filthy dog.” Each word a confirmation, an echo of what her own heart accused her of during her hours of stark isolation. “Spoiled. I am forever spoiled. So dirty. Filthy. Good for nothing other than shame. No one of value will ever look at me again…”
Each acrid word a fist. And, blow after blow, the assault just kept coming…
She should be used to it by now. The years of feeling shame. Dodging and weaving and avoiding. Of isolating—and telling herself whatever she needed to hear at that moment so as not to lose her mind. And, now, after having endured the exacting heat of the noonday sun that she might avoid the words of those women whose not-so hushed conversations stung like bees, after carrying her pain and shame this long way, this burdensome weight of knowing just how far she had fallen, how barren and parched she truly was; she’d arrived, finally, at Jacob’s well as thirsty as she had ever been. Finally, she was alone—well almost. A man was just there; sitting on the edge of the well. Will I never escape the reach of these insistent, needy men?
I wonder what this one wants?
They all want something…
He had walked into what most Jews of His day considered enemy territory. You see, Jews did not socialize with Samaritans. It just wasn’t done. To give you an idea of the strict division that existed between these two factions, think of the rift that has existed, and exists still, between the Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland. Or, drink in the sheer hatred and rivalry that exists between the Crips and the Bloods, or between any other bitterly opposing faction you can think of. This will give you a glimpse into the climate that existed between the Jews and Samaritans…
The deep chasm that divided them dated back before the separation of the northern and southern Jewish Kingdoms. These Samaritan Jews had become renegades. Mere half breeds in the eyes of any self-respecting Jew! Worshipping Yahweh and all those other strange gods, idols of all sorts. Surely, they were not true Jews!—1 Kings 12; 2 Kings 17.
Hence, why no self-respecting Jew would be caught dead in a filthy Samaritan village! Yet Jesus intentionally walks right into the middle of the years of bitter animosity and rivalry. Cutting through, like a hot knife through butter, all their religious, cultural, and social barriers simply by lovingly affirming their worth. He does this specifically to offer this thirsty woman a drink that would forever change, not only her life but would radically impact all those who knew of her reputation as well.
That’s what the love of God does. It changes you from the inside out. And this same love had caused Jesus to come and sit at Jacobs well, waiting. To restore—wash clean, make new, enliven. To offer new life to, a new way. Turning the world as she had known it, upside down. He came to tear down the division, the isolation, and, all of her false misconceptions. To break down those burdensome laws that men had implemented. He came to fulfill instead, every Word that God has ever spoken. And so much more. During His ministry, Jesus hungered after every Word that His Father spoke. They were His daily Bread. They were who He was. They were Him. What sustained Him. He lived to do the will of the Father—to speak what He heard His Father saying. To bring the love of God to a lost and dying world.
A world that hungered and thirst after anything that would satisfy it, however briefly. Even if it was killing them…
And so He asks this woman standing at Jacobs well, this one who is hiding in plain sight, for a drink of water. Jesus knows that what He has come to offer her far exceeds any thing she might give to Him—even unto her very life. But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. The woman said, “I know the Messiah is coming—the one who is called Christ. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.” Then Jesus told her, “I am the Messiah!” –John 4:23-26.
In being afforded the honor of listening to this seemingly unorthodox conversation, we walk away with the privilege of having witnessed the love of God on full display. His heart and intentions freely poured out in the person of Jesus Christ, for Jew and gentile alike. (John 4:7-30)
She thought this Jew who showed up in her Samaritan village wanted something from her. After all, why else would a Jew stop to rest at a Samaritan well unless they wanted something? Why would any self-respecting Jew, say nothing of a Rabbi, talk to a Samaritan woman? It was unheard of! Rabbis didn’t even talk to their wives or daughters in public, never mind a Samaritan woman! To this very day, if an orthodox Jew should marry a gentile, the family will most likely hold that son or daughter’s funeral. Leaving no room for interpretation—they are dead. Both to their family and to their community.
Hence one reason why it had not occurred to her that this Jesus, a Jew—the Messiah, would ever come to a lowly Samaritan village simply to talk with her. To give something to her—not take one more thing from her; as so many had. Yet, even though He had shared with her all He had come to offer, even though she clearly understood this was no ordinary Jewish man, no ordinary Rabbi; still she wasn’t able to see through the gossamer veil of His parable (4:13-15).
Our sins blind us to His Truth…
So Jesus takes a different tack, a more direct approach. He purposely uses His knowledge of her sins to remove the scales from her eyes that she might truly see Him. Grasp at last His true intentions in coming to her. And it works! (John 4:16-19). More, through this one thirsty woman’s stepping from death into life, an entire village that had only moments before slammed their doors in her face, now opened their hearts to her after hearing her repeat all that this Jesus had revealed to her. John’s account informs us that because of what she had told them about this Jesus—about all that He had told her concerning herself, most came willing to listen to all He had to share with them. And, they not only listened to Jesus, but they were also thirsty for more! And, so, they asked Him to stay on with them because their hearts had been opened to hearing more from Him. Just as hers had. (4:39-42).
Friend is it possible that you, much like this woman at the well, are at a place in your life that you believe Jesus would never enter in to? Would never cross whatever barrier needed to be crossed that He might find you? Do you believe your sins are too great? Have you, like our woman at the well, bought into those not-so-hushed conversations concerning your worth?
If any of this rings true for you know this:
Just as surely as Jesus tore down every obstacle that He might save this one woman—He will do the same thing for you. He already has…
You are not too dirty, to hooked on whatever your choice of drug or drink is. There is no number of men or women you have had sex with that prohibits Jesus from loving you. Straight, gay, bi, drunk, drugging, stealing, not even the taking of life will separate you and God.
Jesus did not expect this woman to clean up her act before He was willing to come and talk with her, reveal the Truth of who He is to her. He knew that once they had a real conversation—once her heart was genuinely open to hearing what He had to say to her, He would then begin to lead her into the life He had created her to live. More, she would joyfully follow after Him! Leaving behind all those sinful choices that had once separated them…
He knew she was thirsty. He also knew He was exactly what she needed that she might never thirst again…
How about you? Have you also been thirsty for a long while too? Are you willing to leave what you’ve relied on until now at the well? Drinking deeply instead of what it is Jesus has to offer— a new life in Him? …Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. —John 10:14-16.
If you hear Him speaking to your heart today please, stop and listen to all He has to tell you about yourself. Ask Him to sit awhile with you. To become your Lord and Savior. After all, He came all this way that you might….
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