As I was sitting down to study, preparing for what I thought I’d be sharing this week, the Lord showed me instead, an image of a full-term baby stuck in the birthing canal.

It was in the birthing position, fully engaged, ready for delivery, yet the child was stuck and could not be delivered. My sense was that this baby had been in this position for quite some time. Fully formed—full-term, ready to enter “new life” yet, stuck, hence, it could not come forth. Emergency intervention was necessary to save its life. To deliver it into the life it was destined to live outside of the womb. To live and grow and fulfill what it had been created to be. But, it could not quite get there on its own. Couldn’t come into this life the same way most babies do. It needed another to rescue it, to save it from dying in the womb…

There are many in the Body of Christ who have been crying out to God to be delivered. Babies who are fully formed and should have long been birthed, delivered, yet, for whatever reason, have remained stuck. God is getting ready to intervene. He alone will deliver them, performing the emergency measures needed to remove them from the womb, as with an emergency Cesarean section. He will free them, lest they die there. Tell my children I am coming. Soon and very soon I, the Lord will deliver them.

This is what I saw and heard, in my Spirit…

The Scriptures I was led to during this time were Matthew 13: 52 and all of Ezekiel 16. Pray saints. Repent and cry out for God’s forgiveness and mercy if these Words are confirming in your belly what you know the Lord has been speaking to you for some time. I trust that He who began a good work in you and I will complete what He has started.

Yet keep in mind your guilt, knowing that His punishment is just—contrary to what your flesh might have to say about it. Humble yourself then, before God. Acknowledge your sins and repent. Then wait on the Lords just judgments to pass over you as you remain steadfast and chasing after Him; trusting that He is finishing the good work in you necessary to bring you fully forth…