“So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”

Every human being has received the gift of a language. Some means by which we communicate with the world around us. Whether using one’s voice, or hands, or eyes, or an art form, some expression, or, various other mode used through which we’re able to express the fiery passion that burns within us; we as people have been blessed with the ability to somehow communicate with each other. Cave men painted on walls in order to express themselves. Others carved images on stone. Others still, made impressions on clay vessels. Ideas formed shapes; feelings were conveyed —and awe was expressed …

How much richer the language, weightier the “words”, how much more awe-inspiring and enlivening the language given to the ones who carry within them the Word of God? Words that are not theirs, rather His, deposited into the mouths of the everyday people—a common vessel used to speak such holy Words, snatching people from a dark, dead world, while supernaturally witnessing them be shifted into the glorious, enlivening Light of His presence. And all we needed to do was use the Words given us. To be faithful. To show up and open our mouths. The transforming power behind ours Word, well, that’s all God!

These seeds of life entrusted to those of us who, in one-minute praise God, and in the next curse His creation! This is a mystery to me—our being chosen as vessels at all, being entrusted with such weighty a language—such a great privilege! Think of it; this God-given ability, this gift of being able to speak Words of life into another human being and then stand back and watch them become impregnated with the full knowledge of God! Right before our eyes we witness nine months in a minute! Death to life in a nanosecond. And God has seen fit for us to co-labor with Him. “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Now we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this surpassingly great power is from God and not from us” –2 Corinthians 4:7.

Paul calls us Gods Ambassadors. The vessels through whom God had chosen to make His appeal to a world that has chosen to close both their eyes and ears to the life-giving reality of who He is. The great I Am. The One True God. The One who stood over the void and said, “Let there be,” and there was. Their Creator—and ours. More, He is Life to us. Our All-in All. Through us, God pours the softening oil of His love, His great passion and care are poured out—lavished upon the calloused heart. “Come back to God!” we plead. Yet it is God alone who speaks through us. Their heart hearing only the sweetness of His voice. Like that of a new lover they respond to the wooing of His Spirit, they lean in, inhaling His exhale. His power made manifest in our weakness.

“God has made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.” We hear these Words tumble from our soiled lips, pure and powerful. In the Spirit, God is standing as close to us as our breath. And the soul He’s speaking to is washed clean by His Holy Word. Washed in the Blood of a Spotless Lamb. Jesus the Christ! He who has been with God from the beginning—One, He alone is God! And, He stands before the judgement Throne of heaven—our advocate. His Truth offered to the Father as our defense. “I’ll stand in his place, her place, their place, in the place of “all who will.” Allow me to cover their guilt with my innocence, Father. See them now as You see Me. Spotless and without sin. When you pass sentence on them, see me. Allow my shed Blood to be all that You see.”

Then, turning towards us, Jesus lovingly whispers, “I did this for you. You’re free to go now. However, don’t make light of this gift you’ve been given. It cost me my life. On Calvary’s Cross I took your place. Now, if you are profoundly grateful, go, and tell the world what I have done for you personally. Tell them how your life has changed—how you’ve changed! Don’t worry if not everyone listens to you, not everyone listened to me either. Just be faithful as I was faithful. Serve, as I served. Tell them this: if they’ll but ask me, I will stand before the Throne of heaven and plead for them as surely as I did for you—I promise. And, as with you, I’ll also teach them how to use their Words. But should they doubt you, refer them instead to my servant Moses. There was a time he felt as unworthy as you do to carry my glory on his stammering tongue. Yet, if you will, if she will, or him, or them over there will, but open your mouths, be willing to be used by Me—I will come to you. I will place my Spirit in you as surely as it was with Moses, or David, or Abraham. As fiercely and boldly as it burned inside John the Baptizer it will burn within you. As I did with them—I’ll do the same with you. Use you as voices crying out in the wilderness, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near” Matthew 3:2.

My dear brother and sister in Christ. In these dark days might I add my encouragement to Paul’s. Be bold in your witness! Willing to be used all-ways as God’s voice. Remembering always that time is short. At any moment, our Lord may return. May He find us about His business when He comes!

Friend, let me ask you, do you know this Jesus? This One who loved you with such a profound love that He willingly gave His life in exchange for yours? If not, won’t you ask Him into your life, your heart now, today? Not letting another day slip away simply ask Him to come and show Himself real to you. “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me” –Revelation 3:20.