"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Month: March 2019

I Want You, but You Must Decide…

“Teacher,” the man replied, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was young.”  Looking at the man, Jesus felt genuine love for him. “There is still one thing you haven’t done,” he told him. “Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

What do we do then when Jesus shows up—the Light of His presence exposing us? Our sins laid bare before us both. Indisputable. Catching us, not Him, unawares…

Reading through the account of “The Rich Young Ruler” I caught a glimpse of my heart. Well, at least I saw one idol that was sitting quite smugly upon it —one that I had allowed to reign where only God alone belongs. Must always remain. Money is its name, this idol of mine. More specifically, the discomfits and sacrifices its lack may cause me. And as of this moment it is only a “may”. Some possible future thing yet to have happened; nothing has changed. Financially speaking that is. Nonetheless, it was in this “just catching a glimpse that something may change moment” that my idol was exposed. In a nano-second I lost the sure footing I’d felt just that one second before. I was suddenly off-balance, falling, unexpectedly tugged, the solid ground beneath me failing me now….

Because isn’t that the point of this young man’s story? The ground beneath him, and I, had been unexpectedly shaken in Jesus’ pointing out of the idols that have clutched our hearts? The death grip of these things that have been allowed to exalt themselves above God? Isn’t that what a loving God comes and does for us; unsteadies our ground, forcing us to reevaluate our footing? Doesn’t He show up, at just the right time, in love, to show us a better way? The way of life, not of stuff. The prosperity preachers seem to pass that over most times. But that’s for a different day…

In that instant we feel as naked before Him as the day we were born. With nowhere to hide He exposes our sin and reveals that—for as long as we continue to live in this body, in this world, we will repeatedly be exposed to experiencing these pebbles of painful revelation found in our proverbial shoes that we might grow. These uncomfortable choices that will force us to stop and remove them least our journey be somehow permanently hindered, or worse. These sins in our camp that must be exposed, dealt with, and, removed. There will always be these moments when we will be made to feel off-balance. These “suddenly” moments when the Light of His Love will shine into the darkness of some tucked away sin, some stronghold or idol that must, for our betterment, must be destroyed. God is far more interested in our characters than in our comfort. Thus, as with the young man in Marks Gospel, we too will be faced with making the choice Jesus has offered Him. It, your idol, or Me?

The choice afforded him, us too, is to follow Jesus. To willingly leave behind our idols, our false sense of security, our creature comforts, perhaps—those “things” we feel we must have in order for our world to run smoothly. In order for us to feel sure-footed, of having everything in order, under control. Not because God does not want us to have things mind you, that’s not it. More to the point, God doesn’t want things to have us. To rule and reign over us—in our hearts, above Him; becoming the god that keeps our world running smoothly and, our things the proof of our accomplishments and abilities. All the while pushing the One True God off of His rightful place—the very center of our lives and hearts. Dismissing Him as being our All-in All. Our more than enough. The One who is so much more than we deserve. The Giver of life. The only true Source of every good thing. The One that valued our lives so dearly He laid down His own to ransom them.

Rather, whether intentionally—as with this rich young ruler, or in continued conscious rebellion, as with most of us ( we are often far too aware of those sins we chose to continue to push back under the table of deniability each time they threaten to pop their heads out from beneath like the a dog lacking discipline groveling.) we must choose, over and over and over again, for as long a we live, just who it is that truly reigns Sovereign in our lives? Us, with our willful wants and needs and have-to-haves, or Jesus?

At the end of the day do we really mean what we say: Thy will be done in my life Lord?

And I do believe, that if we love Jesus, truly, if we’ve surrendered our lives to Him—rather, been chosen by Him, in Him, then yes, we do want His perfect will to be the standard for our lives. Because it is His will, alive and burning and leading and guiding us within that causes this desire to surrender into His loving hands any-thing He might ask of us. Unto our very lives. We hunger for Him to be our True North. The One we follow—come what may; no matter the terrain, contrary to anything that may be required of us to give up—or over to, to be surrendered, knocked down, destroyed, or abandoned altogether.

In closing, our idol never sits alone. Typically, it is always accompanied by its cohort, its devotee, its banker and backer, pride. Pride always wants the best seat. The front row. It will always attempt to set our paltry idols up on a Kings throne. Anemic. It was pride coupled with a false sense of security and identity that caused our rich young friend to turn away from Jesus’ humble offer to follow Him rather than chasing after the short-term pleasures of this world.

False identity that will one day rot and be eaten up by moth and flame—leaving its reward in its wake…

Once again, this day, so many years after He first came and called me to Himself, asked if I would leave it all behind for His name sake; the Light of God’s saving love has shone brightly, yet again, exposing some thing I have allowed to sit, however briefly, upon a Throne reserved for Christ alone. And, though it is my true desire to upend this imposter from Gods rightful place in my heart, I acknowledge that without Him, willing it alone, I have no permanent power to topple them. My willpower is insufficient. Had it been enough, they’d never gained access  into me in the first place. Therefore, I take the greatest comfort that even in this, even though I allowed the imposter in, He has assured me, promised even “Everything is possible with God.” It is defeated in Jesus name! I am thankful that with God and, in His strength, pride and every idol it dares to back will be defeated—because of who He is and what He alone has done…

So then, what do we do then when Jesus shows up—the Light of His presence exposing us? Our sin laid bare before us both, indisputable. Catching us, not Him, unawares? Firstly, we thank Him for such a gift. Then, we must make the only real and lasting choice there is. Trust God. Irrespective of our fears, contrary to whatever may come—we must, we must always and in all of our ways choose God, first.

My brothers and sisters be encouraged today remembering this, our Father only chastens those He loves. And you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons: “My son, do not take lightly the discipline of the Lord, and do not lose heart when He rebukes you. For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastises everyone He receives as a son.” Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?” –Hebrews 12:5-7

Dearest friend, if you are questioning “is there a God who truly loves me” the answer in an unequivocal and eternal, yes! He is the reason you’re here right now, reading this. He wants to help answer the questions of your heart. To demonstrate that though you may be faced with difficult decisions, He fully understands. He met you here today specifically to ask, “won’t you follow me?” So then, won’t you please say yes to Him today? But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Therefore, since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from wrath through Him! For if, when we were enemies of God, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life! –Romans 5:8-10

Examples. Ephesians 2:7.

“So God can point to us in all future ages as examples of the incredible wealth of his grace and kindness toward us, as shown in all he has done for us who are united with Christ Jesus.”

The starry heavens are best seen by reflecting telescopes, which, in their field, mirror the brightness above. –MacLaren Commentaries.

Though Paul directs all glory and honor towards Jesus Christ, towards Gods kindness, mercy, and grace being lavished on all those whom He has chosen in Christ as His own; here, in our scripture, in some small way too, he makes known to us how God uses His creations, those He has chosen for Himself, as examples for all who will follow their example of perpetual faithfulness in the face of adversity—and even death. If not for Gods unplumbed love, of His desiring to be in relationship with His creation, His chosen ones, how else might we explain our ability to interact—more, share intimacy with, the Sovereign God of the universe? God’s kindness is all ‘in Christ Jesus’; in Him is the great channel through which His love comes to men, the river of God which is full of water. And that kindness is realised by us when we are ‘in Christ.’ Separated from Him we do not possess it; joined to Him as we may be by true faith in Him, it is ours, and with it all the blessings which it brings into our else empty and thirsting hearts.

Neither Paul, knocked from this world, quite literally into the next, on a dusty Damascus road, nor Peter, called to leave behind nets and boats, family and livelihood, nor Simon, torn between one form of revolution and another, and then Matthew—transformed from a collector of coins and animals and all sorts of goods, to one used instead, to amass souls for the Kingdom. Examples each. Confirmations each of God’s Word. Truly He uses the weak things of this world—the rough, broken, and downtrodden, the outsider and the defeated, the liar and thief, haughty and bigot, the self-righteous and pauper to confound those that see themselves as wise and superior.

Who better to reach the average man than the average man transformed by the power of Jesus Christ?

Yet, not each of His chosen 12 were true prodigals. Even so, all were born sinners. Perhaps you and I cannot relate to a Paul. To an outwardly haughty—self-aggrandizing man full of a pride born from his station and position. Maybe he, his thinking and privilege, is too far removed from us, our way of life, to take in, even scarcely, his thinking or actions.  So full of his own “rightness” he was willing to kill and destroy lives that it may be satisfied. And yet God saw fit to use him mightily. And, his opposite, Peter. A man who reeked of fish and sweat—of resignation perhaps? A simple man—not eloquent, but plain-spoken. Mouthy even. Some might say brash. And Simon the Zealot, though eventually obscure, was a man who had hungered for change. For a better life—a more level playing field for his people. For fairness, safety, and peace; by any means necessary. A man who so wanted fairness and freedom he was willing to die for it. A man who, after encountering his Lord, eventually laid down the plowshares beaten into sword and, instead, used the Sword of the Spirit—the Word of God, with which to fight his battles. And our brother Matthew—a tax collecting thief. Pilfering from his own people. Benefiting from their suffering—and loss. Swindling and conniving that his purse might grow fat while theirs—his fellow Jew, was filled only with dust. Emptied of opportunities—and food, by the Roman demand for unjust taxes, and his greed for more…

Yet Gods unfathomable mercy is demonstrated to us through the example of each of these quite ordinary men…

In this text, when read in context, we witness, in part, Paul shifting gears. We see, through the eyes of his understanding, that the dawn of Christs return may be much further off than what he first believed—what they each first believed. We witness his looking towards the dawning of the future church. Towards us. And, in his viewing of us, recognizing all the more the weight of his own example to the world at large and, specifically for Gods elect. Hence, encouraging us via his informing us of the unending plethora of God’s grace. Paul is detailing his responsibility—our responsibility too, and great privilege as Christians, to demonstrate Gods unplumbed love to the world. This grace of God which fills his epistles—his heart and life, forever changing each. This amazing grace of Gods; so lavished upon him and so obviously over-flowing that the world cannot help but witness how God touches ordinary, sin-filled men, and, as a result, they are forever changed by Him. Not made instantly perfect in the natural mind you, yet, are everlastingly changed, made perfect. in time, by Christ. Used then as examples of His great mercy and love. Of His longing to have restored relationship with His creations. The characters of Christian people are in every age the clearest and most effectual witnesses of the power of the Gospel. Their transformed lives, our lives, a living testament to a loving and merciful God. That we, mere men, be used—chosen to partner with this God whose mercy and grace is as far from our full understanding as the east is from the west…

And, though Paul—and these dear brothers each, are guideposts used still, pointing us towards the God of mercy and grace and patients and unfathomable love, this mantle of demonstrating, of being living examples of the transformative touch of Christ is now ours to wear—if, we know Him as Savior and Lord. If we too have taken off the old man and put on Christ. Our witness is as valid and vital this day as it was the day it issued from Paul’s heart and onto the pages of God’s Word…

In closing, do we daily demonstrate, via our Christian character, that transforming touch of God we’ve been chosen and privileged to have received? That magnificent mercy we hold in our bellies, in these clay vessels, which Paul speaks of. Do we share the privilege of Gods saving grace as we ought—have been commanded to? As a blazing love for him, to serve Him only would drive us to? If not, why not? Should we be stricken suddenly mute—would the world recognize Christ in us at all?

What does your example look like?

Will God use it to touch some future soul looking towards the horizon of faith and wondering…?

Saints, in Christ Jesus Father God has taken us and all future generations into account. He has showered us each in His redemptive love. Washing us clean, He has pardoned, adopted, and fully restored us to Himself. We have been both blessed by Him and chosen in Him to demonstrate a living example of God’s amazing grace, as well the miraculous power of encouragement one receives having witnessed the true conversation of a soul. The restored hope and eternal optimism, the joy God offers a hopeless and exasperated world. “So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation” 2 Corinthians 5:16-19.

Dear friend, if you are with us today for the first time, or, if God has wooed you back once more, perhaps it is to confirm His calling you to Himself? Perhaps He wants you to receive His free gift of this great mercy and grace Paul speaks of? Perhaps He wants to use all that you’ve lived through as an example of hope and encouragement for another? Won’t you say yes to Him today? Won’t you ask Him into your life as King of your heart? He loves you my friend. “But for this very reason I was shown mercy, so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His perfect patience as an example to those who would believe in Him for eternal life” –1 Timothy 1:16.


Use Your Words… 2 Corinthians 5:20

“So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”

Every human being has received the gift of a language. Some means by which we communicate with the world around us. Whether using one’s voice, or hands, or eyes, or an art form, some expression, or, various other mode used through which we’re able to express the fiery passion that burns within us; we as people have been blessed with the ability to somehow communicate with each other. Cave men painted on walls in order to express themselves. Others carved images on stone. Others still, made impressions on clay vessels. Ideas formed shapes; feelings were conveyed —and awe was expressed …

How much richer the language, weightier the “words”, how much more awe-inspiring and enlivening the language given to the ones who carry within them the Word of God? Words that are not theirs, rather His, deposited into the mouths of the everyday people—a common vessel used to speak such holy Words, snatching people from a dark, dead world, while supernaturally witnessing them be shifted into the glorious, enlivening Light of His presence. And all we needed to do was use the Words given us. To be faithful. To show up and open our mouths. The transforming power behind ours Word, well, that’s all God!

These seeds of life entrusted to those of us who, in one-minute praise God, and in the next curse His creation! This is a mystery to me—our being chosen as vessels at all, being entrusted with such weighty a language—such a great privilege! Think of it; this God-given ability, this gift of being able to speak Words of life into another human being and then stand back and watch them become impregnated with the full knowledge of God! Right before our eyes we witness nine months in a minute! Death to life in a nanosecond. And God has seen fit for us to co-labor with Him. “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Now we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this surpassingly great power is from God and not from us” –2 Corinthians 4:7.

Paul calls us Gods Ambassadors. The vessels through whom God had chosen to make His appeal to a world that has chosen to close both their eyes and ears to the life-giving reality of who He is. The great I Am. The One True God. The One who stood over the void and said, “Let there be,” and there was. Their Creator—and ours. More, He is Life to us. Our All-in All. Through us, God pours the softening oil of His love, His great passion and care are poured out—lavished upon the calloused heart. “Come back to God!” we plead. Yet it is God alone who speaks through us. Their heart hearing only the sweetness of His voice. Like that of a new lover they respond to the wooing of His Spirit, they lean in, inhaling His exhale. His power made manifest in our weakness.

“God has made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.” We hear these Words tumble from our soiled lips, pure and powerful. In the Spirit, God is standing as close to us as our breath. And the soul He’s speaking to is washed clean by His Holy Word. Washed in the Blood of a Spotless Lamb. Jesus the Christ! He who has been with God from the beginning—One, He alone is God! And, He stands before the judgement Throne of heaven—our advocate. His Truth offered to the Father as our defense. “I’ll stand in his place, her place, their place, in the place of “all who will.” Allow me to cover their guilt with my innocence, Father. See them now as You see Me. Spotless and without sin. When you pass sentence on them, see me. Allow my shed Blood to be all that You see.”

Then, turning towards us, Jesus lovingly whispers, “I did this for you. You’re free to go now. However, don’t make light of this gift you’ve been given. It cost me my life. On Calvary’s Cross I took your place. Now, if you are profoundly grateful, go, and tell the world what I have done for you personally. Tell them how your life has changed—how you’ve changed! Don’t worry if not everyone listens to you, not everyone listened to me either. Just be faithful as I was faithful. Serve, as I served. Tell them this: if they’ll but ask me, I will stand before the Throne of heaven and plead for them as surely as I did for you—I promise. And, as with you, I’ll also teach them how to use their Words. But should they doubt you, refer them instead to my servant Moses. There was a time he felt as unworthy as you do to carry my glory on his stammering tongue. Yet, if you will, if she will, or him, or them over there will, but open your mouths, be willing to be used by Me—I will come to you. I will place my Spirit in you as surely as it was with Moses, or David, or Abraham. As fiercely and boldly as it burned inside John the Baptizer it will burn within you. As I did with them—I’ll do the same with you. Use you as voices crying out in the wilderness, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near” Matthew 3:2.

My dear brother and sister in Christ. In these dark days might I add my encouragement to Paul’s. Be bold in your witness! Willing to be used all-ways as God’s voice. Remembering always that time is short. At any moment, our Lord may return. May He find us about His business when He comes!

Friend, let me ask you, do you know this Jesus? This One who loved you with such a profound love that He willingly gave His life in exchange for yours? If not, won’t you ask Him into your life, your heart now, today? Not letting another day slip away simply ask Him to come and show Himself real to you. “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me” –Revelation 3:20.


Intentionality. Philippians 1:28

“Don’t be intimidated in any way by your enemies. This will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed, but that you are going to be saved, even by God himself.”

We see this model of intentionality Paul is laying out before the Philippians best exemplified in Jesus, our Rabbi…

Throughout Scripture, Jesus models this type of laser focus. This model of steadfastness; of being intentional. Where, and to whom, He would be born. His very survival as a child—least we forget the genocide that followed His birth. Every event, each life, that had to have been touched in order that each precise detail of His birth be fulfilled. From who His earthly parents would be, to the town in which He’d be born. Each Shepherd that would be tending his flock in the surrounding fields. Right down to the single place that would be available for Mary to lay down and birth Him. And, then, eventually, onto the choosing of His 12 disciples. Nothing, not one thing modeled by Jesus is without a purpose. Every-thing is intentional. Whether in His healing of the sick, delivering men of their demons, or the fierce protectiveness of His time alone in prayer with the Father. Every Word—each action and reaction, a road-map for us to follow. A guide. His exact purpose for stepping into this world is demonstrated for us through His actions. Let this be our model saints…

Jesus is intentional in saving us. “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

He came to make us His own. To restore us to right relationship with the Father. He came to shed His Blood. To exchange His sinless life for our sin-filled lives. He came to defend and protect us. To provide for us—and to shelter us. The reason He came—endured, demonstrated, suffered, died, and rose again in final defeat of His enemy—and ours, is intentional. And not one demon in hell can do anything to thwart God’s plan—try as they might. And they will try. They must. It’s in their very nature to do so—so fierce is their hatred of God.

Nevertheless we witness Gods fierce intentionality, His final authority over His enemies, and their plans, when Jesus commands His disciples to cross the lake and head for the eastern region of the Gerasa…

He had just finished an afternoon of teaching those that had gathered at the shore to see Him. Now, entering a fishing boat, Jesus instructs His disciples to pull out and head towards the eastern side of the lake. Then He lays down in the stern of the boat and naps on a cushion. Scripture tells us that a storm so fierce these experienced fisherman—these men learned in the moods and tantrums of the sea—freaked! That they scrambled over each other in a panic to wake Jesus. Can’t you just see it! I know I’ve been there once or twice in my walk. “Help us! Don’t you care if we drowned!” –Mark 4:38. Calmly however, Jesus got up and, without rebuking His friends, commands both the strong wind and the tumultuous waves to quite down! To stop acting up—to once again “Be still” that they might safely reach His intended destination—reach the one in need of Him.

God had a plan…

We forget, at least I do, just how fierce Jesus is. How brave and unafraid He is. How He’d walk, unflinchingly, into the enemy’s camp to snatch back those that belong to Him! So unlike most of us; most of the time. I forget just how unbending Jesus is because it’s too easy for me to make Jesus as wavering and human as I can be. A frightened bird set aflutter at the first signs of trouble! I forget at times that I too am fierce and can command the powers that surround me to be still, in His authority. I forget that as it is with Jesus, so too it is with me. The enemy has us both lined up in his sights. At the ready to take us out. In my case, Jesus walked in suddenly and said, “Not today. This little lamb is my own! Look, she’s covered in proof; My Blood. Now back off!”  In Jesus, we see the will of heaven played out in the dialogue that takes place in a garden called Gethsemane. “If it be Your will, take this cup from me…”

“Yet, not my will but Thine be done…” And it was. Thus, Jesus rose in victory over sin and death. And on His Cross, He made that clear for all to see. Yet, just in case anyone missed it, in case there was any shadow of a doubt—early that Sunday morning the ground shook and the rock His enemies’ thought had sealed His fate—sealed Him in no more. Little did they know, it never had. But that’s for another day…

Scripture tells us that no sooner Jesus’ feet hit dry land a man with an unclean Spirit came from the grave yard to meet Him. So filled with demons was he that not even the thickest of shackles could keep him bound to one place. He was possessed by a legion of demons—roughly 5000 various evil spirits had possessed this man—lending their strength and power to his own. He was cut up and bloody from the time he had spent cutting himself with sharp stones. Scripture tells us that this tortured soul did this to himself night and day! Allow me to pause here for just a moment to encourage the one reading this and looking over at the scars on their own arms or legs. On their wrists perhaps? Beloved, know this, God sees you and He loves you just as much as He did this one lost and filled with a legion of demons…

They locked eyes from a distance. Jesus knowing just who and what had possession of this man and, this man knowing just who it was that stood before him. When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me” Mark 5:6-7! Jesus never budged. Never took a step backward. Rather, He stood in what had been the enemy’s camp and commanded the demons to come out of this man. And the demons trembled in the presence of Jesus. Knowing that His power and authority were so much greater than their own they begged Him not to destroy them. Rather they begged to be sent into a herd of pigs that were nearby. And, once in them, the pigs too went mad, and jumped into the lake to their death. The demons begged Jesus, “Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.” He gave them permission, and the impure spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned. —Mark 5:12-13.

There was no great fight. No shouting match. Certainly, there was no fear in Jesus as He stood facing 5000 plus adversaries. You can almost see the steely determination to destroy the defiant darkness in Jesus’ eyes! His feet firmly planted. His jaw set. As determined in that moment as He was the moment, He set His face towards Jerusalem to head toward His cross. He knew who He was and the power He commanded. Let those that have ears hear…

And, in the presence of this possessed man and all the others who had gathered there—Jesus simply walked, intentionally, in His authority. He will not be defeated. Ever! And the demons fled in fear of this Truth…

Let us be refreshed in our Lords victory, and with Paul’s words. Let us remember that Jesus has already won the battle for us—it is not ours to win. Though we will, and do, have battles we must fight, this one, this finally victory, is yet another free gift from our Father. “It is finished”.  Rather, let us do instead what Jesus commanded us to do. To face every enemy with the authority we have in Him—and, let us share our testimony with a lost and dying world. Let us take His Truth—the Light of Gods Word, and shine it boldly—unflinchingly, into this present darkness. In our faithfulness to do what we have been commanded by our Lord, our Love, our Father, Teacher, and Guide, to do, we will be modeling this intentionality first modeled by Jesus and, also, fulfilling the Word Paul spoke to encourage those Philippians gathered around him that day as they too were enduring trying times. Lastly, may we be used to convict, in love, those who recognized they have intentionally rebelled against God. Who is to say that God, in His infinite mercy, will not instruct some brother or sister, some other Paul or Esther or Susan, John or Lisa, to head towards the opposite shore and, in His mercy deliver that one from their legion?

Be reminded, dear brother and sisters, to be purposeful in your prayers. Intentional when God places you in front of the one, He has wooed. You have been afforded the high honor of being the hands and feet, the mouth and eyes and expressions, the touch and first impression of our dear Lord…

Dear friend, if you are here today it is because God has led you here. He is affording you this opportunity to ask Him into your heart and life, now, today. Please don’t dismiss this as coincidence—there is no such thing! God is intentional. You are meant to be here. Won’t you ask Him into your heart today? Simply confess your need for Him alone—the Savior of the world. He loves you so. As has just been said: “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion” Hebrews 3:15.

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