“I will be patient as the Lord punishes me, for I have sinned against him. But after that, he will take up my case and give me justice for all I have suffered from my enemies. The Lord will bring me into the light, and I will see his righteousness.”

Life and death stood face to face. Darkness tried to steal my heart away, thank You Jesus, Mercy said no…

For anyone who has ever felt the crushing weight of sin drive you to despair, to hopelessness, to your knees, you, most of all, will, quite literally, feel your spirit rise up within you as you read the words above.  

After-all, what prisoner, once set free, does not rejoice in his new freedom?

“I deserved death—but mercy said no.” “I deserved the full weight of Gods wrath, but mercy said no.” I am guilty Lord, yet you say, no. And though these words, this Truth, applies to every Blood bought believer; today I’m speaking specifically to the brother or sister who has acknowledged their sin of rebellion against God. The one who knew sin was taking them away from trusting in their Father—and yet, they went—willingly. We aren’t left without a choice…

No one person likes to be corrected. No child enjoys being punished by their parent. Yet, as every loving, caring parent knows, correcting your child is both a necessary and, an indispensable part of parenting. Equally as important as building them up, as encouraging them, as lavishing your loving attention on them, as your pouring praise into them; is your instructing them, your correcting them. Setting boundaries—safe parameters where they might thrive and grow. And, yet, should they continue to deliberately rebel against your repeated rebuking, punishment must certainly follow.

Out of love, you must act. Must correct. Love demands it…

Child of God, have you ever known sin was living in your camp yet refused to uncover it—to repent of it immediately? Rather than exposing it for what it was you, as with the rebellious child above, continued on in your sinful behavior; your pit getting ever deeper as you tried to cover it up; keeping it hidden until that moment it became so deep only God could finally free you from its grip. If this is you, please, don’t despair! King David was exactly where you find yourself today. So was I. As with David, perhaps it was unchecked lust that drove you into the arms of a man or woman you know you had no business being with? Maybe your sin is lying? Or cheating perhaps? Is it unfaithfulness to your spouse? Pornography? Drugs? Alcohol? Any sin we refuse to repent of—turn away from, we are inviting Gods just punishment into the midst of. God will not be mocked beloved. He will not allow the enemy of our soul nor the angels that surround Him to witness His children running around wild—living any kind of way. We have been taught better. We know what our Father expects of us because He’s told us—He’s taken the time to instruct us. He’s given us His Spirit as a check in our belly, lest we forget His Words…

If you’ve ever known just how deep that dark, dank, hopeless place of sin unchecked can take you, and, if you’re now free of its mire—from the snare of that particular sin, the one that’s had its death-like grip on you; might I encourage you to just stand still for a moment. It may sound strange, granted, but remember, sin weakens us. So don’t do anything rash. Don’t run after some new plan. Rather, just breath and allow God to right you. Being suddenly loosed from the grip of a long-standing sin can leave one limp. Sin always exacts a price far greater than we could ever imaged it would while it was gleefully wooing us. I know this because I too have allowed sin to take far more from me than I was ever willing to give. And yet I did—allowed sin to take from me that is. And, though I knew my actions warranted the loss I rightly experienced, I felt wounded and breathless nonetheless. Weakened, as though I’d been in a battle. I’d lost something that I valued—a blessing I’d long been waiting for, longing for. Yet, I had allowed sin to take it from me. I literally let it slip through my fingers like so much sand. The very moment we do not turn away from what we know is wrong—is sin. We are guilty. I know I certainly was.

Suddenly, the phone call came. Suddenly, my hope was dashed. Suddenly, I’d lost what I know the Lord had intended for me. I felt crushed. Yet, that wasn’t a bad thing…

Once the warmth of His company has waxed cold, after the Lord has chastised us—has momentarily turned His face from us, removed His hand of blessing from us, we must, nevertheless, stand once more and regain our footing. We must press on. Must wipe our eyes and wash the tears from our face. We must turn in our heavy garments of mourning and, rejoice instead in His mercy; joyfully seeking Him once again with love and hope in our hearts—just as David did. Trusting, that for His name sake, He will not be angry with us forever. Rather, as a result of His unfathomable mercy, He will once again turn His face towards us, restoring us to Himself and, perhaps, leave a blessing in His wake. A “new thing” to take the place of what we allowed sin to take from us.

King David knew all about this. After He had sinned with Bathsheba, another mans wife, and impregnated her, in his attempts to cover up their sin, David has Uriah, her husband, sent into the front lines of battle, ensuring his death. None of this, however, had escaped the Lords seeing. So the Lord sent the Prophet Nathan to deliver the news of what would happen to David—and His household, as a result of his sins. Because of the work Jesus will do on His Cross, David’s life, as with all those who died living and believing in God, is spared. Gods justice however, demanded the life of David’s child. Yet, in His great mercy, and for His name sake, the Lord blessed David with Solomon—another child was born to David and Bathsheba.

When our sins demanded death as their payment; mercy said no. The Word of God says it like this: “It is rare indeed for anyone to die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Therefore, since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from wrath through Him!…” –Romans 5:7-9.

David got up from the floor of affliction, as did I. We knew we deserved death as a result of our sins. But Jesus said, “No, I won’t kill them, but neither will I be mocked.” My brother and sister, you and I have been saved by grace. Jesus has said, “No, you will not die” over each of our lives. Nevertheless, if our mortal parents were just in their punishment of us, how much more just is our Lord in His! Though long-suffering, He will not allow us to carry on in our sin for long. God will not allow the enemy of our soul nor the angels that surround Him to witness His children running around wild—living any kind of way. We have been taught better. We know what our Father expects of us because He’s told us—He’s taken the time to instruct us, He’s given us His Spirit as a check in our belly, lest we forget His Words…

If there is sin in your camp, repent now! Mercy has chosen to spare your life, yet as His child, His justice demands you be disciplined. God cannot wink at our sins.

Mercy laid down and lovingly spread out His arms. Justice was the Cross however, on which He willingly laid to do it. My brothers and sisters, allow me encourage you to repent out of your love for our Lord! Knowing He is just waiting for you to come and humble yourself before Him, that He might forgive you; easing your soul crushing burden. You may not have tomorrow. The hour of our being called to Him is nearer than ever before, the time in which we live is drawing to a close.  Please, take heed to James’ words beloved! “And a servant who knows what the master wants, but isn’t prepared and doesn’t carry out those instructions, will be severely punished” –James 12:47.

And, dear friend, if you’re here today and do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, please, allow  Mercy to come into your heart now. Allow Jesus to wash you clean of your sins. Won’t you start your life anew today, in Him? Don’t take my word for this, rather, listen to Jesus’s Words concerning having new life in Him: “Jesus replied, “Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again” –John 3:3.