“Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided, and the Israelite’s went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left.”


This message dropped in my belly on New Year’s Day. I grabbed my Bible, journal, a pen, and headed over to the nearby pond for some alone time with the Lord. It was the first morning of the New Year…

As I sat before the Lord seeking His will for this new season, I realized that it had taken a series of awfully specific yet outwardly random events to lead me to one simple, yet powerful Word: Deliverance. And, just in case I might have missed what the Lord was impressing on my spirit, in His infinite wisdom and grace, He confirmed His Word yet again, today. As I share what’s been deposited in my belly with you, I’m also speaking over myself. This was—is, a very personal, specific, and, for me at least, a very timely Word. And I believe it is for some of you as well. For someone this will be the confirmation you have prayed for, for others not.

Might I suggest you eat the meat and spit out the bones…

Amid all the New Year hype, all the varied conversations with family and friends concerning resolutions, intentions, and hopes, all I wanted—needed actually, was to go and get alone with God. I couldn’t wait to get out of the house. There was a sense of urgency bubbling-up within me. I sensed in my spirit that a “suddenly” moment is upon the Body of Christ. A communal experience for sure, yes—yet also a deeply personal one as well.

There is nothing new under the sun…

Scholars estimate that some 2 million plus Jews—and those Egyptians that chose to go with them in the exodus, left Egypt behind following after Moses and Aaron. To give you a visual of what that may look like today, picture turning on the news and seeing all of Houston Texas, with its population of 2 million plus citizens, walking some 220 plus miles—the approximate distance from Egypt to the Red Sea—across that state. Or, google a picture of the Anti-Nuclear March that took place in New York’s Central Park in 1982; though that visual would pale in comparison to the march of the Israelite’s, as only a mere million people were gathered in Central Park. I stress these numbers that you might try to wrap your mind around such a great multitude. Now, liken that visual to the mammoth amount of individuals God actually delivered across  11 miles of the Red Sea—safely! Through a sea He had to first divide and then continue to send such powerful winds through its midst that its saturated sea-bottom became dry land! Firm enough to bear up under the weight of many souls, of every animal, cart, child, and its mother…

Surely if God fulfilled His promise to deliver those who had become so entrenched in hopelessness that most had all but forgotten He was God; He is equally faithful to deliver you and me, all those equally entrenched in their own slavish hopelessness. As I stated at the beginning of this post—I’m sharing this for all who believe. Also, for each of you who have yet to come to have faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The blanket of God’s promise to deliver His people covers even those whose toes are still sticking out from under its covering…

None of us stand before an actual sea that must be crossed in order that we might live. And yet each of does stand facing our own Red Sea nonetheless. What has God strategically put in front of you? What impossible “thing”, what situation, addiction, relationship, life-style choice are you currently facing? What is your personal impossible? Is it drug addiction? Porn perhaps? Are you drinking too much? Lying, cheating, or stealing maybe? Are you sleeping with someone you have no business being intimate with? Have you aborted your baby? Are you eating yourself to death? Does your mouth profess one thing, yet your secrets tell an entirely different story? Are you full of fear? Suicidal? Do you wrestle with ongoing depression? Are you an adulterer? A child molester? Maybe a murderer? Do you choose to believe there is no God? I’m here today to tell you that if you’ve ticked any or all of these boxes—God still loves you. Let me say that again. If you’ve committed every sin I’ve listed—or some I haven’t, God loves you. Period.

It’s not, “God loves you, but you must.” Or, “God loves if you’ll but do x, y, and z.” It’s not like that. God just loves you ________ (add your name).

Do you see the difference there? Pay close attention. There’s the you that God has created, and then  the sins you’ve committed that keep you separated from Him. You are not your sins! You are God’s creation! And you were created for a purpose! And, He died that you might one day walk across the bridge of His Body—broken just for you. Delivered now, safely back to the Father, washed clean in the Blood He shed to rid you of those sins. As surely and safely as God delivered Israel from the grip of their enemy so too Jesus will deliver you from the grip of your enemy as well. That’s His part—to deliver you. As only He can…

Yet look at our Scripture verse. We too have a part to play in this deliverance account. Small as it might be it’s ours nonetheless—and, there are no stand-ins. As it was with Moses, so it is with us. We need to act. We must offer back to God what He has graciously placed in our hands; our free will. We must stretch it out before God in humility—in recognition, admitting that outside of Him we are powerless to deliver ourselves from all that is “impossible” before us.

He alone is God of the impossible. Only He can deliver His children…

Even the mighty King David, a man after God’s own heart, knew this… “The valleys of the sea were exposed and the foundations of the earth laid bare at your rebuke, Lord, at the blast of breath from your nostrils. He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my disaster but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me” –Psalm 18:15-19.

Beloved, as you stand facing the very dawn of this New Year take heart, you are not alone! God has led you to this seeming wilderness. Suddenly, while facing what has appeared impossible to conquer, or get, let go of, repent of, believe Him for—maybe half a life-time now for some, God will divide the waters before you that you may cross over safely. Never to see this vicious enemy that has held you captive again! “But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again” Exodus 14:13.

Friend, I do believe God in His infinite mercy, and out of His great love for you, has surely brought you here today. If you are His child, I pray this Word confirms what He has already spoken to you. And, I pray your obedience in seeking what it is He will have you to do, give up, submit yourself to, take your hands off of, repent of; in this season of His mighty deliverance!

And, if you find yourself here and have yet to ask Jesus into your life as your Savior and Lord, then I believe also, that today is the day God has chosen as your new birth day! Jesus, when talking to Nicodemus, a teacher of the Law said this: “He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs You are doing if God were not with him.” Jesus replied, “Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again”—John 3:2-3; emphasis my own.

Whatever it is your facing today beloved know this in your very bones: You can cross over safely if you’ll but take the Hand of the One who makes all things possible. Jesus Christ the Lord…