“For what does it benefit a man to gain the whole world [with all its pleasures], and forfeit his soul? For what will a man give in exchange for his soul and eternal life [in God’s kingdom]?”

If you’d be so kind as to indulge me for a moment or two—I promise you, by the time we part company today, we’ll have discovered some Truths together…

Today I was led to the book of Zechariah.

It’s where my journey with the Lord began this morning. But, before I get into what He revealed, allow me to share just how joy-filled it is to sit at the feet of the Lord and have Him open the eyes of my understanding to His Truth! It’s as humbling today as it was the very first time the proverbial light-of-my-understanding was flicked on! Just like that, out of seemingly nowhere, bam! Truth is realized! And, as a result, I am forever changed in some great or small way. And so are you! Or, you certainly can be! Take a moment to think about that the next time you’re in your Word. The Creator of the universe is right there with you whispering His Truth into your spirit; causing your belly to jump in response to His presence with you!

Elizabeth knew a thing or two about this…

But it was the mention of being “brought through the fire” in verse 9 of Zechariah 13 that caused me to pause today. It resonated with me. In its reading I was reminded of a Word the Lord had spoken to me almost a year ago now concerning my imminent relocation. Sitting with Him one morning I had heard the Word ‘crucible’ drop in my spirit. I knew this was a Word concerning the season He was leading me into.  Now, I don’t know about you, but I’ve been walking with the Lord long enough to know that when you hear a Word like that drop in your spirit—buckle up! This was not going to be a mountaintop season—no refreshing time by the brook for this gal! This was going to be one of those walking through the shadow of the valley of death deals! Mine that is. I knew God was about to do a deep work in me. I also knew it was time…

Let us be re-minded that in this season of giving the very act of giving itself is designed to cost us something…

My first clue came in a “suddenly” moment. Standing at my kitchen island I heard the Lord say, “take your hands off of it.” Foolishly in the moment I thought He was referring to the new home He had just provided. In other words, “don’t get too attached to it.” See He’d dealt with me in the past about making idols of “things”. So, it was easy for me to see this as a reminder: This is a gift, NOT a possession!

Hence the hands-off thing…

I had no idea in that moment however, that in a just a few short months, not only would I leave that new home behind but with it my family, friends, my church family, my ministry work, and, the islands I so love. Those same Islands God has been bringing me back and forth between for the past 27 years! Would I ever come back?  Like I said, I had no idea this was coming. His ways are surely not mine!I would love to tell you that I was all super-spiritual and instantly—joyfully obeyed His command to pack it up, give it away, and go where He was leading me. But that would be a lie. However, I did pack. I did give away what I was told to, and I did go amid one of the worst hurricanes the Islands had seen in years. So severe was this storm that just 48 hours prior to my departure there were no flights off the islands due to the menacing wind. Only by Gods divine Hand was the storm turned away and literally swept out to sea.

His Word will not return to Him void…

Allow me to pause here and clarify something important: I was joy-filled to hear from God; that is my Spirit-man was. My flesh on the other hand, not so much.

Now you may be thinking, nice testimony, but what does this have to do with today’s scripture, or to your earlier reference of being led to the book of Zechariah? It’s here then that I will thank you for patiently following along. More, where I will start filling in the pieces of this puzzle for you…

In this season when everyone is running around searching for the perfect gift to give, it was in and through each of these passages that the Lord re-minded me of that one “perfect gift” He requires from us—from me, His children. A heart of obedience. One completely surrendered to His Lordship. After-all, it’s a large part of the reason He came for you and me. Why He chose us. Why He allowed Himself to be wrapped in milk rags and sleep in the leftover straw meant for animals. It’s why He gave up heaven and took on human flesh. It’s why that same flesh was ripped open by the Roman lictors whips. Why He held His Cross as one would hold their lover. It’s why He laid down upon it—willingly, stretching Himself wide; He wanted there to be room “for all who will” inside the Inn of His Body. It’s why this Spotless One took on every filthy thing I have ever done, said, thought. You too. He did this, and so much more, for us both. He did it for each soul that has ever been, is now, and those yet to be called by His great name.

Is there anything we might gain that is worth having outside of Jesus?

Is a fine home, a car, beautiful furnishings, cash in the bank, exotic destinations, the best of spouses or a house filled with children; never mind some finely wrapped gifts given us at Christmas worth having if our not knowing Jesus is the price we must pay to have them?

I say no. There is nothing. No thing I would exchange for knowing, and being both known and loved by my Lord. Nothing. And, that’s scary to say out loud. Though I know that I know He works all things together for my good—those “things He’s working with” are often exacting. Yet still, it’s on trembling knees I lovingly say, “not my will but Thine be done.” After all, I am His. Who else is there for me but Him?

It was in reading Zechariah 13 verse 8 that I was re-minded I have been chosen in Christ Jesus. Saved to serve my Savior. And, in verse nine how it is through this fire of adversity spoken of—this election of sacrifice and refining, that He burns off my dross. One day we will—I will, stand before Him spotless and without wrinkle. Oh, glorious day! It was during this same time that a verse we sing at this time of the year found its way into my heart. Thinking of it again now I am brought to my knees: “Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth…”

Oh, night divine! Oh, holy night…!

And there is it. My life, your life, the greatest gift we will ever receive laid out for us in nine simply profound and life-changing words. My worth—your worth, is found in Christ alone! Be re-minded of that in this season of hope beloved! Receive this precious gift friend. Is there any “thing” He might ask of us that is too great to give back to the One who came as Gods greatest, most costly gift to the world?

Friend, if you’ve yet to meet Him—to experience the life-changing joy of His birth, don’t let this Christmas pass without finding your way to His side and bow before Him in humble adoration. And, if you’re unsure just how to find Him, fear not, He is as faithful to guide you today as He was to those lowly shepherds so long ago… “And this will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” And suddenly there appeared with the angel a great multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests” … Luke 2:12-14!

And, to my brothers and sisters I welcome you to join me in worshiping anew our King. The greatest gift we will ever be given, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. May His star burn brightly in your hearts. And, may it be used as it was that first night to lead those who will to Him…