“Then David knew that the Lord had established him as king over Israel and had exalted his kingdom for the sake of his people Israel.”

What had happened that caused David to know everything he’d been given, from position to possessions, had been given him that he might use it to bless others?

Who told him?

Did God whisper it in his ear?

Did he have a dream?

A divine revelation?

Perhaps it was an angel who had enlightened him?

Maybe he remembered Gods promise to Abraham: “And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing”—Genesis 12:2.

Or, had the sudden favor and acceptance that had been recently bestowed upon him stir this knowing awaking it within him? Did it stretch the smallness of his vision of tending sheep for the rest of his life—opening him to grasp the vast favor and provision of the future palace? Making room within to fully embrace his  God-given destiny…

Understand that though I am using this text reach out to us, the modern church concerning our responsibility for giving, blessing, sharing, caring, defending, loving Gods people, for accepting all that God has for us, its literal application is intended for the nation of Israel.

David was an underdog. A ruddy kid who smelled of sheep and sweat and was treated as a hired-hand by his father and brothers. Scripture tells us that when the prophet Samuel showed up at David’s fathers house in search of the new king God had sent him there to anoint—David’s father didn’t even acknowledge David as his child until the prophet pressed him by asking if all his sons were present? Then Samuel said to Jesse, “Is that all of the young men?” Jesse replied, “There is still the youngest one, but he’s taking care of the flock.” Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and get him, for we cannot turn our attention to other things until he comes here.”—1 Samuel 16:11.

David wasn’t the kid who’d always had everything handed to him—Scripture will confirm this. Yet, Scripture also confirms that David had a deep and abiding love, some might call it a fierce and passionate love for the Lord God. We catch a tiny glimpse of this passionate devotion to God in his response to the Philistine giant Goliath’s taunting of the Israelite army (1 Samuel 17:26;45-47).David was a man after Gods own heart. And yet, anyone God blesses—any person He elevates into a position of leadership, will suddenly feel the exacting weight of the great privilege they’ve been afforded. We are not given the gifts and talents we’ve freely received, the jobs, homes, or resources, the time nor opportunities, for our benefit alone—rather, as with David, we are blessed by God that we’ll in-turn bless others. More accurately—we were blessed by God for that specific purpose. To be a blessing to others. Abundantly. There’s a Christian colloquialism for this Scriptural truth that states, “we’re blessed to be a blessing…”.

The modern Church is rich beyond measure. Even the smallest, poorest member of this Body is far richer than most folks’ wildest dreams! How you ask? Each member owns—if they know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the Pearl of great Price. Christ Himself. And, in Him, they have the fullness of the Father and the Holy Spirit. Hence, they have been honored, entrusted to share His great treasure, the Gospel—with all men. Yet, as I stated, with privilege comes great responsibility. Said Scripturally; “…much will be demanded from everyone who has been given much, and from the one who has been entrusted with much, even more will be asked” –Luke 12:48.

Now that you know this you can never un-know it. Now, you are responsible to spend your riches wisely, lavishly! Riches that can neither tarnish nor rot. Riches no thief can steal from you nor, if prized, the one you share them with, and, no faulty economy will ever be able to diminish its value…

Our God is no respecter of persons.

As with David, so anyone whom the world rejects, considers to be the least of theirs, a throw-away. If they know Jesus as Lord they’ve  been entrusted, as David was, with unplumbed wealth, True wealth. A mind-boggling treasure has been entrusted to them as surely and fully as if they were David! A treasure given that it may be spread around like so many seeds. And, though this spreading of the Gospel is our greatest responsibility, we are also responsible for using wisely each resource we’ve been afforded. From our money to our time, talents, and service to others, we must aid in “feeding” all those who are hungry…

They didn’t even acknowledge David as one of their own—Yet God had chosen him to be the King of His people, Israel while he was faithfully, wholeheartedly, selflessly caring for his father’s sheep…

Has God placed you among sheep for this season?

Are you feeling forgotten? Are you alone in some overlooked field tending someone else’s resources? If so, praise God! You are being prepared for who and what God has coming your way! Little did David realize that he was a king in a shepherd boys’ clothes! “David will forever have a descendant sitting on the throne of Israel” –Jeremiah 33:17.

Perhaps you need to ask God to give you His vision? Ask to see yourself as He sees you…

David had served faithfully, joyfully, with little to call his own. His long, lonely nights in the field, his father’s cold indifference, his brothers’ disdain and disregard, and his father’s sheep his constant companions. Yet David served them each faithfully. Giving all that he had to protect and defend them. And God was watching. We judge by outward appearances. God judges our hearts. God had placed David on the throne for the sake of His people and that His covenant promise to David would be fulfilled in the person of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. “And your house and your kingdom shall be established forever before you. Your throne shall be established forever” –2 Samuel 7:16.

Yet, God sent a man of prominence to David specifically to bless him. To ensure that all David’s needs were more than taken care of! That he had surplus—an overflow. “Now Hiram king of Tyre sent envoys to David, along with cedar logs and carpenters and stonemasons, and they built a palace for David”—vs. 12, 2 Samuel 5.

David had been faithful with little. Now God was about to bless that faithfulness and fulfill His good purpose…

Our Scripture tells us that David knew that God had established him and blessed him. Yet, is it possible that the reason David’s knowing didn’t kick in until after his palace was completed is due to the fact that he’d had so little for so long? Did it take seeing the completed palace before he fully “knew” all that had been spoken over him, promised him, was now finally coming to pass? Had all those days of lack caused a deep chasm of fear to develop within him? Momentarily placing his faith just beyond his reach? Had David—like so many of us—incorrectly believed that God was certainly able to bless anyone He chose. Abundantly. Lavishly even—just not him? Not me— and certainly not you! That kind of blessing belonged to others. After-all we, like David, have witnessed it all our lives. Others being richly favored that is. Others living in overflow. But not us. Never us. We live among the sheep, our cloaks wrapped tightly around us—as protection. Heads down, serving where we’ve been placed, blessing those whom we meet—giving to all that are in need, grateful to God for this tiny square of earth, this room, apartment, house, gift, talent, dollar, job we’ve been afforded. Yet hoping, always hoping, that we’ll be next…

Or, was there a more practical reason for David’s “knowing”? Was it merely a clue into the mindset of his time and culture? “Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house” –Psalm 24:27. David had this first part down. He’d tended and looked after. Built-up and cared for. Multiplied for the good of His father, for others. He ‘d been a good steward. Now, it was time to build his own house. Let those that have ears hear…

Let us never forget that it was God who blessed David just as surely as it was God who gave David both the heart and desire to bless all those his life touched. Even if it cost him the palace. All that we have is a gift from God. David knew this. He knew nothing was his own.Freely it has all been given, so freely give all. Lavishly…

“But King David said to Araunah, No, but I will buy it of you for a price. I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God of that which costs me nothing. So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver” –2 Samuel 24:24.

Brothers and sisters know that our Father has many blessings stored up for you. Be on the look out for The One who is coming to deliver them…

If you are here today and have not yet asked Jesus into your life as Lord and Savior, today is the day, now the time! Soon and very soon He’ll come—bringing with Him His reward. Are you ready to receive Him?