“For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters”

We have always been His…

From our inception—long before our conception, we were chosen in Christ. Regardless if our parents planned it that way or not. God knew. He had a plan for us. A fixed purpose was in place long before our wet, bloodied heads broke free from our mother’s womb. Before one breath was ever taken—one word uttered, we had a purpose. You have a purpose. That’s a Word for someone today.

We were created to hold down a specific spot in the plan God has for His creation. One created, carved out, exclusively for us. A plan far greater and higher and deeper and wider than we’ll ever understand this side of heaven. Yet, it’s nonetheless true, this plan He’s unfolding. And, mind-bogglingly, we entered the world ready for it! Complete, I mean. We came in equipped to fulfill His plan for our lives. We had every gift, experience, word, action, thought, desire, every-thing we’d ever need to fulfill our purpose within us before we even entered this life—in seed form that is. A little kernel was firmly rooted deep within our core—a divine promise just waiting on God’s timing to be called forth. Think of a farmer seeding his field here. It’s a process. First comes the kernels, then the corn stalks. Their embryonic heads—mere sprouts, poking tentatively upwards. Towards what, they know not, yet they must press forward—must grow. Something far greater than themselves propelling them upward—ever upward. So too is our God calling us to come up higher…

Each seed unique. Breaking the surface of the soil at the precise moment it was intended to. As it is with seed-time and harvest—so too with us.

Everything happens in stages. Everything having its assigned time. Even the seemingly insignificant stages. Those moments when it looks like—from our perspective anyway, nothing’s happening—no growth is occurring. Our eyes are locked on the soils surface waiting for something to happen. Wanting some tiny spec of green to surface, assuaging the concerns that we might not have gotten this right. Did I give it enough water? Has it been getting enough sun? Is it in the right soil? If we desire this for ourselves, for our seed to be healthy, to bloom into a vibrant, fecund plant; just imagine how much more the One who sent His only Son to die for us? How much more God? The One who paid the price to buy our seed that it might grow! His plan is for us to flourish, producing fruit in abundance. It’s why His seed was put into us to begin with—that it might produce something others may benefit from. We are, after all, created in the image of the One who gave it all so that “those who will” may have life and have it in abundance.

We are supposed to be like Him—this First Fruit.

He came into the world perfect, sinless, without blemish. One day we too will be as He has always been. Until then however, we’re ever growing into His image and likeness. Remember, seeds don’t become fully matured plants overnight.

He (Jesus) also said, “’This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground.  Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head.  As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come” Mark 4:26-29. Some crack open and show their first roots—white, hair like roots, within 24 to 48 hours after planting. For others, it takes 3 or more days. And for yet others still, it’s not unusual for 7 days to pass before signs will appear indicating that germination has occurred. And, as a farmer purchases the seed and decides when and where he’ll plant it, so too are we chosen by God.

Being called by Him is a three-fold act. And, He both initiates and sustains it. It involves: 1) Foreknowledge. 2) Being predestined, and finally 3) the life-long process of being conformed to the image of Christ. The first two of these taking place outside of our knowledge—our awareness. We were foreknown by God, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” –Jeremiah 1:5. And, in that foreknowledge, we were also predestined. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11. The Apostle Paul says it this way in Romans 8:30. “And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.” We did not choose God—God chose us. And those He chose He is conforming into the image and likeness of His Son. It’s a lifelong process; yet one that’s certain.

This call on our lives—this unfathomable privilege, this honor beyond compare is effective.

What does that mean? Being chosen by God—called by Him, is the result of God alone bringing about what He demands. As John Piper explains, “It’s a call that creates what it commands. It’s a call like “Lazarus, come forth!” and the dead man lives.”

Just as we did not save ourselves—did not choose to love God, to follow Him; so too we do not decide what type of plant we will become. Nor do we get to decide when, in what season of our lives, any of this might happen. For some, as with the germinating seeds mentioned above, it happens in their youth or teenaged years, For others, in adulthood. And for others still, not until their later years. Being conformed to the image of Christ is not a thing I do to myself—though I have a sure responsibility in the process, it is accomplished by the power of the One who choose me. I am saved by sovereign grace—my rich soil, my shield and covering, my nourishment and protection, my eternal wellspring; from which I grow deep, in seasons and spurts, from inception to resurrection. “…for you have been born again [that is, reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose] not of seed which is perishable but [from that which is] imperishable and immortal, that is, through the living and everlasting word of God” –1 Peter 1:23.

Friend if this is your first time visiting us let me say welcome and thank you for checking us out! More, know that it was God who brought you here for this message, for that one word that jumped up at you and took root in your belly, yes, that is all God’s doing! If you’ve yet to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior know that there is no better time than right now! He’s calling out to you. He’s chosen you to hear His voice over my pale words. Won’t you say yes to Him? It’s simple really. Just ask Him to come into your heart and change you, awaken you, crack your shell that you may begin to grow in Him. And admit to Him that you’re a sinner in need of  Him. The Savior of the world. The Lord of the harvest…