Then they came, bringing to Him a paralyzed man, who was being carried by four men.  When they were unable to get to Him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above Jesus; and when they had dug out an opening, they let down the mat on which the paralyzed man was lying.  When Jesus saw their [active] faith [springing from confidence in Him], He said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”  vs’s 3-5.

What might stand-in faith look like?

Along with the example of 4 faith-filled friends offered in our Scripture verses, we also see stand-in faith demonstrated in Queen Esther; Esther 8:3-5 and, in Father Abraham; Genesis 18:23-33. Yet most  certainly our greatest example of stand-in faith is witnessed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God’s only begotten Son. Unique in Being, fully God yet fully man.(John 1:1;1:14;3:16;1 John 4:9; Colossians 2:9;1 Corinthians 15:4-5; 1 Peter 1:20). The Scriptures tell us He willingly left Heaven—stepped across time and eternity, donned a human body, all that He might offer Himself as a stand-in.

The Sinless Substitute standing in for a sinful world; a world He foreknew would reject Him –Hebrews 2:5-18. His Perfect example now established, let’s turn our attention to everyday men created in his image. Let’s examine the 4 friends mentioned in today’s Scripture. Those no different from Esther, Abraham, and others whose faith God recognized.

We’re told only that their friend is paralyzed…

That’s why they’re carrying him to see Jesus. Had his paralysis been from birth, as it was with the beggar outside the Temple (Acts 3:2), or was it the result of an accident as with Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 4:4)? In this instance, Scripture doesn’t mention the how or why of it so it’s obviously not something we need to spend a lot of time thinking about. He was paralyzed—whatever the reason. Rather, let’s focus our attention on his 4 friends. After all, they are the ones Jesus chose to focus on.  It’s safe to believe that at some point God had laid it on the hearts of these 4 friends to get this one in need of healing in front of Jesus the only One they believed would heal their friend. It’s also fair to imagine, it’s implied even, that each of these 4 were men of faith.

They believed God…

Surely as young Jewish boys they had spent time in the Temple? It’s also reasonable to say that they’d been exposed to the telling of many of the familial stories concerning the coming of Messiah? And, it’s also possible they had witnessed Jesus healing others the last time He was there in Capernaum? Perhaps they, like so many, had heard all about this Jesus bringing Peter’s mother-in-law back from the edge of death (Matthew 8:14-15)? Perhaps all of this, combined with witnessing their friend—one they obviously cared greatly for, wasting away, motivated them into action? The truth is we don’t know for certain the whole of why they came. Scripture doesn’t always explain every detail to us. It may have been a perfect storm of faith. A simultaneous collision of all the above at play in their lives that caused them to lower their friend to the feet of Jesus.

What is certain is this: God moved on each of their hearts to get their friend in front of Jesus. And they obeyed…

Jesus let nothing stand in His way of leaving heaven and coming to earth that He might open the way that leads us back into right relationship with the Father—back into the loving arms of God (Matthew 27:51). And, when reading this account concerning our paralytic friend—it appears his friends too, wouldn’t allow anything to stand in the way of getting their friend in front of Jesus.

Let those who have ears hear…

They had fixed their eyes on Jesus. And, if it took ripping  the roof off to get their friend in front of Him, well, so-be-it! Off it would have to come!

And it did…

While Jesus was busy sharing God’s Word— 4 friends were busy hoisting their friend, mat and all, up onto the roof.  Get that image in your mind.  They hoisted a grown man tied to a cot up on to a roof. Jesus is preaching in the room below where, Scripture tells us a, “throng of people” are packed in—shoulder to shoulder. These 4 men approach the house with their friend in tow and realize— “this isn’t going work. These people won’t budge—no one will make room for us to get to Jesus!” Yet, they weren’t deterred. Why? The burning in their hearts wouldn’t allow for it. That very burning is what had prompted this entire journey of faith!

And then it hit them, “the roof, we’ll get him in through the roof!”

Have you ever been so moved by the leading of the Holy Spirit of God that, come what may, you were determined to do what you know He was leading you to do? Even if doing it meant doing something as unorthodox, as risky, as bold as taking the roof off a place ?

These 4 had been so moved…

While Jesus was sharing God’s Truth with this room full of people—these 4 were busy digging up the mud roof.

Shards of ceiling were falling on the crowd—on Jesus, yet, there is no rebuke mentioned. No one looks up and cries out, “have you guys lost your minds, stop it! Where trying to focus on what Jesus is saying! Nor does Scripture mention a rebuke of any kind coming from Jesus. Rather, we witness Jesus recognizing a reflection of Himself in these 4 friends. He recognizes a “reflection”, a type, of His own inextinguishable faith. Faith that says, “come what may, I’ll do it, I’ll make a way…”

And, in that second of recognition—a miracle occurred.

The one they had carried all these years—the one they had cared for and fed, helped provide for and shared with—Jesus now looked at and said, “you’re forgiven!”, and he was. He was now healed, made whole.

He was made new…

That’s what happens when we have an authentic encounter with Jesus. We are made new, washed clean—restored.

Whatever sin had held him to his mat, for however long it had had a grip on him—it was gone now; eternally forgiven. God had used the stand-in faith of his 4 faith-filled friends that He might deliver , restore, make new this one who couldn’t quite get there on His own…

If you’ve been praying for—interceding for, a friend or loved one, you should be excited right now! If Jesus honored their faith—surely, He will honor yours too! Just keep on taking that roof off!

God has asked each of us to be a stand-in. Jesus commissioned us all—all who believe on His name, to be stand-in’s. “He said to them, “Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all people.” –Mark 16:15.

Friend, if you claim faith like one of today’s 4,  here’s my question to you: how far will you carry the one that isn’t quite able to get to Jesus without your help?

And, if you’ve not yet asked Jesus into your heart—to heal what may be “paralyzed” in your life, do it now. My faith has carried you this far, I’ve now laid you safely at Jesus’ feet—don’t let this opportunity pass you by.

Ask Jesus into your heart now…

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” Romans 10:9.