“Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”

He has always been. He stood over the void and called everything into existence…

He led the Israelite’s as a pillar of fire by night, and as a cloud by day. He was the mighty rushing wind that swept through an upper room, turning customs and preconceived ideas upside down. You see, nothing can come into contact with Him and remain the same. Nothing.

Who is He? He is the Holy Spirit of God. He is God…

He has always been. So, what does that mean? What does that look like for the one who knows Him or, for the one who’s still seeking?

Simply stated—He knows everything. Sees everything. Is in every place—all the time. Nothing has ever, nor will ever escape Him. The Bible says it this way: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” –Revelation 22:13. He is the only One who knows the thoughts of God—His plans. 1 Corinthians 2:11 assures us of this, listen: “For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” So, what do you do when this all-knowing, all-seeing God puts His finger on an area of your life, requesting access ? If you’re wise, you move with Him. Allowing Him access to all and everything—to more than He’s asking for…

After all, it’s all His!

The Bible is riddled with people who have had this experience with Him, this “requesting.” We are privy, as we read about them, to glean from their decisions. The paths they took—their choices, both wrong and right. And, what those choices left in their wake—blessings, or losses. We can make a list of sorts, of do’s and don’ts, to save ourselves from making the same mistakes those who went before us made. This is wisdom. “Without good advice everything goes wrong–it takes careful planning for things to go right.” –Proverbs 15:22

Moses knew this. So did Noah. Abraham knew this too. And he, like they, came into a fuller, a far deeper, a richer understanding of this wisdom when He felt the Spirit of God leading him to walk away from all he’d ever known. To leave behind his life and family, his work and home. To grab on to Gods promise more, His command, to set out for, “A land I will show you” (Genesis 12:1). Abraham loved God—he trusted Him, and so he took that promise, stuck it deep in his pocket, and went as the Spirit had commanded him. And,  as a result of his submission to the leaning of the Holy Spirit on that area of his life, blessings were left in the wake of his decision to submit.

To stay in current step with the leaning of the Holy Spirit on an area of your life—you’re going to have to move, stay fluid, submissive, under His weight—least you collapse! —Pastor Wayne Cordeiro

He is our fulcrum.

He exerts pressure on a specific area in our lives—asking us to trust Him, to change perhaps, give up, turn over to Him, surrender, conform— possibly grow or expand into something else—something more. And, with that moment of asking, we are also given a choice. Yet, take it or not, He will have His way. He alone is God. Yet, He wishes for us—His heart for us is this: that out of our great love for Him we will do what He’s asking us to do—because we trust Him, and choose to do His will. Just as any loving parent would expect…

He alone is Omniscience.

Perhaps something unpleasant or harmful is about to befall us or to someone connected to us. The Holy Spirit is pressing  so that movement will take place. Our current environment is not conducive for what He sees coming. Something must change. Much like a shard left undetected in a “perfect looking” vessel, if not removed, it can destroy the vessels future usefulness. The potter must rework the pot…  “And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do.” –Jeremiah 18:4

Jonah, unlike Abraham, Moses, and Noah, rebelled against this leaning of the Holy Spirit. Refusing, at first, to obey Gods call to go where He was leading. Jonah decided he knew better than God, not only what was best for himself—but for others as well. When we read this short book, we see just how wrong he was in not trusting God straight out of the proverbial gate. Not only did Jonah have to endure God’s effective and unique correction, he inevitably had to do what God had directed Him to do in the first place! As I said earlier—God will always have His way.

When we give our lives to Jesus Christ they truly are no longer our own…

Jonah forgot that for a minute—so do you and me. That’s why when we too are being rebellious, every once in a while, God will send a big fish into our lives as a reminder that He’s still God. Nothing escapes Him.  Though He may be long-suffering and patient with us, we’re only allowed to stray so far off course before that fish shows up! “Now the LORD had arranged for a great fish to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was inside the fish for three days and three nights.” –Jonah 1:17

We have a purpose—and He has a plan…

The judgement of an entire nation stood in the balance. God had chosen the Prophet Jonah to deliver a message of judgement over Nineveh. But because Jonah hated the Ninevites’ and knew God was likely to forgive them if they repented—he wanted nothing to do with Gods plan—so he ran. Have you ever run from what you know God was calling you to do? Perhaps fear, insecurity or maybe stiff-necked rebellion made you say no to God? How did that work out for you? My guess is, God sent a fish of some sort your way? Did you, like Jonah,  inevitably relent, repent?

Jonah prayed to the Lord, “Isn’t this what I said, Lord, when I was still at home? That is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity.”  –Jonah 4:2. See Jonah hated those in this pagan city ruled by Dagon—the fish god (don’t miss that). He wanted them judged—punished for their wickedness and their many, many sins. Jonah had forgotten that his sins, like theirs, had once separated him from the very God he now served. He’d forgotten that had it not been for the Lords infinite mercy and great loving-kindness he too would still be under God’s just judgement. He forgot he was the servant and that God alone was God.

And isn’t that true of all those who serve the Lord?

Who call themselves Christian? There are moments, if we want to come completely clean, instances where we too make rash judgments. Are goaded by hasty emotional decisions driven by fear or pain, insecurity or jealously. Judgments that are made with such uncompromising swiftness we too forget that our own sins once precluded us from ever experiencing an authentic, transformative relationship with God. Yet, just as the Holy Spirit leaned on this area of Jonah’s life to bring it back into balance—into compliance, He’ll do the same with us when we, like Jonah, are headed in the  opposite direction of Gods intended plan for our lives…

So now, the question posed earlier in this text must be answered by you the reader. If you’re feeling the Holy Spirit leaning on an area of your life—how will you respond? Will you, of your own accord, move towards where He’s leaning? Will your love and desire to be smack dab in the center of your Father’s will propel you forward? Or, as with Jonah, will God need to send a big fish your way to get your attention?

You see, nothing can come into contact with Him and remain the same. Go its own way. Nothing.

Who is He? He is the Holy Spirit of God…

Friend, if you are reading this and have not yet given your life to Christ—now is the time, today is the day! Stop what you’re doing now, right now, and ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life. Don’t wait until the fish comes! Do it today—you’re being here is not an accident. I’m praying for you! “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”—Romans 10:9