“Do not let your heart be troubled (afraid, cowardly). Believe [confidently] in God and trust in Him, [have faith, hold on to it, rely on it, keep going and] believe also in Me.” 

Worthy. None of us are. We each deserve death for our sins against God alone. Yet, because of the Precious Lamb of God, because of the One, the only One, who is and was and will forever be worthy, we who have been chosen by Him, washed in His shed Blood, are made worthy through Him…

We are witnesses to the shift in a conversation. A shift in the way we witness love—our understanding of it, our part in it, our own worth as a result of it…

Jesus has talked to His disciples about His impending death. But, during this conversation, one of these, Peter, proclaims that so great is his love, his belief in Jesus—that he’s ready to die for him! And that’s where Jesus tells Peter—bold Peter, certain Peter, that not only won’t he die for Him anywhere soon—he’s about to betray Him by denying he ever knew Him! In fact, Jesus gets so specific, He tells Peter that he’ll deny Him not once, or twice, but three times before the morning fully comes…

And then it happens. The pivot—the shift in the conversation…

As if Jesus had not just dropped these back to back “bombs”—these, game changing, life altering declarations, He tells everyone present to be calm—not to get all worked up about what He had just said. “Do not let your heart be troubled.” Are you kidding me right now! Don’t let your hearts be troubled after Jesus, tells them that He’s about to die after only three years of friendship? Really? They were just getting to know and deeply trust Him…

And what of Him being the Messiah?

Who would free them from Roman tyranny if He died?

And Why? Why was this happening? How could Jesus say something so contrary to the state of each of their “already fearful” hearts?

“Believe in God, believe also in Me.”  Jesus is trying to shift their focus from fear and fright—to a deeper faith in Him. Towards the work He knew He was about to do, and had already done, in them. He knew also that in just a moment the Holy Spirit would come to them turning their mourning, their fear and sadness, in to joy unspeakable! He’d turn their every question mark into a period. He’d expose them to Pure Truth.

Jesus knew His friends believed in Him, but He also knew that even believers have heart trouble at times. And this was one of those times. Yet, if they would only trust in Him just a little longer…

Our friends had each missed the shift—the opportunity to change the basic assumptions they had lived out as fact. They missed the peek into Truth—into what was truly real. Into the who, what and why of Jesus, the purpose for His coming—and going. They missed entirely how their worth was really His. How when God saw them—He saw Jesus and His finished redemptive work in their lives—and ours.They had each been called to follow Him. To leave all that they had known, were, for this new life He had for them, in Him…

They missed the clue Jesus had just given them into what was about to happen—to them all…

Jesus knew long before any of these had even thought to follow Him He had chosen them as the very vessels He would use to usher in His Church—the Way. Use them to bring about, to cause, an upheaval in the fixed, rigid, legalistic, idolatrous world system. The way in which some Jews, and the rest of the world, had come to view God, His Temple, and their relationship with Him.

And, Peter was about to become the leader of this new revolution!

It’s why he was, in part, created—chosen. Made worthy. Redeemed, again and again. Yes, this same Peter whom Jesus had just stated would thrice betray Him will end up being the great apostle God will use to build His Church.  If you’ve ever betrayed Jesus, you should be shouting for joy now! Not for your betrayal, but because If God forgave Peter and saw worth in him—He’ll  do the same for you too!

It is, was, and will forever be—all about Jesus. His work. His will. His choosing and love of us, first, that makes us worthy to boldly come before Him.

Where we see failure, frailty, ambiguity, God sees our worth…

Jesus alone modeled an untroubled heart amid what certainly appeared—to those gathered, to be a time of trouble. He alone knew Gods will not only for Himself—for why He had come at all, but also for each one gathered with Him and more—for you and me and for the whole of humanity. We are their harvest, the apostles. But we are Gods seed.

Jesus saw Peter as worthy—as a son, not as a betrayer. Perhaps that’s why He didn’t belabor the point with Peter concerning his betrayal after He had spoken of it? Jesus saw Peter as a finished product—complete and sinless in Himself; high and lifted-up—already seated with Him in Heaven, victorious. Through the very work He had talked to them about and would soon accomplish on His Cross—by His resurrection, the defeat of sin, death, and the grave, it was through this reality—by this Truth, that Peter, and each of these disciples was made worthy.

As are each of us called by His name and into the family of God…

Jesus continues telling His friends that shortly, it may seem that He’s left them—He never will. But, He must go before them to prepare all that He has predestined for them all from the moment it entered Him to bring them forth, give them life and a purpose, a calling. He reminds them—instills in them, that He is the only way in which anyone can be re-united with God. He tells them plainly that in seeing Him, they have in fact—seen God. And, if they can’t yet get their heads around that fact for its own sake, believe it because of all His works—the signs, wonders, and miracles He had done.

This is the second time our friends have heard Jesus claiming this same Truth.

It was wintertime in Jerusalem, the time of Hanukkah. Jesus and these same friends were walking around the Temple near Solomon’s colonnade when a high-spirited crowd broaches Him with a very pointed question. Read John 10:22-42 to hear their whole conversation…

But to get back to the conversation Jesus is having with His friends—lets once again listen in…

Jesus affirms each of them as worthy in Him—by Him, through Him, as He tells them that these very same miracles He has done they too will do—and even greater things than these! He reiterates that He’s going back to the Father and, in that moment a mystery is exposed to them—yet another shift occurs. Jesus makes plain that because He’s going back to God they will now be able to have access to the same power of God Jesus Himself had. All they must do is ask the Father anything in His name and, so long as it’s the Fathers will, it will be done for them as it was for Jesus. Because of His choice of them—they have been made worthy of heaven—of relationship with God. Of sonship.

And, Jesus will use them each to change the world for heaven’s sake!

One cannot meet God and remain unchanged. Christ in them caused such a love for Himself to swell up on the inside, they joyfully, willingly, obeyed His commands. Just as He lovingly, willingly obeyed the Father’s. Christ in us—a true encounter with Christ, will always cause disruption to our norm.  Will always bring about both a letting go—and a letting in. Love makes us want to be—stretch to become, the very best version of ourselves. Love causes us to surrender to itself. And, it is in that surrender that our worth is found. We are worthy because He chose us as His own.

The question is—do you believe it?

Have you found your worth in the Living God—Jesus Christ? If you don’t know Him, haven’t yet met Him, invited Him, and all He offers you, into your life, do it today. While there’s still time. Why continue living feeling like your unworthy when God has so much more planned for your life? Christ died to show you just how worthy He thought you were. Don’t pass that by. Call out to the One who holds your worth, my worth, in the palm of His nail pierced hand…

“Do not let your heart be troubled (afraid, cowardly). Believe [confidently] in God and trust in Him, [have faith, hold on to it, rely on it, keep going and] believe also in Me.”