“Then the angel said to me, “Write,[Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.’” And he said to me [further], “These are the true and exact words of God.”

 The wedding invitation. At one time or another we’ve all received one. Often, they arrive enveloped in vellum coverings etched by a calligrapher’s skillful hand. They hold within themselves a promise. The promise of our witnessing declarations of mutual love, fidelity, and a vow of eternal commitment exchanged between a groom and his bride.  However, those who receive this invitation are receiving so much more than mere paper tucked inside of paper. They’re being offered an exclusive opportunity at witnessing the spilling over of sheer joy. Of love. A joy born from the expectancy of the long-awaited fulfillment of a promise. A promise made long before the finely labeled invitation ever arrived…

As it is on earth, so it is in Heaven…

Yet, what that invitation doesn’t contain—doesn’t share, is the couple’s history. Everything that has led up to their nuptials. How did they first meet? How long had they been together before they knew—this is the one; my forever friend and lover?

Love is born out of relationship, out of friendship.

But then, being friends of the betrothed, the recipient of the invitation most likely knows those answers. After all, they’re friends. And friends are privy to information strangers are not…

Neither are strangers invited to witness such sacred moments—the eternal union of two souls. Invitations to weddings are reserved for family, friends—for loved ones only. Those with whom history is shared—those we have a relationship with, whether new or long-standing.

Again, as it is on earth, so it is in Heaven…

Only those that welcome God’s invitation here, today, are welcomed into Heaven to celebrate with Him eternally.

Two thousand plus years ago Jesus was crucified. Scripture tells us that when He breathed His last the veil in the Temple—the one that separated man from God, was torn. “But Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and gave up his spirit. Suddenly, the curtain of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom, the earth quaked, and the rocks were split.”—Matthew27:50-51. This is the same veil that only moments before the high priest alone entered through to gain access into the Holy of Holies. Into the very presence of God. It was torn now, from a single rip, top to bottom. And this tearing signified that the sin barrier that had separated God from man had been destroyed—was eternally removed, in the solitary act of loving obedience. Through Jesus’s death on the Cross. His perfect act of love—the Sinless taking onto Himself the sin of the whole world satisfied God’s just wrath caused by His hatred of sin. Thus, allowing us to stop from continually having to offer a blood sacrifice to demonstrate our repentance of sin.

Jesus’s death on the Cross, His shed Blood, did that for us—once, for all.

Yet, Jesus knew long before He was hung on that tree, those who would accept His invitation and those who would not. Judas can testify to that. So can the 11 other Apostles. Still, despite their marked differences, Jesus loved them equally—both the loyal, and the one who would betray Him. He died for each of them, regardless. And not just for them, but for the whole world. Yes, even for those who hated Him. Hate Him still. Rejected Him. And reject Him still. We hear evidence of this in some of His final Words spoken from His Cross. Listen to what Jesus says concerning those who had cried out, “crucify Him, crucify Him”, and concerning those who had falsely, maliciously, sentenced Him to die. For the ones also, who had driven nails into His innocent flesh. “Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up His garments by casting lots. The people stood watching, and the rulers sneered at Him.” … Luke 23:34-35.

Yet, in that very moment, in a seemingly unlikely, Blood soaked, brutal moment, a most precious paradox occurred. As life was leaving Jesus’s Body, an undeserved invitation into eternal life had graciously been extended to all who would…

However, like any invitation sent by dear friends or family—the invitation sent to all from God, through His Son Jesus Christ, must also not only be received, but opened—and, more, both accepted and responded to. Otherwise, it simply remains just another piece of paper. Another unanswered invitation that too many today have received, yet carelessly tossed aside. Buried it somewhere in a draw. Forgotten…

Their invitation from Love left unopened. Thus, it remains one-sided. Having no more value to the one who possesses it than any other shiny scrape of fine vellum…

Yet, most of us wouldn’t treat something so valuable, sent with such hope and care, such love—so carelessly…

No, we too would take care to open it, to fill it out, sending it off in a timely fashion. And, then, as a reminder to ourselves of the wonderful event it was sent to mark—we’d circle the day on our calendars as a reminder of something joyous to look forward to!

To celebrate…

Now, with that in mind, here’s my question…

If we would take such great care with human invitations sent to us, why are we so neglectful of those divinely, personally, sent us by God?  “Abide in Me, and I in you” –John 15:4. This God’s invitation to stay with Him, live with Him, walk hand in hand with Him, eternally…

More exactly, it’s the invitation that cost Jesus His very life. One that invites us to enjoy friendship with Him now, thus being assured of life eternal life with Him at the moment of our earthly deaths. Also, unlike the wedding invitation sent out by family or friends that bids us to come and share in a day of their lives, Jesus invites us to be with Him always. To walk with Him daily. To share His bountiful table, to enjoy friendship with Him, and, to stay, to abide with Him eternally. To be the recipients of His great and unending love. “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure, buried in a field, that a man found and reburied. Then in his joy he goes and sells everything he has and buys that field. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls. When he found one priceless pearl, he went and sold everything he had and bought it.” –Matthew 13:44-46

Friend I urge you, if God has sent you an invitation to His marriage supper, run, open it, and prepare yourself! If you’ve foolishly tossed it in the junk draw of life, if it’s gotten buried under the weight of carrying a load you were never meant to —lost in the sea of the relentless daily grind, go, now, repent, and find it again!

Cry out to God in thanksgiving that what was once lost is now found!

Blessed one, dance for joy that this most sacred invitation has made it safely into your hands…

Put it in the place of prominence it so rightly deserves! And Remember, strangers aren’t invited to witness such sacred moments—the eternal union of two souls. Invitations to weddings are reserved for family—for loved ones only. Those with whom history is shared—those we have a relationship with, whether new or long-standing.

You have been chosen to attend—your presence requested!

And, as it is on earth, so it is in Heaven—

“No longer do I call you servants … but I have called you friends” (John 15:15).

Friend, if you haven’t asked Jesus into your heart today, do it now. Then, check your mailbox. Surely your invitation awaits you. Welcome!