“But you, believers, [all you who believe in Christ as Savior and acknowledge Him as God’s Son] are not in spiritual darkness [nor held by its power], that the day [of judgment] would overtake you [by surprise] like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We do not belong to the night nor to darkness”

  Before we get into this Word, let’s pray: Spirit of the Living God, illuminate your Word, breath your Ruach breath on it, that it may come alive in us, and through us feed may. In Jesus matchless name we pray, Amen.
Referring to His Body, Jesus said this to His friends. That if it were destroyed, He would raise it again in three days. God can’t lie. It will happen.

It did happen…

Had they forgotten? They must have. They went to a tomb expecting to find a dead body there, when clearly, He had told them it would not be there, but rather, be raised up—resurrected…

Our Scripture today reminds those of us that have put our hope—our faith, in Jesus that we are no longer ignorant of what is to come because His Spirit lives within us. Therefore, we do not live in spiritual darkness, as unbelievers—unknowing, left without a clue about what is to come. Just as Jesus had told His followers that He would not be found in a tomb—a dead thing, powerless, hopeless,

so too He has told us…!

“At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.”—Mark 13:26

He is sifting this world. Jesus is. He said He would. And there are only two sides—two camps, one can end up in. Sheep or goats. Not my words. Jesus tells us that this is what’s to come—the sifting, this separation of those that love and choose to follow Him, obey Him, and those that don’t. —Matthew 25:31–46

We each have been given the same choice…

Don’t, as the saying goes, shoot the messenger! Rather, humble yourself. Perhaps, just perhaps, today, right now, God is causing you, allowing you, to feel a little prickly, a bit uncomfortable—that you might be challenged! If so, run to Him, come to salvation— if you haven’t. Or, wake up from your slumber—your luke-warmness, your grayness, if you have…

This is your, my, our, clarion call—God is at the door!—Revelation 3:20

They went gray for a moment—His disciples…

After seeing Him betrayed, beaten, falsely accused, after seeing the One they thought would save them—their people, hanging limp, lifeless on a criminals Cross, enshrouded, laid-out in a tomb, a place for dead things. They went gray. As did their hopes—their dreams, of a future free from tyranny, injustice, and the evil allowed under the Roman’s rule. Sound familiar? What in your own walk with the Lord, in your life, has caused yo to loose hope? To walk away from your dreams?

Perhaps they’d forgot too, that Jesus had told them as long as they were in this world, there’d be trouble. Maybe in their grief, they’d forgotten He’d said also, ‘to take heart, don’t be afraid.’ He’d told them not to lose their peace—to trust in Him, and stay strong. Not to allow the grayness, the fear, the troubles, and doubts that will assail them, assail us all, to swallow up their hope—the Truth.

That He’d overcome the world—John 16:33

And we, like our brothers and sisters before us— have this same Jesus with us too. This One who has overcome the world. And, we have Him in ways they never did. We have not only their accounts to glean from, but we have every Word, every promise spoken by God—Alpha to Omega. Every utterance of the Holy Spirit, each step of our path laid out before us—foretold to us.

He is alive within us leading and guiding our every step…

“I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.”—John 14:18

He wasn’t just speaking to the ones He was about to depart from…

We, like our brothers before us, are being called to move past the Tomb, past what was. We’re being called to set—fix our eyes, our hopes—our faith and trust, in what is yet to come. The Majesty on High! The Hope of Glory! On Jesus, seated at the Right Hand of the Father. Waiting. Risen, and coming again in all power. The very power He has given us, as a deposit—to lead us and guide us, as it did our brothers before us—into all Truth.

And, when our work, like theirs, is finished—safely back home with Him…

When the women had gone to the tomb to anoint—prepare, His body for burial—they too must had forgotten that Mary, Lazarus’s sister, had already done that when she had broken open her costly bottle of Nard—washing Jesus’s feet and wiping them with her hair? The resurrected sitting in the presence of the Resurrection. Had they forgotten that if the body is clean, only the feet need be washed? Odd that, seeing how it was a part of the culture, a custom. Wait—didn’t Jesus Himself demonstrate this very Truth to them the last time they had broken bread together? But I digress…

It was when the woman went to the last place they had seen their Lord—that they were told by a messenger that the One they were looking for wasn’t there! What! How He can He not be here? It’s where we left Him. We saw them put Him in there! And along with Him, went all our hopes and dreams. He must be there! He simply must be! Otherwise, where shall we go to find Him…?

Let me ask you friend—is it possible that you, like myself, and our brothers before us, continue to go back to a place that is familiar? Back to the spot you last saw Him, had your last encounter with Him? Have we become tomb dwellers?Seeking what is alive among what’s dead? Are we looking for a God who is no longer in the familiar place we left Him—our go-to spots?

“He is not there, He is risen!”—Matthew 28:6

Is God calling you, as He is me, to a new place today? That He might open our eyes to our unbeknownst gray-ness? To point out, that we—those that want Him, live for Him, will go out searching for Him, that we need to be willing to move out beyond what we know—just as those that went before us did. Think Peter getting out of the boat here.

To meet Jesus in a new place, he had to first leave his familiar that he might walk, however briefly, where no mere man ever had or could, without Jesus (Matthew 14:28-29).

And, since Jesus is speaking to us too, guiding us, as he did our brothers, to follow Him, to be open to experiencing Him afresh—in a new place, recharged, glowing with renewed power and purpose shouldn’t we, like Peter leap over the side of our proverbial boats and start walking on the water we’re being called to walk upon!

“I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.”—John 14:18

He wasn’t just speaking to those He was about to physically depart from…

The entire 16th Chapter of the Gospel of St. John is filled with instructions—specific instructions. Instructions for you and for me.  Look them up for yourself. Re-member them, roll around in them, let them seep into your pores, swim in your very Blood—His!

“His Word is the same, yesterday, today, and forever more.”—Hebrews 13:8  And, since this is Truth, then what Jesus spoke in love, from a deep place of great caring and foreknowledge—applies to us as well. “I pray for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one.”—John 17:1-2

Friend, Jesus isn’t challenging our grayness today because He doesn’t love us, God forbid! Rather, He is chastising us—stirring us up, to re-member with the passion we once carried in our hearts for our First Love…

To re-member, reconnect, with that passion, the desire, the time spent—alone, longing just for Him! To re-member how we could not wait to be with Him, to sit at His feet, hanging on His every Word—like some young groupie! How we told everyone we met about this man Jesus! We were alive, in love, piping hot—on fire! There wasn’t a shred of gray-ness, of lukewarmness, about us. And today, like no other time in the history of the world, grayness cannot be tolerated.


Ask the Pharisees. Grayness is neutral, it’s half believing, it hasn’t chosen, committed, to a side. Grayness, lukewarmness, is being a fence straddler, a half-in, half out kinda person, an, in between person. How can that person expect to please God! —Lk 20:45-47

Signs. God always gives us signs.  A warning. Time to prepare. Noah will vouch for this…

The Sun and moon and stars—times. Signs in the heavens pointing towards what God is about to do—has promised to do. “And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight.”—Acts 1:9

If we are to shed our gray-ness, now that we have been made aware of it, and become re-awakened, more determined than ever before to recommit to God what is His—knowing that time is short. And, to chase after Him, and all that He has for us to do for Heaven’s sake—then we must leave the familiar safety of the Gospels behind. As life-affirming, and informed as they are, we must be willing to go out beyond what is comfortable and familiar to us—out past the death of the Cross, and the entombment of the grave. We, like our brothers before us, must follow what Jesus is calling us to do now—today. Not only what we first believed. What’s familiar…

We must stir the embers of our once raging fires…

“And do this, understanding the occasion. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, for our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day has drawn near. So let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.…”—Romans13:11

Join me next week as I share Part 3, the final post of this teaching. Until then, may the Lord bless you and keep you until He returns…