And David said, “Is there still anyone left of the house (family) of Saul to whom I may show kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” There was a servant of the house of Saul whose name was Ziba, so they called him to David. And the king said to him, “Are you Ziba?” He said, “I am your servant.” And the king said, “Is there no longer anyone left of the house (family) of Saul to whom I may show the goodness and graciousness of God?” Ziba replied to the king, “There is still a son of Jonathan, [one] whose feet are crippled.” So the king said to him, “Where is he?” And Ziba replied to the king, “He is in the house of Machir the son of Ammiel, in Lo-debar.” Then King David sent word and had him brought from the house of Machir the son of Ammiel, from Lo-debar. Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan, the son of Saul, came to David and fell face down and lay himself down [in respect]. David said, “Mephibosheth.” And he answered, “Here is your servant!” David said to him, “Do not be afraid, for I will certainly show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan, and will restore to you all the land of your grandfather Saul; and you shall always eat at my table.” Again Mephibosheth lay himself face down and said, “What is your servant, that you would be concerned for a dead dog like me?”

Mephibosheth thought himself a sure enemy of David’s—this new king.

You see custom dictated that when a new king was installed—each of the former king’s family members were to be put to death. The thought was, if any relatives were left alive—contrary to age, they may one day get it in their head’s to attempt to retake the throne from the new reigning king. So, doing away with any vestiges of the former king’s family was the only sure way to stave off a future wanna-be from executing a coup. But not so with this King David. He was gracious and kind. Even though the former king—King Saul, had lost his mind and attempted, on numerous occasions, to kill him, David nevertheless remembered his oath—the promise he had made, to King Saul’s son—his dearest friend, one like a brother, Jonathan (1 Samuel 20:14-16).

And, it is because of this oath, that Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s son, is called out of hiding from Lo Debar and brought before the king. An obscure dwelling place Lo Dabar was—a place of lack, and of barrenness—there was nothing green or growing there. There was little hope…

We first hear of this man with the tongue-twister of a name in 2 Samuel 4:4, listen: “Saul’s son Jonathan had a son named Mephibosheth. He was five years old when the news came from Jezreel that Saul and Jonathan had been killed. The woman who cared for Mephibosheth picked him up and ran away. But while running away, she dropped the boy, and he became crippled in both feet.”

And now his hiding place— this Lo Debar, ascetic as it may have been, has been exposed by an old family servant of Mephibosheth’s grandfather (vs.4).  When he’d heard the news that he was to be brought before King David surely his first thought was that his death was imminent—that these were certainly his last hours on earth (vs.7)! Imagine the fear in this man who had once been in line to be a King himself? You can almost see his face growing pale with panic! Now too, imagine his shame? Being  crippled from such a young age, Mephibosheth undoubtedly grew up being bombarded with cruel and demeaning insults. We see evidence of his scars in his reply to David’s offer of unfathomable grace and restoration. Of restored dignity…

“What is your servant, that you should regard a dead dog like me” (2 Samuel 9:8; emphasis my own)? It’s impossible to miss Mephibosheth’s deep wells of fear and insecurity. Those wounds left by cutting name calling and lashing insults, by isolation. Yet, despite all he has endured, we witness this great display of humility coming from Mephibosheth.  He, in a display of reverence, lays prostrate and utterly vulnerable at the king’s feet (vs.6).

In many middle-eastern communities of ages past, and some yet today, dogs were thought of as, ‘a vile and contemptible animal’, ‘the most ignoble and contemptible of animals’, despised and generally wretched.’ So, if being called a dog, more—a useless dead dog, was just one of the wicked slurs—the barbed, verbal lashes that assailed Mephibosheth as a young child—is it any wonder he cringed in fear and shame before this illustrious, ruddy King?

For years Mephibosheth lived in anonymity. His physical disability, paired with his equally crippling fallacious beliefs kept him bound—separated from the slightest possibility, from any hope of—wholeness and restoration. He had yielded to, been taken under by, the prevailing weight of reality—as he understood it. The weight of separation, lack, disfigurement—brokenness.

And now, the very man He recognizes as having the power of life and death over him tells him he will not die but live! And, as if allowing him to live were not blessing enough, not an unfathomable demonstration of grace and mercy, everything that he had been in line to receive as the child of Jonathan will also be restored to him—and, there’s nothing he must do to earn this! No strings attached. A place was set for him at the King’s table—unlimited provision, he is now accepted, fully restored to son-ship. And, in yet a further act of mercy, this king assigns servants to work the land that’s been restored to him. David knew Mephibosheth’s limitations. And so, without Mephibosheth’s even having to ask, he graciously, practically, made provision for his every need. David knew that this blessing would require laborers to help Mephibosheth do what he wasn’t able on his own (Matthew 6:8). There was no need for Mephibosheth to have to ask David for help. By virtue of his sonship having been restored, David brought others alongside him to provide the help he’d need to care for all that this king had blessed him with..

David was a kind and gracious king. A king who remembered the vow he’d made to his beloved Jonathan. And he ensured it was carried out, even unto the least of those left to be blessed. More, David remembered the favor of the Lord in his own life. He remembered the mercy, kindness, grace, and, undeserved favor and David’s heart, his great desire, was to give nothing less than he’d once been given in return…

Join us next week as we’ll delve a bit deeper into the story of David and Mephibosheth. We’ll witness Jesus, and transfor, you wmaive power of love, you won’t want to miss it! Who’s to say you won’t see your story peeking through the cracks of Mephibosheth’s? Perhaps there’s a blessing of restoration coming to you! Join us on 10/22 and find out…!