"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Month: August 2017

“Half-hearted” Numbers 32:11-12

 “None of the men who came up from Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the land which I promised to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, because they have not followed Me completely, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite and Joshua the son of Nun, for they have followed the Lord completely.”

The Word of God tells us: “Abraham believed God and righteousness was given him as a free gift” (Gen. 15:6).

More often than not, the only proofs that God gives us concerning His promises He’s made us will be found, are found, in His Word. God is not like man, He can’t lie. It is impossible for God to not fulfill a promise He’s made to us. So, knowing that—believing that Truth, I can guarantee you that if God has told you He will bring something about in your life—He will do it. His Word confirms this, listen: “For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay” (Habakkuk 2:3). And the very next verse says this: “Behold, as for the proud one, His soul is not right within him; But the righteous will live by his faith.…

I want to talk with you today about the giants in the land and the faith, the belief,  necessary to overcome them…

Because there are giants—spiritual giants, in each of our backyards. Giants of fear, lying giants, giants of insecurity, of disbelief, of procrastination, apathy and depression, to name but a few. They’re there, in part, to draw us closer to God. So that we can, as we partner with God, relying on His strength, overcome those looming giants in our lives. Giants that, if not overcome, will most certainly rob us from—obtaining, operating in, the full potential and promise that God has planned for our lives. From walking in the full blessing of our divine purpose.

And yes, whether you accept Jesus or not—if you’re reading this, you have a purpose…

So, why does God allow these giants? Simply stated, that we may be—built up, strengthened, grow, our faith muscles. But, that can be accomplished only when we believe that God is who He says He is—and will do, accomplish, in, and through us, all that He’s said He will do. Though unchanging in His character, He’s still speaking and revealing Himself to us today. The question is, are we still listening?

Only Joshua and Caleb, two men out of the multitude of Israelite’s that were led out of Egypt—out of slavery, were granted access by God to enter the promised land of Canaan. These same two men had been sent by Moses to go on a fact-finding maneuver. They, along with other men, were sent to scope out this new promised land and report back if it were possible for the Israelite’s’ to overtake it. It was Joshua and Caleb alone who would report back that they—as a people, could in fact, overcome the giants in this new promised land (Numbers 13:1-31).

God always knows what’s coming down the road. It may surprise us, but it most certainly does not surprise God! And, if He’s sent us—sent you, if He’s allowed us, to be sent down any ‘giant possessed’ road He may, in part, have done—be doing so, as an opportunity, a chance given us, to overcome our giants and to build our faith muscles in preparation for what is yet to come…

Friends, we are surely living in the last days. Any moment Jesus may return for His children, His Word tells us that none of us knows the day or the hour. We know—trust, have faith, in the fact that He is coming back for us because He said He would. But In the meantime—while we wait in hope, we must be diligent in walking out the mission—the commission, He gave us before He left this world. To bring the Good News of who He is to the whole world. “He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15).

I am doing my best to do that today through sharing with you what the Holy Spirit has put on my heart…

And that is that God has so much for you—for His people. He intended you to walk in the fullness of all that He has for you, now—in this world. That by so doing, and through faith in Him—in His Word, you might bless others with what He has entrusted to you. Yet, to walk in the fullness of your destiny, you must overcome your giants. You must, like Joshua and Caleb, believe that you can—because God has said that you can defeat any enemy, any giant, that rises up against you. Not because of any strength or talent you possess in and of yourself; but because you believe in –have unwavering faith in, the all-sufficient power of The Blood of Jesus…

His last words on the Cross were, “It is finished” (Mark 16:15).

That means, in part, that He has given you all that you need to overcome—if you know Him, have a relationship with Him—are His child. His Spirit within you will give you the strength, courage, and, the measure of faith you need, to conquer any and every giant that will fight you for the right to stay in your promised land. In your ministry, your marriage, your business, in your God-given dreams, and, visions, anywhere, and everywhere. That’s a promise God made to Joshua and it stands for you as well, listen: “I have given you every place on which the sole of your foot treads, just as I promised to Moses” (Joshua 1:3)

The choice is yours and the outcome is clearly before you. Today’s Scripture is a witness—either for, or against us.  It’s our warning not to be halfhearted in our faith—as the Israelite’s’ were. Wanting all that God had for them; but only half- believing that God would do what He said He would do to ensure they’d have it. Rather, we must believe fully—wholeheartedly, as Joshua and Caleb did. So that we too may enter in to all that God has for us, and be a blessing to all those He’s attached to us—for such a time as this. Pray—be wise in your choosing. Your future—and all those tied to it, are depending on your choices. I know the giants can be daunting, especially if they’ve been allowed to remain in your land for a while. Yet allow me, please—to encourage you by sharing the very Words the Lord spoke to Joshua: “No man will [be able to] stand before you [to oppose you] as long as you live. Just as I was [present] with Moses, so will I be with you; I will not fail you or abandon you. Be strong and confident and courageous, for you will give this people as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers (ancestors) to give them” (Joshua 1:5-6).

But you must make a choice. Will you stand with God, will you allow Him to defeat those enemies—those giants? Giants of addictions, those hurts and habits that have robbed you of His best for you? Will you  stand with God against that giant of sexual or physical abuse that’s been allowed to keep abusing you because it’s been allowed to live—for twenty, thirty, forty, or more years, unchallenged, in your land? That giant of abortion that’s left you so guilt ridden and filled with shame that you dread intimacy—connection. Jesus is asking you today—now, to believe that you can, in His strength, take the land He has for you.

And if you don’t know Jesus as your Lord and Savior—it’s not too late. He wants to help you defeat your giants too. Please, won’t you ask Him into your heart today? Remember friend, none of us are promised tomorrow. And alone—we’ll never conquer our giants. Don’t believe me, jut take a look at what’s still living in your land. Jesus is waiting for you to ask Him to help defeat your giants…


“Rescued from the Wrath” Romans 5:9-10

 “Therefore, since we have now been justified [declared free of the guilt of sin] by His blood, [how much more certain is it that] we will be saved from the ]wrath of God through Him. For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, it is much more certain, having been reconciled, that we will be saved [from the consequences of sin] by His life [that is, we will be saved because Christ lives today].” 

If you want to know the love of God, know the work of Christ. —John Piper

From the moment John spoke the words that forever changed the world—forever altered, shifted human history, and with it—every man’s destiny: “Behold The Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”,  we were—we are still, being introduce to Redemption, to Life. In the blink of an eye the man that everyone was pushing past to get to John the Baptist—takes center stage. He has stepped across time and donned a body made of flesh just to be with us. He once was wrapped in milk rags and put to bed in a manger—an animal hotel. He left The Throne of Heaven, left the Father’s presence, to step into the sin-stained world He spoke into existence. One that would cry out for His Very Blood—and they’d get it.

One that had the to freedom to denounce Him—and it did. And it does, still…

Yet the last time we’d heard anything about Him—this Jesus, he was about 12 years old. His parents were desperate with fright—searching everywhere for this Lamb—their son, Mary’s, and Joseph’s—God’s own. They’d thought they’d lost Him—little did they know He could never be lost. That’s our choice, man’s, to go on being lost that is— not God’s, ever. Our Scripture verse today bears witness to that Truth. Because of God’s unfathomable, unplumbed, love He chose to give—gave to the world, the whole world, in the form of His only Son, a way back to Himself. So that whomsoever would believe in Him would have life eternal—reconciliation, a relationship, with God.

That’s the heart of God for all of humanity—for you. Believe it, or not…

Because you, we deserve it? No. Despite, regardless of, contrary to, everything, anything, and I do mean anything, you and I may have done—might have been through, God loves us, loves you, personally. Right this minute, just as you are. And, He has a plan and a purpose for your life—for your reading this message at this exact moment. As sin-stained and guilty as you may be—however dirty, or unworthy you may feel, contrary to anything that may have been inflicted upon you, done to violate you, whether you know Him or have yet to meet Him. You are loved by God.

He knows you—and more, He loves you deeply…

See while Jesus was hanging on His Cross dying for you, dying for me, the very Cross He willingly went to so that you might escape eternal death—escape a life, this life, separated from Him—from the Father, from His very best for you, both now, and in the world to come, He did so knowing if you’d respond to Him, to His great love for you, or not.He knew if you’d say yes to Him or, if you’d turn away as many standing there did that fateful day did. Our society, this world, has done a bang-up job, and I say this loosely and with intended irony, of stressing one of God’s greatest character traits—His great love for us. And, while this is true, the God’s great love part, it is also equally true that there are times His love is used as a blanket to cover over our sins, our bad habits, and actions. And that love—His love, biblically based love, has or had nothing to do with. No part of…


As I write this, the deplorable, hate-filled, evil, events that recently took place in Charlottesville that did their level best to recreate a racial divide paralleled to that of the pre-civil rights era, come to mind as one such example of just how man will attempt to turn, bend, reshape, the love of God for all mankind, into a sanctimonious, weak-as-water, far from holy, version of its most base nature. Its lowest version of itself. And yet, somehow equate that nature, those actions, to the will and intentions of a holy, loving, God…

Which leads me into the oft forgotten counterpart of God’s great love—His wrath. You can’t fully grasp one without having, at one point, known the other. We as a people choose to skip over the wrath part of God when we see it written somewhere, hear it preached from Sunday morning pulpit’s. But denying God’s wrath does not negate it, nor the effect it has on a person’s life. I started off this teaching with a quote from renowned bible scholar, John Piper. And it’s to him that we’ll turn now for a slice of his teaching on Romans 5:9-10. Listen as he explained how the love of God and His wrath—are inextricably linked: The Bible makes it plain that God will one day pour out the full measure of his wrath on the sinful unbelieving world, and the unrepentant will be cast into what John calls the “lake of fire.” Revelation 20:15, “And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” And Revelation 14:10 describes it like this: They will “be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever.” It is like fire. It is torment. It is forever and ever with no end. This is terrifying. If enmity ever had meaning, this is it. If this is not having an enemy, then there is no such thing as having an enemy. God will one day pour out his enmity – his wrath – on the whole world of humankind who have ever lived and not trusted him. The question is: Who can rescue us from this wrath of God? The clear answer of this text – and the whole New Testament – is this:

Only God can rescue us from the wrath of God…


Where can we see this? Verse 9: “having now been justified, shall we be saved.” Verse 10: “If while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more having been reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.” In all those actions, we are being acted upon. Who is acting? Who is doing this justifying, reconciling, saving? The answer is God the Father. How do we know that? Because in verse 10 it says, “we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son.” But if the Son was doing the reconciling, it wouldn’t say he did it “through the Son.” You wouldn’t say. “The Son of God reconciled us to God through his Son.” No. The Father, himself, loves us.

That was the clear point of verse 8, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Here’s the good news: the love of God rescues us from the the wrath of God against sinners. Don’t try to defend the love of God for us by denying the wrath of God against sinners. If you do, you will undermine the love of God. Because the greatest demonstration of the love of God is the way it rescues us from the wrath of God. If you deny wrath to defend love, you lose love. God the Father himself works to rescue us from his wrath. And the point is that he has done this in the past, and he will do it in the future. This is the way both verse 9 and 10 are built. Verse 9: “Much more then, having now been justified by His blood [that’s the past work of God – “blood” referring to the death of his Son whom he sent], we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him [that’s the future work of God].” Then verse 10: “For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son [the past work of God in history], much more, having been reconciled [in the past], we shall be saved by His life [the work of God in the future].”

Friends, whether you’ve met Him yet, or not. And whether you believe in Him yet, or not, does not negate—will never negate, the fact, the Truth, that God so loves you that He sent Jesus to restore you to Himself, to have a relationship with you, and to save you, rescue you, as in the days of Noah, from His certain wrath…

 “For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He[even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life” John 3:16

Won’t you say yes to Him, to His hand extended toward you in love—while it still today?





“A Paradigm Shift” Mark 10:49-50

 “And Jesus stopped and said, Call him. And they called the blind man, telling him, Take courage! Get up! He is calling you. And throwing off his outer garment, he leaped up and came to Jesus.”

Simply put, a paradigm shift occurs when we see things one way—then experience a shift, a change, that modifies, changes, that seeing, our thinking, our beliefs, our lives…

A shift which then results in our seeing—and experiencing life differently—changed, new. Sounds new-agey right, maybe ungrounded, perhaps too esoteric—too ‘out-their’ for your conservative taste? Have no fear. It’s quite traditional—far more commonplace than you might think. Yet it never loses its awe inspiring, transformational impact. We see evidence of paradigm shifts throughout the Bible; yes, unbelievably, paradigm shifts are found in Scripture! In both the Old and New Testaments.

Elisha experienced it, as did Abraham, Moses, and Joseph…

But Perhaps one of the more powerful and familiar accounts of a paradigm shift that occurs in Scripture is that of Saul’s conversion. He went from one who sought to destroy the church, to a believer called by God to minister and deliver the gospel message to the gentile world. We first witness Saul oozing utter evil, lending approval to,—pouring out the darkness in his heart as an eyewitness to the stoning of Stephen—a man filled with God’s grace and power.  Next, we hear of Saul quite literally dragging Christians out of their homes and into prison—some perhaps to their deaths. All of this done in the hopes of destroying the church.

And then He meets Jesus…

And it is there on that dusty Damascus road, while hunting Christians, that we witness his powerful—life-changing, paradigm shift. Not only is Saul saved—additionally, life, as he has known it, shifted intensely. No longer does He seek to kill those who serve the Lord but He now becomes the Lord’s servant! And, his conversion resulted in part to his penning almost 2/3’s of the New Testament we read today! But a part of Paul’s shift, a part of what he left behind, his Hebrew name, is often overlooked—misunderstood.  You see it wasn’t Jesus who changed Saul’s name, as He did with Peter (Matthew 16:16-18), we see Saul referred to as Paul for the first time in Acts 13:9. Long after his conversion and well into his ministry.

But why?

Here is the crux of this teaching, what it is the Holy Spirit showed me. That just as Bartimaeus left behind those things that no longer served him once he had encountered Jesus—so too did Paul.

A paradigm shift had occurred in each mans life. If you’re familiar with Scripture you’ll remember that from the account of the proconsul’s conversion found in Acts 13: 6-12 forward, we then hear Saul referred to as Paul throughout Scripture. Paul choose, for whatever his reasons, to leave behind that vestige of his Hebrew roots and elected to be identified by his second name—Paul, which readily identified him with his Roman citizenship as well as to the gentile nations…

But what about our main character? What did Bartimaeus leave behind? And just how did his paradigm shift occur?

Similarly to Paul, Bartimaeus also encountered Jesus on a dusty road. If you read the account of his story found in Mark 10: 46-52 you’ll see that as Jesus was leaving Jericho with his disciples this blind beggar begins to holler out to Him, listen: “Jesus, Son of David, have pity and mercy on me now!” (vs. 47). Verse 48 goes on to inform us that those standing around this blind man kept telling him to quiet down—basically, to shut up, and stop his calling out to Jesus! But he didn’t take their advice. He continued to shout out, pleadingly, in the hopes of getting Jesus to come and lay his hands on him—to heal his blindness. And it worked. Jesus took pity on Bartimaeus and had him brought over to himself. And it’s here that we witness what it is Bartimaeus left behind—those possessions that represented the life he would now leave behind…

Scripture is clear that Bartimaeus jumped up leaving his cloak—his outer garment, behind. This cloak was likely the most valuable item that Bartimaeus, being a beggar, owned. It’s what offered him warmth and protection from the elements. It was likely his sole possession. And yet before he could toss it off, this garment that represented safety and comfort, he had to put down, threw to the side—leave behind, whatever he held out in his hand to those passing by. He also had to rid himself of his beggars cup.  His lively hood. His security. His only source of provision. And he did, he left it all behind, that He might run to Jesus…

So, let’s recap. On a dusty Damascus road, a man bent on imprisoning Christians and ending anything to do with what he considered to be this travesty being committed against the good name of Judaism, this personal affront against his God—his heritage, encounters Jesus while warring against this supposed ‘counterfeit’ cause that had sprung up in opposition of the religious traditions he grew up with, was steeped in—held close to his heart. It is this same Saul who experiences a transformational paradigm shift.  And then there’s Bartimaeus. He wants nothing more than to be healed by Jesus. He’s likely heard the stories told about others that had been healed—some of them blind too. He is willing to cast everything he has aside, all his worldly possessions, his livelihood, his pride—everything, for a chance to get the attention of Jesus.

And he does. And in that one second—in that blink of an eye moment, his shift occurs, his life, like Paul’s, is radically transformed. Bartimaeus’ world has just been upended in the best—most miraculous way! Jesus has healed him and told him to go on his way. Yet scripture tells us that Bartimaeus did just the opposite—He didn’t go away, he, again like Paul, drew closer to Jesus. Scripture also tells us that Bartimaeus followed after Jesus. Funny thing is, that’s exactly what happened to Saul after his encounter with Jesus. He too left all that he had known, accumulated, in a worldly sense, and spent the rest of his days following The One who had upended his world in the blink of an eye! Two ordinary men—two very different stories. Yet both encountered the same God. Both experienced an equally life changing paradigm shift in their lives—in an instant, life as they had known it was forever changed and would never be the same…

This could easily be your story if you’ve not yet met Jesus. In the blink of an eye—with a simple, heartfelt ‘yes’ your world could be upended in the best, most miraculous, way too! And if you’re already His, get ready—because you never know when He may be passing by…

“Thus Hezekiah rejoiced, and all the people, because of what God had prepared for the people, for it was done suddenly” (2 Chronicles 29:36).

“I See You” Isaiah 65:1

 “I let Myself be sought by those who did not ask for Me;
I let Myself be found by those who did not seek Me. I said, ‘Here am I, here am I,’ To the nation [Israel] which did not call on My Name.”

Though referring to the Israelite’s, some scholars believe this passage was directed—intended, foretold the engrafting of the gentile believers into a relationship with God. Certainly, the Apostle Paul alludes to this in Romans 9:25 when referring to God in the writings of Prophet Hosea. ““As He says also in Hosea, “I WILL CALL THOSE WHO WERE NOT MY PEOPLE, ‘MY PEOPLE, AND HER WHO WAS NOT BELOVED, ‘BELOVED.’” To say nothing of the fact that Paul spent his life bringing the message that he as a Jew received—to the gentile world.

But rather than focus on Paul’s teachings or a scholar’s interpretation, though both very valuable and certainly insightful in pointing us towards the Truth, let us instead listen to Jesus…

He sums up what we find in the writings of the Prophet Hosea concerning gentile believers and within the many teachings of Paul’s concerning the inclusion of the gentiles within His Words—within one definitive declaration, one all-inclusive statement He made to His disciples—about themselves, about us, about all believers, Jew and Gentile alike, listen: “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed you [I have planted you], that you might go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit may be lasting [that it may remain, abide], so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name [as presenting all that I Am], He may give it to you” (John 15:16).

And there you have it from the God that created you and wants you all for Himself. This from the God who made room for you at His Cross. Who said, “I love you—regardless, of race or color, contrary to your ethnic background or the denomination you’re affiliated with, I don’t care if you’re a Jew or a gentile—you are mine. You are why I stepped down across time and eternity and donned a suit of flesh and blood.  I loved you—love you, enough to come that you might have my life in exchange for yours. It’s why I died for you.”

It is this God—Jesus, that I want us to see today. See as clearly as you’re able—see with your heart.

This God who stood over the great void and called all things into being leaving man no wiggle room to say, I didn’t know about you—wasn’t sure about your creating this world—creating me, “For ever since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through His workmanship [all His creation, the wonderful things that He has made], so that they [who fail to believe and trust in Him] are without excuse and without defense” (Romans 1:20).

Whether you believe in Jesus or not, that doesn’t change the reality of who He is or what He has created. He is evidenced literally everywhere you look, nor the fact, again, believe it or not, that He’ll one day return to judge this world. A tough pill to swallow for some I’m sure, yet the Truth remains Truth even if we choose not to believe it. Understand however, that the heart of God is that not one person perishes but that everyone believes in Jesus and receive eternal life. In His great patients with us, and in His  love for us, He gives us time to say yes to Him but He will not force Himself on anyone who doesn’t want Him. “The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).

When Jesus went to the Cross He went to willingly pay the debt owed God for the sins of the whole world. So, if you are reading this now, that means your sins too. God saw you then as He stood over the void at the time of creation and He sees you still. You were counted among those Jesus chose to die for. However, God in His omniscience, knew not everyone would be won to Him—would come to Him, in the same way. After all, we’re each a unique creation. Each of us has been given—is endowed with, unique gifts, talents, personalities, and character traits. And it is with these unique gifts that we’re equip with that help us to reach those others may  never be able to reach. It is our unique experiences that enable us to reach those God will put us near, those He is calling to Himself.

They are the fruit we are called to bear…

Yet this essential point remains consistent for all; we were each made in His image—His likeness, and we were created to worship Him (Genesis 1:27; Ephesians 2:10; Revelation 4:11; Isaiah 43:21). God has surrounded mankind with an inexhaustible display of Himself—conformation of His handiwork, His creations, that we might see Him in all things—at all times. Look up to the sky—there you’ll find evidence of God’s creation, look down to the ground, again, evidence. Look at your child, wife, husband, boyfriend, or girlfriend—each evidence! There is not one thing that was not created by God. From the atom to Adam, from a blade of grass , a ray of light, to Orion’s belt.

Everything was brought into existence by God. Including us…

You—me, Jew, Gentile, all of us, who did not seek after Him, this loving God, He made, makes—Himself known to us daily in countless ways. In sunlight and moonbeams, in smiles and tears and music and leaves rustling on the trees. Through that feeling in your gut that tells you that you were made for so much more—you were, and you are. That Beloved, is evidence of the One you did not—are not looking, seeking after—who was, is, seeking after you.  It’s a sure confirmation that whether you see Him yet or not—He sees you, and He loves you with an eternal, inescapable, all-consuming love.

Listen to how the Apostle Paul speaks about this while addressing believers in Colossae, “For by Him all things were created in heaven and on earth, [things] visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities; all things were created and exist through Him [that is, by His activity] and for Him” (Colossians 1:16).

We started together with God speaking to those of us who weren’t looking for Him through a Scripture found in the Old Testament, what better place to end our time together than back with God, back in the Old Testament as well. Listen Beloved, and take heart, to what God is saying to those who were also once far away from Him: “For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you. Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:11-13).

He sees you Beloved, you matter to Him…

While it is still today, if you don’t yet know Jesus, won’t you welcome Him in to your heart? He’s waiting just for you…





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