"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Month: June 2017

“Free to Choose” Rom. 8:6

 “For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.”

Choose: is defined in Webster’s Dictionary as follows: to select freely and after consideration.

Contrary to all that the world is aggrandizing—contrary to its boasting of the supposed ‘choices’ people have, truth be told, there have continually only been two choices given to every man. The way of Life and the way of death. There’s a right way and a wrong way, there is no third way. These two choices were offered to Adam and Eve in the Garden by God and the same two choices stand today. And, even if you are a Christian, we too need to be reminded of this—daily.  To live according to The Word of God—according to a fixed way of life, of choices and consequences clearly mapped out for us in that Word we profess. Or, of choosing, and it is our choice, to live according to the ways of our fallen flesh—aka, in rebellion to God. Ignoring—pushing aside, disregarding, dismissing, Him or His ways and doing ‘our’ thing instead. Our thing, our way, our choice…

A daily battle.

And so it was that through one such self-gratifying, rebellious, choice—that sin entered into the world through man’s rebellion against God’s command. “And the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die” (Genesis. 2:16-17).

Yet—these above choices mentioned and those below, the opportunities, blessings, tests, and, trials—all of it, everything, literally starts with our first—our most important choice. Asking Jesus into our lives. To be our Lord and Savior. To be our Guide, our Friend. To have and grow in a loving relationship with Him.


The Apostle Paul, being the author of both Colossians and Romans, sums up—echoes, within Colossians what he was driving at—teaching, in Romans 8:6. The better way, the Godly way. “And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth” (Colossians. 3:2).  Yet, every believer has the freedom to choose between the way of the Spirit—the higher things, or, the way of the flesh, earthly things…

And, because we are flesh, there are moments—choices, that we absolutely get wrong. Why? We make them in the flesh. ‘Flesh’, in this case, referring to the way of death—as in things fleshly,  finite. Or, as with our choices, those things resulting from its nature. Our physical bodies that is, and its fruits—the byproducts of our choices. It is only those things—decisions, actions, thoughts, born from the Spirit—that have any true lasting, or eternal value.

Paul teaches that we live, move, and, react as a result of how it is we truly believe. In other words, our actions are a result of—a byproduct of, what we deeply, firmly, believe and confess. If we profess God, we must live Godly lives, doing all we can to put to death our old ways. Whatever they were. In Romans 8:12-13 he says it this way: “So then, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation, but not to our flesh [our human nature, our worldliness, our sinful capacity], to live according to the [impulses of the] flesh [our nature without the Holy Spirit]— for if you are living according to the [impulses of the] flesh, you are going to die. But if [you are living] by the [power of the Holy] Spirit you are habitually putting to death the sinful deeds of the body, you will [really] live forever.”

According to the Old Testament, at least two witnesses are required to establish any charge. Jesus Himself confirms this law—this truth, while He’s addressing the Jews concerning their charges—their accusations, against Him and His healing of a man who had been disabled for 38 years. Listen to what Jesus says about the necessity for witness in John 5:31-37: “If I testify about myself, my testimony is not true. There is another who testifies in my favor, and I know that his testimony about me is true.  “You have sent to John and he has testified to the truth. Not that I accept human testimony; but I mention it that you may be saved. John was a lamp that burned and gave light, and you chose for a time to enjoy his light. “I have testimony weightier than that of John. For the works that the Father has given me to finish—the very works that I am doing—testify that the Father has sent me. And the Father who sent me has himself testified concerning me…”

So then, based on this need for two witnesses, let’s turn to the Apostle Peter as our second witness. Let’s listen to his confirmation—his witness, to what Paul has already taught us. In Chapter 1 of 2nd Peter, starting with verse 12 Peter expounds on—reiterates, our need to remain—that is, for those in Christ—believers—to continue in choosing Godly living. And, how we might escape the corruption of this world through our knowledge of Christ. Here the word, ‘world’ is used as ‘flesh’ was in Paul’s teaching. Pointing to our baser desires and their subsequent actions. Peter says—choosing self-indulgence, willful rebellion—our choosing ‘the flesh’ over the ways of The Spirit—will lead to death: 1 Peter 2:11, “Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers [in this world] to abstain from the sensual urges [those dishonorable desires] that wage war against the soul.”

We have now seen evidence—heard teachings of both the Apostles Paul and Peter concerning our need to make Godly choices. To choose the ways of God—our need of His Spirit to lead and guide us, to strengthen us, to help put to death our most base and fleshly desires. Those corrupt, fallible, finite impulses. To walk away from—train ourselves to renounce, the ‘things’ of our flesh (fornication, adultery, unclean passions, evil desires, lying, stealing, and, covetousness—to mention some). Those things that lead us away from God’s will for our lives. Away from living a life that offers us hope for an eternity spent with Jesus and, that aides us today—in our daily living. Strengthening us to become more Christ-like, more reflective of His imagine and likeness in this world.

The Opposing way is—has continually been, foolishly been, to choose—some short-lived, self indulgent, existence we might piece together. The Bible is littered with many such examples—and their common demise.

Two witnesses have now been established in Peter and Paul.

The Word of God clearly tells us that God does not want any man—His creation, to perish. But to have eternal life with Him (2 Peter 3:9). Peter and Paul both, were talking to those who had accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We, like those Christians, are each given this same opportunity—this choice, this magnificent free gift through belief in—relationship with, Jesus Christ. “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy. 2:3-4).

The ‘will have’ in this Scripture reflects God’s heart that all men should come to Him. And not a guarantee that just because you were born that you will come to Him…

The main subject—the very title of this teaching, relates to making a choice—it reflects this one Truth.  You must choose.

Jesus Christ died so that all men might be saved. Jesus loves you. You are a part of the, “all men” spoken of in 1 Timothy above. That is a Truth so solid, so fixed—you can anchor your life to it. Will you, like Peter and Paul, and countless others, choose Jesus’ way over your way of doing things? Or will you go the way of Adam and rebel? Allowing your sins—your choices, to separate you from a God that created you to love you—and, to have a relationship with you? Jesus is patiently waiting for you to choose Him…

As it is said, Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion” emphasis my own; Hebrews 3:15

“The Voice” Isaiah 30:21

 “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

We each must decide—make the choice to listen to something—someone. Some compass we’ve come to rely on for direction, for guidance. We all have one—that go to person, that voice of reason we’ve grown to trust. There comes a moment—or many moments, in our lives, when the path we’re on will have an off-shoot—and a choice must be made. Either stay the course, or explore this new or, ‘other’ way. It’s in that moment, consciously or otherwise—that we respond to the voice of our dominate guide. Some call that internal voice instinct, some knowledge. For others, it’s an actual person they’ve come to rely on—trust in.

The Jews knew that voice as; Bath Kol, the daughter of the voice. It was believed to be a divine admonition that pointed one toward the ‘right’ way—the straight path…

Teachers often stand behind their students. Their eyes alert—they’re watching to ensure that their charges remain attentive to their tasks. That their minds don’t wander, foolishly distracted—wasting valuable time, allowing for correction. Should a head pop up, looking left to a neighbor, or right to the other neighbor, the teacher’s voice would be heard from behind, perhaps a simple clearing of the throat, some small sound that would indicate a refocusing needing to occur—redirecting the student to keep their eyes front. And in that moment a choice would be made. Obey or accept the consequences of their rebellion—their choice.

Remember, we all must decide what it is we will listen to.

Isaiah 30—for the most part, speaks to, about—Israel’s obstinate nature. The Prophet Isaiah expounds throughout this chapter on their wayward, rebellious, behaviors. He tells of their running to others, instead of God, as their source—for comfort. Of them relying on themselves, doing as they please. Deliberately closing themselves off to what they knew was right and who it was they should be listening to—following (vs’s 10-11). We are given guides—teachers, instructors, for a reason. We do not—contrary to our lofty, over-inflated, opinions of ourselves—have all the answers. Nor do we know what is ahead of us. What will the consequences be for the choices we make today? And how those choices will affect our tomorrow?

Much like the Shepard’s that stand behind their flocks ensuring—providing safety, safe passage, for their sheep, God The Holy Spirit provides safety, and guidance, for His children—those called by His Name.

As often as Israel went astray—was taken captive by their enemies, the lusts of their flesh, contrary to how often they wandered away from God in willful rebellion verse 18 speaks to us of God longing to be gracious to them—to show them compassion. In His just nature God must allow them—us, to feel the consequences of rebellion against His Sovereign Will. Yet in His infinite mercy—and abounding in great grace, He longs, it is His nature to, protect, forgive, and love His children—those people called by His name.

And so, we, His children, have His—God’s, Spirit within us—given to us as a deposit. He is our Teacher, our Guide, That Still Small Voice within us that says; go this way—not that way, be still, don’t touch that!  He is our loving parent, our Daddy, The Lover of our souls, The Just Judge, The All-Knowing One, He is God all by Himself. He sees our beginning from our end. He not only stands behind us—He has gone before us—knowing all that will happen to us. And so, He whispers—guides, instructs, calls to, offers us His Wisdom—to share in His Knowledge. So that we will we be ever vigilant—straining to hear His voice behind us saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

God will allow us to feel the weight of our sin, our rebellion against Him, not to kill us or crush our Spirits, but rather to correct us, like those teachers spoken of earlier, or the Shepherd’s—He wants to save us from a world of hurt, pain, guilt, and disappointment. Save us from separation from Him…

Guilt can eat away at the spiritual vitality of a Christian like a raging cancer. It causes a person to lose control of life; it leads to a desire to quit or retire from spiritual activity; and, finally, it brings on physical pain and disease. Like cancer, guilt feeds upon itself until all spiritual life is gone, and the result is weakness and a sense of shame and failure.” Davidson Wilkerson, World Challenge Ministries.

It is the voice of the one who calls you away—to stray from the straight path that is trying to kill you. That’s his mission—he is the father of lies, the original deceiver. He met Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and convinced each of them to turn away from God—to rebel, to listen to his voice, not God’s Truth. And they did, and rebellion and shame entered the world. “At that moment, their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they strung fig leaves together around their hips to cover themselves. Toward evening they heard the LORD God walking about in the garden, so they hid themselves among the trees.” Genesis 3:7-8

As believers in Jesus, those who have accepted Him as The Lord and Savior of their lives—we have been given His Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16). His voice lives—is alive and well within us. Somethings bear repeating. We each must decide—make the choice to listen to something—someone. Some compass we’ve come to rely on for direction, for guidance. We all have one—that go to person, that voice of reason we’ve grown to trust. There comes a moment—or many moments, in our lives, when the path we’re on will have an off-shoot—and a choice must be made. Either stay the course, or explore this new or, other way. It’s in that moment, consciously or otherwise—that we respond to the voice of our dominate guide. Some call that voice instinct, some knowledge. For others, it’s a person they’ve come to rely on—trust in.

Choices. We each have them. You must decide who it is you will listen to—and then set a course in their direction– following them with all your might…

As it is said, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” (Hebrews 3:15)


“Connection” John 15:4

 “Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me.” John 15:4

So, let me ask you, what are you connected to?

What type of soil have you taken root in? Is your life producing good fruit? Lasting, eternal fruit that is a product of—evidence of, The Holy Spirits work in your life?

If it’s not, it can…

In today’s Scripture Jesus is telling us to remain—stay connected to, be rooted, in Him. Share in the same Oneness—same union, with Him, that He shares with the Father. To make our home with—reside in, Him. Jesus does nothing outside of The Father’s Will (John 5:19;30; 8:28). And in all things—always, Jesus makes connection to The Father His priority. All else that flows from Jesus’ life—flows out of that indestructible, and most sacred Oneness.

In John 15 Jesus uses a common agricultural note, one easily understood by His audience, to make a spiritual—an eternal, point. That He—Jesus, is not only our root-system, The trunk to our vine, more His Holy Spirit is that pure life-giving water that flows freely into and through us. Nourishing us, enabling not only our growth—but also what type of, and how much, fruit we can or will produce. If and only if—we remain connected to Him.

Just as Jesus would do nothing outside of The Father’s will—neither should we. In all things pertaining to Life Jesus is our Truest Guide—our Teacher.

Notice that I said He would do nothing. Jesus was not only fully God, He was also fully man. Theoanthropos. And, in being a man He—like us, had the ability to choose to do things His own way. We witness both this ability to choose and His willing eagerness to submit to, rely on God, during His Temptation in the wilderness. (Luke 4:1-13) Yet, because of the great love He has for The Father—because they are One and have the same Divine Attributes, Jesus chooses God’s perfect will for His life—even unto His earthly death. He could not do otherwise being One with God…

God cannot contradict Himself. If He did, we could not believe what He says or know how to follow Him.

Therefore, we would do well to model this—Jesus’ love, His devotion and faithfulness and submission, in our own life—in our relationship with God.

But how did Jesus do it? Stay so seamlessly connected to The Father? Through connectedness, obedience, love, and submission…

So then,  how can we too maintain the connection to Jesus that He’s referring to in John 15 since we are fallible man?

We see it spelled out—the how-to in John 14. Through a continuous dialogue with The Father and, in living a life of obedience to God’s Commandments—putting His will first, submitting to His Sovereignty—His Lordship, over our lives. Simply put, by following the example of Jesus.

We need a solid root system. An unshakable, vital faith in The God that loves us like no other—and, more, a trust in Him who knows what’s best for His creation.

But how exactly is that accomplished?

Jesus—The Living Word is telling His disciples that He must leave them but that He wouldn’t leave them as orphans—separate from Himself. Rather, He was sending them another that would be with them for all time. In other words, He was telling them that His journey—His time on earth with them was ending, but that His purpose for coming was just getting started. If fact, His being there, with them—on earth, couldn’t fully accomplish all that the Father intended when sending Him into the world until this other One God was going to send also—arrived. “Truly, truly, I say to you, the one believing in Me, the works that I do, also he will do. And he will do greater than these, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12).

Jesus’ life, death, and, resurrection was the beginning of, the Genesis of, God’s plan to save a lost and dying world. He—Jesus was the only One worthy to die in our place—for the sins we committed. (1 Peter 1:19) He alone was pure—and as a result, He alone had the power to not only lay His life down that He would stay connected to The Father eternally—but also on the third day, He would again pick up His life thus ensuring that we too might not only share in eternal life with Him and The Father, but that while we were still here in this life, if we, like the disciples, had a relationship with Him—a right connection with Jesus, then we would be guaranteed this same Comforter—His Holy Spirit. The Pure Water of The Word. (John 10:18; John 7:37-39; Isaiah 44:3; John 4:14)

And here we find our find our answer. How do we stay connected to Jesus? Through both His example and His Spirit within us that is leading and guiding us into all Truth…

One fact that I discovered in researching grapevines was this: That its root system filters out harmful elements that may be in the soil so that the sap—the very life-blood that feeds the vine will be pure.

Doesn’t that description of the vines roots loosely summarize Jesus’ message to His disciples, to us?

If you choose to live a holy, a fruitful life—be mindful of what you allow yourself to become rooted, attached, fixed, to. You’re able only to produce good and lasting fruit because of My Spirit, My Word in you. Acting as the filter in your life. Straining away those things that will harm you—us, our connection, My purpose for your life. And guiding you towards, allowing to flow into you, all that you need for Godly living. Stay firmly rooted in Me…

Jesus instructed His disciples—us, to remain, abide, stay fully connected to—rooted in Him. Just as He is in The Father, that our life be built on The Pure Water of The Word, His Spirit,  and coupled with a willing obedience to live out The Father’s Commandments. To be grounded in love, possessing an unshakable faith in God’s Sovereignty and Just Judgement, That this might produce in us—and through us, pure and lasting fruit.

Just as He did in Jesus…

“I am the Real Vine and my Father is the Farmer. He cuts off every branch of me that doesn’t bear grapes. And every branch that is grape-bearing he prunes back so it will bear even more. You are already pruned back by the message I have spoken” John 15:1-3

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