“And the cook lifted high the shoulder and what was on it [indicating that it was the priest’s honored portion] and set it before Saul. [Samuel] said, See what was reserved for you. Eat, for until the hour appointed it was kept for you, ever since I invited the people. So Saul ate that day with Samuel.” 1 Samuel 9:24: Emphasis my own.

No man can take or cancel out the plans God has for your life.  So, I’m here to say hold on! Just keep doing what God has for you to do, because what He has stored up for you is safely waiting—just for you. Don’t believe me?  Ask Saul, Abraham, or Moses. Talk a minute with The Woman at the Well. They’ll each confirm that what I’m advising you is not only right, but that it’s Truth.

If you have walked with the Lord for any length of time then I am confident of your awareness of this one fact. The ‘suddenly’ moments that occur as a result of God’s will for your life. The almost whiplash-like speed wherein God will bring whatever change, person, or shift in life-events that is needed into your life, in order that you are kept—or perhaps realigned back into, both the center of His will and Divine timing. Mind you, these quick shifts don’t happen daily. At least not to our conscious understanding; though, they are always happening around us…

What I mean is simply this. The very—literal second, God spoke, or thought the words, “Let there be,” while He was yet hovering there over the deep void, there was suddenly, an, “and there was” moment. A response to His command. It must happen that way (Isa. 55:11). The very second His Hands scooped a bunch of dirt together into a mound, shaped it, and then blew His Rauch (Life-giving Spirit) Breath into it, all that He spoke—intended, came forth. Was birthed (Gen. 2:7). And, contained within those—His same Words—same creations, was seed. Promise, potential—the future. A future that’s ever expanding, ever unfolding, it’s right there. Always illusively before us. A certain mirage. And we, foolishly forget, daily—or for days, weeks and months, that this same future is not entirely under our control…

We have a certain say, surely—but not control. We are not the One who stood over the void, or formed the dirt with our own hands…

I think Saul must have felt something similar on this day. Then again, I’m pretty certain, being a fellow human being, that Abraham, Moses, and, The Woman at the Well, each felt similarly too. Each had experienced this suddenly moment with God. And, if you’ve experienced a suddenly moment in your walk with the Lord, you know exactly what it is I’m talking about. If not, just give it a minute it will happen. It’s that second where your life is moving along smoothly, familiar—like an easy rhythm. You hum half unaware, a very sing-song cadence that follows one step behind you as you move about. Then, with just one step, a shift, of what, you’re not quite sure, happens and you find yourself in a life that kinda reminds you of your own, but is now completely different. New. It’s both terrifying—yet enlivening!

There’s just enough of ‘you’, and those things familiar in and around you, that remain constant for a time, no radical instant changes—usually. So, you’re not left feeling entirely disoriented. Rather, you’re just mildly thrown for a loop. Wobbly. Mind you, this is not a bad thing. Though in its initial stages it may certainly feel as if it is. What is this thing? This strange happening? Some call it Transition. Some, going from grace to grace. Some, a divine upgrade, and others yet, being moved—positioned, into your destiny. Your nest is being stirred. God is doing a New Thing…

Whatever you call it, this one thing is certain. It is a stark reminder that your life is not your own…

We know this, as Christians I mean. We’ve read it in our Word, heard it preached from the pulpit—said it ourselves to others. We take great comfort in knowing that we serve a God and Father who orders our steps, watches out over us, has a plan and purpose for our lives. But we too often forget it. Until…

For Saul, he was just going out to look for his father’s lost donkey’s, He had no idea that he would return the King of Israel. (1 Sam.9-10). For Abraham, seemingly out of nowhere, God calls this Abraham to leave his country—his father, all that he had known, and head out to some undisclosed location. And so, at 75 years old he goes. He takes his promise from God—his obvious faith, his wife, nephew, and some of his possessions and sets out. And Moses, well he was just standing there on Mount Horeb, perhaps whistling, playing a lyre, maybe taking a lunch break while caring for his father-in-law’s flocks,

when suddenly a fire breaks out in a nearby bush. In itself, this is not a strange occurrence in this part of the world. But this bush had a strange-looking fire. It wasn’t burning the bush itself, it was a fire that did not consume. And then it went from strange to stranger still—God started talking to Moses from within the very fire that was not burning up this bush! And—suddenly, Moses is sent to free God’s people from the grip of the Pharaoh of Egypt where they’ve been living as slaves (Exo.3:7-21).

And, lastly, this no-named woman we meet at Jacob’s well.  Much like Saul, Abraham, and, Moses before her, she too is simply going about her normal day. She’d gone out the well to draw water. We can imagine her humming softly as she walked along the dusty road, her water jar perched atop her veiled head, eyes down cast. “Will you give me a drink?” six seemingly innocent words, a reasonable request from a person standing near a well—but these Words would change the trajection of her life, presumably, forever… (John 5:9-42).

So, I’ve said all of this to say what precisely?

Simply this, as I was reading the Word mentioned above—Samuel 9, this is what struck me. What, I believe the Holy Spirit was saying to me. Maybe to you too.

So please, eat the meat and spit out the bones…

We forget that He—God, has a plan for His children. And we forget, I forget, though we may stray—or go completely off track at times, He will always, always, use our missteps to get us to the place we’re intended to be (Rom. 8:28). And He reminded me that before He put me in a skin suit and gave me an earthly life, He had a plan for that life—a purpose. I was not random, you, are not random! (Jer. 29:11; 1 Cor. 12:18; John 14: 2-3; Phil. 1-6; 1 Peter 1:3-4; 2 Peter 1:3) …

And, He reminded me that though it may not always feel as though He’s close-at-hand, that He is in fact, always with me, with you (Matt. 28:20), always leading, clearing the way for, pruning, nourishing, praying for and protecting—directing us towards our God-appointed destination. And too, as with Saul, so it is with you and me. What He—God, has for us is for us— it has been appointed—stored up, is waiting—to be revealed at His appointed time. And nothing or no one can take that from us (vs.24).

And lastly, He said, “Watch for Me…”

Friend if the Lord is pulling at your heart, if any of this sounds even vaguely familiar—if it’s resonating with, then please, pray. Ask for conformation. God will always confirm His Word. Ask the Lord what it may mean for you—personally, specifically, now, in this season.


And then do as He commanded, “Watch for Me…”
