“So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.  When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly” (Luke 19:4-6).

Only in Luke’s Gospel accounts do we find the Parables of the “lost things.” The coin, the sheep, and, the son. Luke’s lost theme points us towards the reason Jesus has come to Jericho on this particular day.

It was not accidental…

There is nothing random about God. He both can and will use anything, any circumstance, to reach us.

Luke directs our focus. He Causes us to realize why it was Jesus had stepped down across time and eternity to donned a suit of flesh. He has come to find that which is lost. “For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).

And He knows exactly where to go to find it…

Even the tree in Luke’s account had a purpose. Why? It was a place of gain. A predetermined location, a portal of sorts, where the Divine would meet a man and from that meeting the will of God would be born—again. A sign in our narrative of what was about to take place. Now it was Zacchaeus who would climb the tree to see Jesus. Soon however, it would be Jesus being lifted-up on a tree for all men to see. No longer would man’s view of His Savior be obstructed. Jesus would make certain of that…

It’s why He came, first into the world, but today, specifically, into Jericho.

Zacchaeus, a wealthy man by all accounts—and a chief tax collector, was about to gain the greatest gift he would ever own. One worth giving up—surrendering, turning over to, everything that he had known, accumulated—and clung to. Zacchaeus had heard of Jesus, perhaps he had even seen Him—as a passerby, or one standing in the many crowds that had followed Jesus. Certainly, he had heard tell of Him and of His power to do miracles—to restore to life that which was dead. To make those that were blind see. To bring healing and restoration to dead, useless limbs.

But, as a Jew, there was something else that caught Zacchaeus attention. He had heard the whispers…

Could this be the Messiah? The One he and his people had been waiting for? The One foretold by the Prophets of old? Spoken of by the elders? Or was He just another rabble-rouser? After all, there had been so many that had come claiming to be the one who would deliver his people.

Yet there was something about this one—something that caused Zacchaeus to get excited—more, hopeful, that perhaps, just maybe, He truly was the Messiah. The Son of the Living God. And he was not the only one to share this curiosity. The streets were filling up quickly, like when the people prepared for a festival. There was a great sense of expectancy and excitement in the air…

Why did I have to be born so short? I’ll never be able to see Him now, and I just must, I must! That tree, that’s it!! It’s perfect—it’s solid enough to support me, yet short enough for me to climb up; and yet tall enough for me to get just high enough so as not to miss Him as He passes by!

Perfect tree…

Jesus knew exactly where Zacchaeus was. He had seen across time and eternity that on this very day, at this very hour, Zacchaeus would climb this very tree—and more, God knew why he’d do it. Zacchaeus wanted more. And he was willing to do whatever it took to make sure he got it. Little did Zacchaeus know as he was climbing that tree that Jesus had seen him doing so before the very foundations of the world had been laid. And today—at this hour, was the exact moment Jesus had chosen to show Himself to Zacchaeus—for all Eternity…

Zacchaeus couldn’t have known that this simple tree he was climbing to better see this Jesus had been planted just for him, just for this reason—it was its purpose, to lift Him higher. To elevate Him above those that had come out of a “carnival curiosity.”

Zacchaeus had no idea, as he was climbing to catch a glimpse of this maybe Messiah, that he was actually on a bridge that God had constructed to bring the natural man and the Divine together.

One in a tree, another on the road below. Yet both on their respective paths to destiny. To the fulfillment of their Divine purposes…

And the rest of Luke’s account attest to the fact that this one tree had not been created in vain. Rather, in being the conduit that facilitated this supernatural encounter, it had fulfilled its purpose in being created…

And in Zacchaeus, we see the Spirit of Jesus’s Words found in Luke 18:14: coming to life; “I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

So here’s the question that God has put before me; and so I’ll ask it of you too. “What does your tree look like? What has He put before you that you would choose to climb up in to go higher—solely that you may see Jesus more clearly?”

Or is your tree something that God is asking you to walk away from—leave behind, let go of perhaps?

Will you, like Zacchaeus, drop everything so that you too may better see God?

“So he ran on ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see Him, since Jesus was about to pass that way. When Jesus came to that place, He looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, hurry down, for I must stay at your house today” So Zacchaeus hurried down and welcomed Him joyfully.… (Luke 19:4-6; emphasis my own).