Jesus didn’t choose those who followed Him from among the pious religious leaders of His day. Nor did He chose the mega-church pastors, kings or rulers. He chose people from unexpected places…people like you and I (1Cor.1:27-30).

If you have ever lost something, something that was precious to you, that you placed great value in, then you can relate to the feelings of being frantic, grief-stricken even, until that which was lost is found.

I’m not talking car keys here, I’m talking about a sickening feeling, however brief, that grips your heart. When, for an instance, as a parent or guardian of a child you turn your head for the briefest second and wham!

The child is gone! The shopping mall nightmare!

Fortunately for most of us, all ends well. And within minutes a little head pops out, and their giggling is heard, from beneath the rack of clothes you’d been looking through.

Here I am silly daddy, I was hiding on you…!

God is also familiar with finding what’s been lost (Mt 4:19 NIV). Like us, He experiences heartbreak over the one who leaves the safety of His side. However, unlike us, God does not get panicky. He is Omniscient. He knew before He brought us into this swarming peopled planet, that we’d get lost.

So, as a result, He took steps to make sure we’d always be able to find Him…

No matter what separated us (Ps.33:11 NIV).

God so loved us that He sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus, to find and return to Him that which has and will become lost. Us…

“All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out. “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me’” (Jn.6:37-38).

In today’s teaching Jesus is talking to a large crowd. And, though the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law are present, scripture opens with, “Now the tax collectors and “sinners” were all gathering around to hear Him” (Lk.15:1 NIV).

There were always holy men around Jesus, yet it was those unexpected few that came seeking after Him that He came intentionally to find.

Why is God so concerned with the lost? Very simply stated, He loves us!

We are valuable and cherished by Him. His desire is that not one person be lost! Liken it to the sense of loss mentioned above, then multiply that by too many zeros to type here!

So great is His love for us, so precious are we, that He sent Jesus, His Only Begotten Son to save us. So, that through Him, we would have a way back to God: “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (Jn 3:16 NASB)!

That lost sheep referred to in our text represents you and I if we don’t know the Lordship of Jesus in our hearts…

I’m not speaking here about knowing of Jesus. I’m not even talking about being saved, a gift that is unfathomable to those who have tasted such mercy and grace…

I’m speaking specifically of knowing Jesus.

Knowing in the way a husband and wife know each other. Intimately. To the exclusion of another. Mystically One (Jn.17:20-22 ESV).

I’m talking about being relationally bonded. Not mere intellectual buddies or people who regurgitate platitudes to God in the hopes of gaining points.

In plain speak, not like the Pharisees and hypocrites referred to in Matthew (Mat. 23:13 ESV). So let’s break down this parable into two segments shall we?

  1. What are the risks involved in being lost? And 2. Why finding is finding us so important?

#1. What is wrong with being the lone sheep that leaves the safety of the fold to go out exploring what looks good to us?

A.) It is Separation from God and His will for our lives…

It represents the potential that separation our may be eternal. Plainly, Hell. Which was not created for man but rather for satan and his fallen angels. However, next to salvation, one of the greatest gifts God gave us is free will. It was not God’s plan, and is not His choice, that any man should go to hell. Jesus came to make it possible for each man to be reconciled to God after the fall of Adam and Eve.

But, yes there is a but. We must choose God.

Here, and now. While it is stilll called today…

Or, we run the risk of following into eternal death the one we choose to follow in life (Mt.25:40-42 NIV). One of the more quoted Scriptures explaining the danger of hell is found in Proverbs 14:12, it states, “There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” The ways  of this world, the desires of our eyes and flesh, the have it your way attitude that permeates this worlds thinking fails to infer, never mind tell us clearly that we even have an enemy who seeks to kill us…

One that is ever-near, standing  just off in the shadows waiting to get us alone. Or that he’s fixed and ready to pounce on us like credulous prey! Only God in His Word foretells of satan’s fatal intentions,“Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour” (1 Pe.5:8 AMPC)

.…in fierce hunger? Devour? Isn’t there something in God’s Word about a path that leads to life?

I choose that one please!

“You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way”(Mt.7:13NLT).

What about you? Given the above knowledge, which road do you choose? And here’s the follow-up. Have you chosen it yet? And if not, why not?

These examples are but a few of the copious reasons given throughout Scripture about the perils of being and choosing to stay, lost.

Though you were born into sin, you don’t have to stay in it…

You have a choice. You’ve been empowered through the loving sacrifice accomplished for you on The Cross of Christ!




Reread above about His concern, your value and how cherished you are.

Better yet, open your Bible and read John 3:16!

We are valuable to Him and He does not want to see harm come to us. He intentionally seeks us out to save us from harm. His love is not random because He’s not! There is nothing random about God. He is intentional,ordered, in all of His ways. And His love for you is not a mistake, you are not a mistake! Throughout His Word we find every answer to every issue, question, or, life problem we will ever face.

His Word is our road map…

It safety guides us through hostile enemy territory, aka, the world (Ps.119:105 NIV). God, being Omniscient, placed within His Word many lessons informing us of the dangers of going astray.

But… there’s that but again, It is our choice to follow Jesus or jump the fence for other another’s pasture. For more on this topic see (Isa. 53:6;1Pet. 5:8; Job 1:7;Pr.28:15; Pr.2:17;Pr.10:17; Pr.21;16;Lu.12:5).

One of the greatest dangers  for a sheep is to get separated from the protection, love and care of the Sheppard. Sheep are far more vulnerable not only to attack from unforeseen predators, but, more often, death, when alone. “The thief comes only to take the sheep and to put them to death: he comes for their destruction: I have come so that they may have life and have it in greater measure” (Jn.10:10 BBE).

Verse 8 of Luke plainly illustrates that another risk of being lost is being in darkness…

We may feel safe in the dark, unseen, our whereabouts unknown by God or man. And we may be right on this second account, at least the man part of it…

But, be assured we are felonious on the first part! (Ps.139:1-16 NIV). Let me explain by sharing with you just a taste of this Psalm…,” Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Sheol, (hell) behold, You are there.”

Just as the lost coin could not escape the searching eye of the woman in Jesus parable, we can’t hide from an all-knowing, all-seeing, God! Throughout Scripture God is referred to as Light, and not just light, but pure light! “There is no darkness within Him at all” (1Jn.1:5 KJV).

God always seeks what is best for us. Our decision of choosing to go it solo often results from not believing this one fundamental Truth about God. Too many in today’s world feel God is chasing them down to take something from them, when in fact, He’s running after them to give to them.

God came to give life, not take it away (John 10:10).

The common denominator in verses 1 through 10 of Luke is intentionality: By definition it is: done with intention or on purpose; intended: designed, planned; deliberate.

Through the shepherd’s intentionality in finding the lost sheep, and the woman the lost coin; and as both rejoiced when each were found, we’re able to catch a glimpse of the Fathers deliberate search for us!

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me” (Rev 3:20 BSB).

Lastly, concerning Gods rejoicing over finding us, His love toward us may feel unexpected, but never forget our God is deliberate. Be encouraged today. He is searching for you…
