"Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Month: January 2017

“A Voice In the Storm” Lk. 8:24-25


And they went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” And he awoke and rebuked the wind and the raging waves, and they ceased, and there was a calm. He said to them, “Where is your faith?” And they were afraid, and they marveled, saying to one another, “Who then is this, that he commands even winds and water, and they obey him” (Lk. 24-25)?

It’s the last line of our verse that gives us the answer about why Jesus rebuked His disciples…

Their faith had wavered.

I can relate. There have been moments in my life that my normal “mountain moving” faith wasn’t strong enough to move my own doubts out of the way…

How about you? Have you ever experienced moments of weak faith? Days that even though you know that you know God is Sovereign you panic when a storm comes your way…?

They had been with Him. They believed He was the Messiah—these twelve, His hand chosen. They had read the Holy Scriptures or at least they’d heard the oral traditions told and retold them by their elders. They knew of the accounts spoken of during the time of the Exodus of their people. When Jehovah God delivered His first-born son, Israel, from under the ruthless oppression of Pharaoh—and his taskmaster’s flesh-splitting whips (Exodus 13).

God intervened and showed Himself the Sovereign Ruler over all men, believer, and unbeliever alike. He demonstrated just how all-powerful He is by taking charge over the elements…

They knew, these twelve, that God had split the sea in two so that His people could cross over on dry land and then with the same ease—folded this sea back over the Egyptian’s who were in hot pursuit of His people. Sending them all to a watery grave (Ex. 14:21-30).

And the disciples believed in this God of their Father’s…

But now their Master—their Rabbi, the One Peter had called the Messiah—God’s own Son (Matt.16:16), is sleeping in their boat.  While this sudden storm has arisen, and is raging!  And they panicked. Some were seasoned fisherman familiar with the sea. Accustomed to sudden, violent, stormy, weather.

Yet they panicked nonetheless…

So, what is it that caused them to be filled with this gripping fear? To doubt that Jesus, God’s Son, could save them from a certain watery death? Was it the sheer size of the storm that raged about them?

Or was it a deeper issue that swirled unanswered within them…?

Let’s talk about faith. Theirs’s, yours, and mine…

The Scriptures tell us that without it, this faith, it is impossible to please God: “But without faith it is impossible to [walk with God and] please Him, for whoever comes [near] to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He rewards those who [earnestly and diligently] seek Him” (Heb.11:6).

Now we know that to please God we must have faith, so the next logical question follows, “What is this faith?”

“Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]” (Heb.11:1).

So, now that we know we need faith and we know what this faith is, wouldn’t it seem reasonable to think that these twelve men who had walked with Jesus for such a long while would have it in abundance?

Particularly if they truly understood—more, believed that Jesus was truly The Son of God—One with Father. God in the Flesh…

They’d heard Him say as much to the Jews who asked Him for a plain accounting of Himself back at the colonnade of Solomon during the feast of dedication (John. 14:22-38).

And they were His witnesses to so many of the signs and miraculous healings He performed…

There was the man with the withered hand that He fully restored (Luke 6:10). The cleansing of the leaper, (Luke 5:12-13). The healing of a paralytic, (Luke 5:18-20). The powerful teaching we’ve come to know as, “The Beatitudes” (Matt.5:1-12). And even raising a widow’s only son at his own funeral (Luke 7:13-15)!

They—these twelve, and all the Jews, had been waiting for Messiah to come and deliver them from the Romans and their cruel oppression, much like He did with their forefathers in Egypt. And they knew He would, just as He had during the days of Moses and Aaron.

So why was He sleeping at the bow of the boat while this powerful storm was threatening to tear them apart?

That was their question…

But perhaps what they should have asked, what we should be asking is: What was the Voice who spoke to the storm trying to teach that day? What was the lesson He needed them to understand—us too? What is it that He wanted them, and us, to be confident in? No room for doubts?

Let’s go back to our Scripture verses for that answer. He said to them, “Where is your faith?”


Jesus was allowing their faith to be built up while simultaneously reminding them that He was the One who had complete control over all things, ALL things—always.

Jesus knew what His disciples would face shortly—how their faith would be tested repeatedly. He knew they believed Him to be the Messiah. But He needed them to continue to grow. To be stretched. He knew also, that He would only be with them for a short time. And He needed them solid—rock solid, unwavering in their faith.

He need them to understand that He was God. And what that soon would entail…

The future of His Church depended on it… (Acts 2:39-40).

In a moment of unbelief, the disciples implored Jesus for deliverance from the raging sea.  Much like when Moses called on God for deliverance as he and God’s people stood trapped at the mouth of the Red Sea, with Pharaoh’s army closing in, threatening to annihilate them…

He needed His disciples to know—have faith in, that He was the same God who demonstrated His power to deliver and save the Israelite’s. That it was He who commanded the elements then and it was He who would do it now, and for all time. “And the sea became as wall on their left and on their right” (Ex. 14:22).

He continues to demonstrate His mercy and His unfathomable power to save His chosen ones—His children. And, since this same Jesus cannot change, is it possible that the storm that is raging about you has been allowed?

Was it sent as a reminder that you must stay firmly anchored to Jesus? The One who will never allow the storms in your life to overtake you. Regardless of what things may look like. “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you” (1 Pet. 4:12).

Did your storm come to strengthen you? To build you up? To enable you to push through life’s situations and circumstances that clamor for your attention—the endless distractions? Those situations that frighten you and cause you to freeze drawing your focus away from Jesus? That negative doctor’s report, the loss of a job or spouse? Past hurts and disappointments?

That runaway child or addicted parent?

Did the storm in your life arise to strengthen your faith?  Or perhaps to expose your hidden doubt? Maybe it came to increase your understanding? Or to show you how to still yourself, and listen to the One whose Word commands all storms to end?

Jesus needed to remind His disciples that He was Sovereign over all His creation. That He was so much more than their narrow understanding of who Messiah was and the role He would play in His people’s lives…

He needed them to know that not one detail of their life, not one of their trials escaped Him—and we too, as witnesses, are remind, that if we will but anchor our faith to Him, listen for His voice to guide us, no storm will ever overtake us, nor separate us from Him…

“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord”(Rom.8:37-39).

Jesus is just as aware of what’s threatening to end you as He was of the storm that frightened His disciples. And the sea that needed to part for His children to cross over safely…

Allow me to remind you that Jesus is with you today. And anything that looks threatening around you cannot overtake you unless the Sovereign God of the Universe allows it to be…

“The LORD does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths” (Psalm 135:6).


“She Didn’t Want to Do It.” Lk. 8:46-48

“And when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling, and falling down before him declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched him, and how she had been immediately healed. And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace”(Luke 8:47-48).

Our Scripture today concerns a woman who was desperate. The Bible tells us that for 12 years she had dealt with a physical issue that had not only ravaged her body, depleted her resources—more, it had caused her to live in fear, shame, and, isolation.

So, let me ask you, as we step into the closing weeks of this New Year—what “dis-ease”, are you carrying into this new season from times long passed? And what, if anything, has you in a state of desperate abandon for your right-now miracle?

You see for her, this woman with no name, it was a physical healing she was after—it’s what forced her fear right out her front door! She had been bleeding for 12 years. 12 years! And in those years of chasing after a cure, she had spent all that she had…

Now, broke, and still bleeding, she heard some commotion near her home. A crowd was gathering in the village. She Peeked out through the crack in her gate she saw Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue. He was on his knees before this new Rabbi, this Jesus. She’d overheard others speak of His miraculous healings…

What if He could…No! I couldn’t possibly. The law forbids it! He’s a rabbi, a Holy man—and the crowd, all those people, I’d be stoned!

These tempestuous thoughts were chasing each other around in her mind. Yet, in her belly—in that place of her knowing, there was a calm…

She began to recognized her need to take a step of faith. It was like something was beckoning her to come…

Is it possible that this Jesus may be her only hope?

If we’re willing to be honest, I’m certain we’ve all experienced living in that kind of tension. In the fear of having our issue—that thing that shames us, brought out into the open. Yet our want for freedom pushes us to the very brink of that fear. Leaving us teetering.

We may know what needs to be done, what must be done in order that we be healed…

Yet, we’re frightened. Because the first step required to receive our healing is confession. It’s bringing that thing, that issue, shaking and sniveling out of its comfortable darkness, out of its hiding place—and exposing it to the Light of the World…

You see, the law had kept this woman bound in fear and shame. To touch a woman such as herself made one ceremonially unclean until the sun went down. She was a thing to be avoided, shunned at all cost. She was defiled. “If a woman has a discharge of blood for many days, not at the time of her menstrual impurity, or if she has a discharge beyond the time of her impurity, all the days of the discharge she shall continue in uncleanness. As in the days of her impurity, she shall be unclean” (Lev. 15:25).

Seeing herself as such, how could she go out among normal people to see this Jesus? What if she touched someone—what if someone touched her? The shame of it…

Can you relate?

Have you ever felt like this woman?

Are you feeling like her today? Afraid? Uncertain? Ashamed? Isolated? Alone?

Are you, like her, frightened of being found out? Of having your issue exposed? How long have you been hiding your shame?

For her, it was twelve years. It may well have been a life time. It  certainly felt that way…

She had tried everything she could think of, to handle her business on her own. She saw anyone she thought might heal her—help her. But nothing. Twelve years had passed and she was still bleeding.

Now what she saw as her last chance to get her healing was standing only feet away. It was this Jesus…

She knew that if she could just touch His clothes—no, just the tassels of His outer garment as they slid past her fingers in the dust, everything would be okay—she’d be healed.

I’ll just slip into the crowd unnoticed. I’ll stoop down low enough to the ground to just touch His tassel as He passes by—He’ll never even know I was there! And hopefully, neither will anyone else. I’ll just stay real low to the ground and …

Shame will do that to us. It steals our dignity. It causes us to feel unworthy to even go before the only One who is truly able to heal us—save us, free us from our sin, wrong thinking, and, shame.

But Jesus was having no part of her worldly way of thinking! He was not interested in playing hide and seek. He was not going to allow this woman to live her life isolated any longer…

He was interest in healing far more than her mere issue of blood… “Who touched me?” Jesus asked (Lk. 8:45).

Her worst nightmare had just been realized. He had singled her out! Oh no, no, please, no, Lord I did not mean to... “And when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling, and falling down before him…” (Lk. 8:47).

Why? Why would Jesus call her out? Surely, being God—He knew who it was who had touched Him and why…

So why call her out in front of the very people she was so ashamed and afraid to be seen by? To touch…

Was He trying to shame her? Was He going to publicly rebuke her?

No. Quite the contrary…

Our first clue to Jesus’ motives in calling her out comes through His choice of words. He called her daughter. It’s a relational title. A title that infers privilege. A daughter has unfettered access to her dad—she shares an intimacy and bond with him that is not shared with just anyone…

Secondly, He declared her healed. Again, let’s look at His choice of words…

He uses the expression Shalom—which encapsulates; renewal, completeness, and, a blessing for peace…

Jesus knew that for His daughter to be truly healed—soul healed, she, as well as those around her, needed to hear Him openly declare her to be healed. From the root of  her need, not merely from her symptoms.

His words restored her, made her touchable once again, worthy of love, worthy of all the rights and honors a father confers, lovingly, upon his daughter…

In bringing her issue out into the open Jesus not only healed her physically, He released a life that had wasted away in a prison of religious isolation. She had skulked through 12 long years of shame—of others thoughtlessness disregard…

Jesus gave her, and indirectly those around her, permission to once again live communally, openly, equally. To live a life made whole. “And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace” (Lk. 8:48).

She didn’t want to do it—take that first frightening step into the all revealing light of Christ. That Light that would bring illumination to her secrets, and expose her hidden fears.

Overcoming shame, and the fear that often accompanies it, requires us to muster the courage to fall—to humble ourselves, at Jesus’ feet and confess openly to Him our “issue”…

We must be brave enough to finally walk away from—reject, both our own human thoughts and vain imaginings, as well as those imposed on us by others…

We must leave behind those ideas that caused us to close ourselves off from Jesus—and simply accept Him at His Word.

“Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed” (Isa.53:4-5).


He wasn’t interested in simply stopping her bleeding. Nor is He interested in just stopping yours. He wanted her restored to Him. And He wants that same restoration for you as well.

Now, and for all eternity.

It’s why He came into the world. Why He stepped across time and eternity to bring heaven to earth…

Why He would not walk away from such a pitiless death. “Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour” (Jn. 12:27).

Won’t you, like the woman found in today’s Scripture, bring your issue to Jesus? Why squander another year of your life carting around something you weren’t created to carry…?

Give it to Jesus today. Receive His power in exchange for your weakness. “Who touched me?” Jesus asked. “Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me” (Jn. 8:45-46).


He Is Doing A “New Thing.” Isa. 43:18-19

                                                                                                                           “Do not remember the former things,Or ponder the things of the past. “Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.”  Isaiah 43:18-19 (Amp)

   Living in Hawaii is a blessing. At any given morning you can wake up before the sun rises and drive to any beach and watch this beautiful art piece come alive that God creates for us every morning called the Sunrise. The sunrise is visible almost anywhere. But, there are several spots on the island that bring you closer to this special experience; where you can actually feel the sun as it’s coming up over the horizon. Experience it, brushing across your face like a warm gentle hand. Enlivening you, as it Ignites your senses. All the while its warmth runs from the top of your head. Resting, it kisses your checks. Finally, it moves its way down to the tips of your toes, and you are one…

Can you hear the waves pounding on the shore? Their rhythmic worship?And can you taste the tang of salt from the oceans mist… ?

I can feel it now as I write. All of it! All my senses coming alive. Every cell in my body awakened and I stand in awe of God’s glory…

You can worship anywhere, at any given time on this island. Anywhere in the world for that matter…

But, some worship experiences are as unique, as glorious, as my special spot on the eastern point here in Oahu. A place where the sunrise is clearer and far more majestic than on any other place on the island at that moment.

     Isaiah was writing a prophetic word to the Israelite’s in the verses above. They were not only cast out of Israel but now were being held captive by the Babylonians. In the above verses, Isaiah leads the Israelite’s into the realization that they are to, “forget the former things and do not dwell on the past.”

He instructs them that If they continued to hold on to their old way of doing things or seeing only how the Lord had once brought them out of Egypt, then, they will miss the “New Thing” that God was going to do now.

If I hold on to the memory of the way the sunrise looked yesterday, and I go expecting it to look the same way the next time I go to that same spot, I won’t appreciate and/or see the sunrise doing a new thing.

Every morning the sun will rise. I know this. I am sure that nothing will stop the sun from rising unless something extreme has happened to the earth’s natural order.

Yet, every morning, the sun is new. Every morning it offers a different experience…

God was not only delivering the Israelite’s from captivity, He was, also, sending His only Son. He was sending a permanent solution for the Israelite’s sins. For our sins.

The end of the verse 19 says, “Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” It wasn’t a condition of something they did.

Nor is it anything you and I have done that merits us this grace. It is who God is naturally. He wanted to create that road from sin to salvation in the wilderness. He said He would. Not could. Nor, would He possibly do it…

He said, I WILL even put a road in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.”

Imagine that.

Close your eyes for a moment and visualize this…

Your lost in the wilderness and you can’t find your way out of it. After searching, being tired and afraid, you find a road…

Wouldn’t you feel excited? Wouldn’t you think, “Okay now there’s hope!”

Jesus is our road to salvation. Our road to hope. Our verses also tell us that He will send rivers in the desert. And, that this river in the desert is the Spirit that God gives to us when we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Jesus is referred to as, “Living Water” (John 4:10-15).

Jesus, Himself, told the Samaritan woman at the well that He had living water. He was offering her this water that would quench her thirst always. He told her that the water He was giving her would spring forth from within her to eternal life…

As we enter this new year, may you realize that God wants to offer you that very same hope…

That new way of looking towards Jesus. Of seeing, anticipating, expecting, the “new thing” that He is doing in your life.

Isaiah 49:8-10: This is what the Lord says, “In a favorable time I have answered you, And in a day of salvation I have helped You; And I will keep watch over You and give You for a covenant of the people, To restore the land [from its present state of ruin] and to apportion and give as inheritances the deserted hereditary lands, Saying to those who are bound and captured, ‘Go forth,’ And to those who are in [spiritual] darkness, ‘Show yourselves [come into the light of the Savior]. ’They will feed along the roads [on which they travel], And their pastures will be on all the bare heights. “They will not hunger or thirst, Nor will the scorching heat or sun strike them down; For He who has compassion on them will lead them, And He will guide them to springs of water.”

I just love what verse nine says above, “to those who are bound, come forth, and to those who are in [spiritual]darkness, show yourselves [come into the light of the sun of righteousness.”

Wherever you are in your walk with Him, wherever you are in the world. Whatever bondage has you hostage….

TODAY a “New Thing” can happen. Will you not recognize it?

The Lord is holding out his hand and asking you to Step into the Sunlight and see that He is doing a “New Thing.”

Written by: Angelica Kauhako

Welcome Angelica!

I am proud to announce our newest, dynamic, contributing author, Mrs. Angelica Kauhako. Angelica is woman who is passionate for the Lord. She was born and raised here, in Oahu. Along with being a born-again, Spirit-filled believer, Angelica is also a devoted, loving wife, mother, and, grandmother. She is a college graduate and holds certifications in substance abuse counseling. Angelica is dedicated to ministering to those women incarcerated here in Oahu. She has shared with me that one of her greatest passions is seeing others accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Please join me in extending a warm Aloha to Angelica…

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