road-908176_960_720 “So roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear, be totally ready to receive the gift that’s coming when Jesus arrives. Don’t lazily slip back into those old grooves of evil, doing just what you feel like doing. You didn’t know any better then; you do now” (1Pt.1:13-14)

Let’s talk about grace—yes I know, the Scripture verse speaks to us about Holiness. But without grace, prevenient grace, it is impossible to achieve holiness! As impossible as achieving salvation on our own accord—ridiculous.

Our brother Peter, that great Apostle, addresses the bewildering, unmerited, inconceivable gift of our salvation within the opening of his Epistle. He writes to you expounding on the glorious future reserved for the chosen of God!

Straight-away in verse two he addresses God’s elect.  If you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, he’s talking to you, personally!

Amazing right? Listen: “Chosen by the foreknowledge of God the Father and sanctified by the Spirit for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by His blood” (1:2) He goes on to say that in His great mercy He has given you new birth into a living hope.

Now if into a living hope, what was the state of that hope before it became alive? None. No hope—zilch !

You had no hope in Him. Until grace, amazing grace, astonishing grace, unmerited grace came and rescued you from the pig-pen, the death-snare, the extreme disconnectedness from God—certain death is what your so-called life looked like!

Mind you, God was never disconnected from you. Get that into your inner-most being. Not for one second did God not know what was happening in your life. Let me take that one step further to demonstrate the extent of His awareness—He was orchestrating your every step! “You scrutinize my path and my lying down, And are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O LORD, You know it all. You have enclosed me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me” (Ps.139:3-5).

Yup, even those days you thought were going to kill you—God knew about those, grace upon grace. It’s why your still here!

So let’s get on with it, shall we?

Now that you know that you’re His, chosen before the world was even formed! And, that the work of sanctification is working within you via the power of the Spirit you received the very second Jesus sealed you as His own…now you can focus, with laser-beam intensity on Kingdom work! but don’t miss that…

Sealed as His own!

Listen to how the Apostle Paul, the one responsible for writing Thirteen Books of the Old Testament explains it to you: “Now it is God who establishes both us and you in Christ. He anointed us, placed His seal on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a pledge of what is to come” (2Cor.1:22).

Is that a promise I hear sprinkled within his words? A deposit given you toward a future inheritance? If a deposit, that surely means there is more to come…grace upon grace.

It is to this grace that Peter transitions when he hits verse thirteen. Moving us from salvation he now elucidates holiness. He is teaching you a great theological truth… Holy living.

He speaks to the need of your preparedness. To the  actions required on your part. That you, in our mission to live holy, must be self-controlled. That you must establish, regulate, affix our hope unwaveringly on the grace to be given when Jesus Christ is revealed. (1:13). Though a free gift, you must choose to receive it. Positioning yourself to bring God glory.

Wait, what did he just say? Grace to be given you? You mean in addition to what you have now—there’s more grace coming to you?

Yes! Peter is trying to tell you that there is grace, upon grace, upon grace…endless grace. Necessary grace. Merciful grace. Saving grace…poured out on you to help strengthen you to live Holy, worthy, radical lives! (Jn.15:5).

Is grace a license? As Paul says, God forbid (2Cor. 2:10)!

When you were ignorant in your sin, living unenlightened lives, you had no knowledge that God’s grace was already at work in you, willing His way be done (2 Pt.3:9). You were blinded by your selfishness and—your have it my way mentality! For many, it was only after they received salvation that they were taught that it was by His grace, His unmerited favor, that this salvation came to them at all. Not until They had experienced His dawning—imbibing illumination from The Holy Spirit did they understand their salvation (Phil.2:12-13; 2Pt.1;10; Gal. 2:20).

Before I go on, let that sink in. Indulge me here…Visualize a feather, like in the opening scene of Forrest Gump. See it floating about on the air, languidly drifting along the unseen current—with seeming aimlessness. It almost touches down on one fellow, but wait…nope. A sudden updraft and it’s off again. Watch it land ever so gently, intentionally, at the feet of Forrest as he sits at a bus stop.

And so it was with you and I… “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting” (Acts 2:2). You may not have heard His mighty arrival, but if you’re His—surely you felt Him! In the pew or at your bus stop…that tiny tremor whose after shocks are still toppling mountains in your life.

The Holy Spirit is laser-focused, locked on—to awakening in you Christ-like obedience. And just as Forrest picked up that seemingly random feather and placed it safely in his suitcase, so too must you, with great care and determined resolve, take hold of and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor.3:18). Grace, and more grace will be given…

How do you receive this grace? You set our hope. This is not a fanciful suggestion, rather a challenging command. Peter is your General in the Army of the Lord and he is training you to—set your hope. Fix it, cement it, tie it down as with blocks. You must focus unshakable faith, your complete, whole, entire hope on the grace that awaits you when Jesus returns. As a soldier prepares for battle, so too you must prepare (Eph.6:10-18).

Your example?

As always—Jesus. Allow the Master to teach by example just how it is you are to set your hope—your faith.

Luke’s Gospel tells you that shortly after Jesus’ transfiguration, as His time was drawing near to face His death, burial and resurrection Jesus; “Resolutely set out for Jerusalem” (Lk. 9:51). With foreknowledge, and strong-willed purpose.

Had Jesus taken-up His Earthly Throne then and there, at that first Palm Sunday, the work of the cross wouldn’t have been completed. And salvation and grace would be an unknown to us. That is what His disciples thought was about to happen. But Jesus had you and I in mind when He set His face toward Jerusalem that day. And you too, should always be looking ahead—eyes fixed on things eternal (Col. 3:2).

He was looking toward a future He would make available to those that would follow Him. And with it, the grace necessary to run their race faithfully, effectively—until His return for them, you, and I.

So what is this faith you are to have? faith is hope. Hope in an unseen, unknown future. Trusting. What distinguishes faith and hope? Little actually. faith is a now thing—your motivating force. You need faith in action to believe, today, moment to moment, that God is going to do what He said He would do (Heb. 11:1).

Hope is something you cast into the future. You attach faith to your line of hope and toss it forward. And what is it you’re hoping to catch? First, always—the strength needed to bring glory to God. After, eternity with Jesus! The crown of life, the, “Well done my good and faithful servant!”  That is your hope. Your expectation… grace upon grace.

You witness faith and hope linked explicitly in Father Abraham. In faith He believed God (now) when God promised Him a child and from him, a nation. Even when he knew that his body was a withered vine incapable of producing fruit! That’s hope in action. (Gen.17:21). Again we see faith and hope united in Caleb. He had the faith necessary to believe that they, (the Israelite’s) could overcome fortified cities and giants and takes possession of the land the Lord promised them? What land? The Promised Land …Caleb’s now faith, (Jos.14:7-8). His hope, (Jos.14:14).

I keep repeating this phrase—grace upon grace. Why? Because just as surely as it was grace that reached His All-Powerful Hand across time and eternity to saves you; it is and will continually be grace upon grace that continually lavishes you, undeservedly… until the Day of His coming (Jud.1:24).

Solely by the saving power of His unmerited grace is how you will accomplish what Peter is exhorting in verse fourteen. Be obedient children…

Now that you have obtained His amazing, glorious, transformative gift of salvation, you are not to be like a dog that returns to its own vomit. Don’t return to the evil desires of the flesh you had when you lived in ignorance, darkness—as the living dead…

Rather, wrap yourself in a cocoon, a shield of hope and faith. Separating yourself from the world. Because as John 3:3 tells us; “He that hath this hope in him purifies himself.” 

God is Omniscient. He knew you would require this grace upon grace, not only for our salvation but also—to finish your race. (Eph. 1:7-10)

Beloved, you need to jump head long, unabashed, into the promises of God. Boldly, confidently, steadfastly chasing after God, His will and good-pleasure! Until that day mentioned in Philippians.

“And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you” (1:6).

Be Holy as He is Holy Beloved…How? Set your face. And hold tight to grace upon grace. Be a light in this present darkness!