people-1099782_960_720 It had been revealed to Peter—Christ’ identity that is.

They answered and said, “John the Baptist, and others say Elijah; but others, that one of the prophets of old has risen again. “And He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” And Peter answered and said, “The Christ of God.” (Lk.9:19-20; emphasis added).

So let’s talk about knowing...that which is meant for your eyes only. Because, heartbreakingly, not everyone chooses to see. “He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn–and I would heal them” (Jn.12:40).
However God in His sapience, chose to open Peter’s eyes to who Jesus truly was. And so it comes as little surprise, that of those disciples gathered together when the women returned from finding an empty tomb early that morning, that it would once again be Peter who was among the first to—see.

But Peter got up and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen wrappings only; and he went away to his home, marveling at what had happened” (Lk 24:11-12NASB; emphasis added).

Some versions read that, he went off wondering in himself,others, amazed at what happened…and others still, wondering in himself at that which had come to pass.

But in researching our text I was struck by the phraseology used in the Aramaic Bible in Plain English…listen—Shimeon(Simon) arose and he ran to the tomb, and beholding, he saw the linen that was placed by itself and he left wondering in his soul over what had happened” (Lk. 24:12).

As rich as Luke 24 is—containing a plethora of revelatory Scriptural lessons, it is not toward its many richly mined examples of theological thought that we will heading today. Rather, we will tread a fresher ground, and camp out at the entrance of the proverbial heart.

Peter’s heart that is…And that of those two unnamed disciples as well, you now, the guys heading to Emmaus.

For a moment, let’s center on Peter’s response to the news that the women who walked with Jesus have just conveyed to the disciples. Deeper, let’s ask ourselves what happened in Peters belly, in his knower, that made him get up and run to the tomb.

What separated him from the other eleven that sat self-righteously ridiculing these faithful women? And our two unknown’s, what caused them to make a beeline back to Jerusalem after having met a man? Lastly, how does this apply to you and I?

Gnosis, knowing—like a man knows his wife. Intimately, wholly, as we are known by Christ. Not as a plain intellectual exercise, as with—after reading the autobiography of George Washington I can honestly say I feel like I know him now. Intellect is a sure part of gnosis—in fact, it’s one of three of its informing components actually. As God is Triune, being created in His image so too are we comprised—mind, soul, and Spirit.

And as with Peter, our capacity to know and love God is possible only because He first loved and knew us.

So why Peter? Why not any of the others, after all, the eleven were ever present? And they too loved and served Jesus? Just look in the boat, they’re all there—yet only Peter risked getting out of the boat to respond to Jesus’ bidding to come walk on water with his Lord.  And now, running out of this room, though John followed—it is Peter we see jumping up and running off to check the tomb. And just a few chapters back, again, it was Peter that spoke the words that came from God Himself, “But who do you say I am?” He asked. Peter replied, “The Christ of God” (Luke 9:20).

Peter, atop of Mount Herman, He stood among the elect of the elect. He heard the voice of Father God bear witness to His love of, and pleasure in, His Son Jesus. The revelation of Christ’s glory in this chapter was a clear confirmation to the disciples of the truth of Peter’s confession of faith (16:16). It was also encouragement for Jesus; opposition had started to mount and would greatly increase.

It was Peter, pulling a coin out of the mouth of a fish to pay their taxes, his and Jesus’, Peter watching his Master not once, but twice, break bread, and in so doing multiply it to feed thousands. Peter, who in a moment of supreme weakness, only moments after having cut off a man’s ear in a fierce rage, denied Christ, thrice…

Why was it he jumped up first and ran?

Did his running really have anything to do with him or was he compelled? Both. Yes, he certainly had free will as we each do. And yes, he exercised it in that moment. But Just as the Scripture implies, Peter knew something…some past spark of a conversation fanned into full on flame…

Remember, we are searching today, weeding through the obvious, plucking up the ordinary, clearing away the similar, looking  for the deeper things.

From their early beginnings with Jesus, each man was individually invited to follow Him. Specifically chosen, hand selected, for some innate quality that lay dormant within, almost certainly it was wholly unknown to each them.

But God knew…

And He sent Jesus to draw them into fellowship with Himself. And over time, and with great compassion and unplumbed love, Jesus drew their dormant gifting’s into active use. Kingdom use, eternal use…

Jesus foresaw that in order for each of them to fulfill their divine destinies, death would have to occur. Remember He tasted of the Glory that was yet to come, it’s surety, on the Mount of Transfiguration. And so He knew (gnosis) that asking them to die was inviting them not only into life, but guaranteeing them that within that life their gifting’s would be complete. Not greater, in the sense of better than Jesus’, but rather in their ability in sheer numbers to fulfill the Great Commission…, listen… “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father” (Jn.14:12).

It is here where we share in Peter’s experience, as in John’s, Mark’s, and Thomas’s.

Death must come so that life can begin—if you are called to serve God, as each of these men clearly were—remember, their handpicked, then death is imminent.

Going out fishing can be fun, but its fun benefits only the fisherman. Catching fish on the other hand, benefits everyone who is able to eat from the catch. But first, obviously, death must occur before substantive life can be offered to anyone. As the fish surrenders it life to feed, so we too must surrender ours to do the same. And so we die daily to self, will, pride, desires…the right to life itself.

So why Peter?

He was chosen specifically for what the Lord knew of Him. And so it followed with the eleven, and, as with dominoes, to us as well. To do the great works that brought Jesus to the Cross, the Restorative, Redemptive work of salvation demands a knowing of sacrificial love…

Death must occur. Proof you ask? Had there been no crucifixion, there’d  be no need for a resurrection.

Why Peter…because He knew this. And some two-thousand years later, through his lifework and in his death, He is still preaching The Great Commission, still fulfilling His calling to feed God’s people.

Man’s fallen mortal condition could never have allowed for this…Only death to self and Life in Christ allows for the inclusion into that kind of transformative power.

Why Peter, because He knew outside of Christ, He was nothing…and from that knowing willingly, lovingly, deliberately paid the price required to have Jesus…His life.

Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Tend My lambs.” He said to him again a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Shepherd My sheep.” He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Tend My sheep.…