man-1031687_960_720  So the sheep has been found,

and the coin has been found; however, we now have a son who appears to be bent on running away! He has just told his dad, “I want what is due me when you die, but I don’t want to wait for it. So let’s pretend you’re dead, give me my inheritance and I’ll be on my way!” (paraphrased) (Lu.15:3-32NIV).

His name? We know him as the prodigal son.

Which by the way, when broken down, literally means…, wasteful, particularly where money is concerned. It is derived from two Latin root words that, when combined, refers to one who drives his money forward.  Pro, meaning “forth” and agere meaning “to drive”. Drive forth, push away…like oil separating on water, he and his money are parted.

We have looked at two of the three parables in this Fifteenth Chapter of Luke, this being our last. Three parables, three players, one consistent message. Seeking and finding what has been lost.

What caused this son, who represents one that has had relationship with God, to stick his toes into the waters of the world? To turn his back and walk away from a loving Father who has freely provided for His son? Why demand freedom from the arms of loving protection and provision? What caused Him to basically tell His Father to drop dead and give me what I know I’ll get it anyway? Greed…

Listen to how James explains it to us, “You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures. You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God” (Jas.4:3-4).

Like so many in our churches today, our prodigal is openly irreligious. He has tasted the goodness of the Lord, but felt perhaps like he was still missing out on what was out there, i.e., in the world. Maybe it stemmed from problems at home, maybe early childhood feelings of inadequacy and isolation? Maybe he wasn’t allowed to hang with those he longed to be with, because they did not long to be with him? Maybe it was none of the above and he simply decided that what he saw others doing he wasn’t willing to miss out on, and he figured why not after all, God is full of mercy and grace right?

Our young friend wanted to play the proverbial field. He wanted the best of both worlds and in his sinful, blinding lust for more, in pursuit of this illusive freedom he felt others had and he has been denying himself, he rebelled. He listened to the cunning deceptive words of father of lies who wanted nothing more than to get our young friend alone and away from the protection of His Father and his family. He obviously forgot about what happened to Eve when she listened to him…(Gen.3:1-7). Much like that one sheep in our earlier post, who strayed from the 99, satan wants nothing more than to separate us from God.

His mission according to Scripture is, “To kill, steal and destroy” (Jn.10:10NIV). He is called a thief. He doesn’t want to add to you, or give you anything of lasting value, he simply wants all that you have and then to leave you an empty husk of a person. Useless and frail, no good to yourself and certainly not to others. Talk to any addict and they will share with you the horrors of his deceptive lies. “And through his shrewdness He will cause deceit to succeed by his influence; And he will magnify himself in his heart, and he will destroy many while they are at ease. He will even oppose the Prince of princes, but he will be broken without human agency” (Dan.8:25NIV).

Has there ever been a time in your walk with God that this very urge has bitten you? Caused you to stray too far from God? Brought you to your own personal pig-pen like our young friend? I know it has me…I know I like him have woken up from what seemed a nightmare of epic proportion wondering, how did I fall so far so fast? Our young friend found himself a slave of one who had no real regard for him. Tending his pigs and wishing his ravenous belly had the pods to eat these filthy animals, known back home as, dabhar acheer; “the other things”, had. He was filled with shame and conviction. Yet, here he was living with them, stinking of them, covered in their mess and longing for their pods. He yearned to be home, with his Father…How far the fall when we turn away from God!

Our young friend, through the loving kindness and relentless pursuit our Father demonstrates toward us, was woken-up! He thought to himself, I must go home, what have I done…? but I am ashamed and don’t deserve my Father’s forgives for wishing Him dead and taking from Him what was His to give in His own time. I know that He is a good and kind man who has always loved and shown me forgiveness. I must go back and beg His forgiveness, perhaps, even if He will not accept me back as a son, he will allow me to be as one of His slaves. They at least have good food in plenty, and a clean warm place to lay their head, not like here in this forsaken place amongst these unclean creatures (Lu. 15:17-20NIV)!

Look over there, do you see that man standing in the fine robes gathered securely between his legs? Yes, I know, no self-respecting Jewish Father would be caught dead doing such and undignified thing as lifting his robes and baring his legs in public! it is against protocol and tradition. But He is desperate. His beloved son has been gone so long and he yearns for him to be home again. So he comes here to watch and waits for the slightest glimpse of him. His heart poised at the ready to release all vanity, dignity…, the cares of tradition and what others may say or think. And to run with all his aging legs have in them at the slightest glimpse of his son…

now wait, what is that breaking the crest of that distant hill? A head? Yes, his head! And with that this Fathers heart explodes with joy, empowering His legs with youthful speed as he races to His son.

“My Boy!”, “My Beloved”, he thinks, “He came back!” and this Father hangs onto His son for dear life!

“Father I sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son”.

Now the Fathers servants alarmed after having seen their master run off in a manner unbecoming of his station immediately ran after Him. Stopping just behind him, they too saw the returning son walking toward them, frail and downtrodden. Then they understood why this Father had acted in such a startling manner

“Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found” (Lu.15:22-24).

All ends well for the prodigal it seems, we don’t hear any more about him acting out again in Scripture. He is restored to his Father and family. He is covered in a robe of right-standing, the righteousness that Christs’ death and resurrection offers us all. He wears a signet ring on his finger, a crest of his Father’s family. This gives him authority to place a seal on all he decrees as binding, so long as it is in agreement with the Fathers’ Will (Isa.45:11-12; Matt.16:18-19). And his feet are shod with sandals as it is custom that only slaves walk about barefooted. Children’s feet, as well as all of their needs, are met and assured by the care and provision of the Father.

This journey on the road of rebellion was a long and debilitating one for our young friend. On it he lost his family, home, possessions, dignity, integrity, self-respect, friends, and his inheritance. Can you relate? If so, take heart!

Remember that when he finally came to himself and decided to turn his life around and humbled himself before his Father, not only did he not meet with shame, screaming and rejection. His Father had already been out looking for him. Just waiting for the slightest glimpse of his son’s willingness to return to him and what happened?

The Father ended up chasing the son down, not only welcoming him back home, but throwing a celebration and rejoicing! just as with the man who lost his sheep and our woman who lost her coin!

This is the heart of Father God for the lost. People condemn, God seeks, saves and rejoices. Even when we have let ourselves get covered in the filth of the world (our pain and shame)! Will you return home to your Father today? He’s ready and waiting! “Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. ‘I will be found by you,’ declares the LORD, ‘and I will restore your fortunes and will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you,’ declares the LORD, ‘and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile.’” (Jer.29:12-14).
